Reviews from

Contests--My Two Cents Worth

my take on recent posts

46 total reviews 
Comment from Rdfrdmom2
This work has reached the exceptional level

Spiritual Echo:

It's been months since I've posted anything here because
life has simply gotten in the way. I do try to get on
when I can to review, however, and am trying to build
my fanstory account and member cents so that when I do,
I can reward reviewers for reading my work. Over the years,
however, no matter how much some people pay, I won't read
their work because it's just not worth my time.

One thing I know for sure, my writing has suffered
because I haven't been on site as often as I'd like to

thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 22-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
    Jan, long before I found FS, when I too felt that I had no time at all to do things for myself, et alone pursue new or suppressed dreams, I'd make up stories in my head. Just because you don't have much time to write on paper, it doesn't mean you can't plot out stories in your mind.

    Thanks for the very generous review and all the stars. I wish you well and hope you get some time for your writing.
reply by Rdfrdmom2 on 22-Jan-2014
    thanks - I'm writing for but that's not the same as spontaneous writing
Comment from lancellot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You know. I am just a little upset. I did not write about the contests. I wrote about actually making a Blind contest, BLIND. The process or program the site using to blind them needs to be fixed because it has flaws. I know programmers who could do it in less than an hour.

People don't always understand what is written and make assumptions. Not saying your are, but when you put another member's name in your work, without asking them. misunderstandings happen (Something I never do.)

 Comment Written 22-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
    I said that I was weighing in after reading your essay, but in no way suggested that you were in agreement with anything I said. I meant no disrespect, only to acknowledge that you had posted an essay about your thoughts about contests. I'm removing that sentence right now and offer my apologies.
reply by lancellot on 23-Jan-2014
    No need to apoligize and it's not you. Not all people fully understand what they read.
Comment from Cumbrianlass
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Like I said to Nancy just now, it seems I missed out on a behind the bike sheds schoolyard scrap over some silly contests.


I'm only here right now because of you. Did you know that? I got VERY disillusioned a short while ago with all the bitching and whining on this site, and seriously thought about pulling out my entire portfolio and wishing everyone adios. Some things on here seem so petty and amateurish, and I get tired of it.

You reminded me that it should be treated as a fun site, and you were, to a large enough degree to keep me here, quite correct.

Still, there's this little niggle that's been irritating me and won't stop.

I have to be careful, because I know me. I know how I am. I'm a spontaneous 'fuck you, then' person, who will pack her bags and disappear off into the mists of time with nary a look back.

Sometimes I regret my knee-jerk reactions. Most of the time I don't, because I'm too darn proud and stubborn to admit I acted hastily.

Good post. There seems to be a slew of these at the moment. What triggered them?


 Comment Written 22-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
    The way it shook out, and who knows the initial source, it seems there was quite a lot of noise that all prompts and member sponsored contests were rigged and member cheated, e-mailing each other to share titles and get votes.

    I figured that I'd weigh in and spell out some realities for new members that don't know any better, endorse Nancy's post and in my own way, call them all cry babies. Between Nancy, Lee and I all making comments the impact was stronger than usual. Those three essays collectively pulled in almost 100 reviews--never saw anything like it.
Comment from maggieadams
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have opened my eyes. I came upon this site by accident as I googled "self-publish"and this was one of the sites that popped-up. I have totally enjoyed the relationships and therapy I have realized from this site. I am such a neophyte, not really understanding all the "tricks" of the trade, but I do gravitate to good writers, nice people and I assure you, you are one of those. I enjoy the contests, haven't won one yet, but I don't care, it is the experience. Those few people that complain, really? It is their problem,. Just wanted to let you know, I review quite a few stories and poems that offer only two cents....they are good and I like connecting.

 Comment Written 22-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
    Like any community, but especially ones like this one where bullies can hide behind screens and say things they'd never dare utter in person, there will always be issues.

    I was responding to some BS that all prompts are rigged and all winners are cheaters, but through the post, I also hoped to educate new writers on site to some realities.

    I've got some incredible relationships on FS and I treasure their support and company. As you become better known, and you will, there will be folks that you trust with the truth and those that offer fluff and have different agendas.

    Thanks for reading and thanks for reading for two cent reviews.
Comment from Bicpen
This work has reached the exceptional level


May I say my concern for not using this site was the amount of trivia I was getting in reviews with next to no educational correction ... this to say the least was disheartening as I had to spend good solid cash to promote my work for reviews ... in the end I gave up on this site as I discovered there are really very few who take any intrest in other peoples work unless they can score big with the funny money.

I wish to continue with my poetry but noot until I get some help with my editing this will have to be done privately as I can see no benefit from this site other than to display my work.

You get the six for honesty and opinion.

 Comment Written 22-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
    Thanks, I appreciate the very generous stars and your response, sharing your own experiences her.

    I'm afraid I'm no a poet and really can't comment on this genre with any intelligent feed back, but I'm sincerely sorry you didn't find like-minded members that would work with you.
Comment from evrenios
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I must say - I really enjoyed this "write" of yours. It is actually the third essay in as many days that I have read from established site writers which have ranted a bit and talked about the ins and outs of the site.

I am fairly new (joined in November) but have been hooked in reviewing (sometimes to the detriment of my writing). I joined in order to receive feedback to my writing which had never been read by anyone (I tend to keep my poetic thoughts close to my chest). But I decided: "If not now, when?" and began. However, I have been dismayed to see that stories and poems about puppies, Jesus (I have no quarrel with that - you have to understand), broken hearts, broken hearts, broken hearts etc. are the usual fare here. I was actually told that my work wasn't any good because it didn't rhyme!

In return there has been virtually no feed back of any consequence except from a few people. I have discovered that here, as in life, people cheat in their reviews in order to garner the points. This promotes the kind of poetry that proliferates on the site, - easily read, short and has a lot of points. When someone doesn't bother to read what the deeper sense of the metaphor or simile is and tell me yum yum or nice work - it doesn't seem worth it.

I have met a few people I respect (You happen to be one, by the way) who take this craft seriously as I do. I was warned at the beginning, but didn't know what that meant.

With all this being said - I would rather be here than writing in a vacuum where no one sees my work at all. (My husband thinks all poetry should rhyme, by the way, and my brother - my other reader- think it should not only rhyme but have limerick - like meter.)

Thank you for this essay. I apologize for the long response - it is just that you have hit a sore place that I am aware of (even in the very short time that I have been here.) I wish some things were different. I cannot buy my way to the top - and for what reason??? To be at the top? That is not my goal. Thank you for giving me light and spreading your wisdom. I respect you and am grateful to you.


 Comment Written 22-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
    I'm touched by your response. Every writer, regardless of genre likes to hear that his/her thoughts are mirrored, that they resonated with a reader. your openness about your own experiences is very heartening.

    I am not a port and rarely review what I can't fully understand. Poetry with bluebirds and rose petal bore me to tears and yes, there are a few zealots on site whom I frankly I think that even Jesus would get bored after a while.

    there are some great free verse poets around here. If you want a break and can use a laugh, check out Closetpoetjester. Most of her stuff rhymes, but she writes about anything, including belly lint one time and cracks me up all the time.

    you're right, better here than writing in a vacuum and you'll find your place and space. Thanks again.
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Loved your author's not. There's gotta be more than one Tom. It's a screen name, like the members have. Your points are well taken throughout. Great beginning about the child who pouted when he didn't get his way. You're right about that matter of quantity over quality. I think of some poets who think they have to post something twice a day. No one can be that creative! I was glad to see the "well-received stories" feature, as that doesn't reflect how much the writer has paid out. Excellent presentation. judi

 Comment Written 22-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
    There are usually a few controversies that blow up a storm each season. I honestly don't know what started this idea that we were all cheating to grab the precious prize pool.
reply by judiverse on 22-Jan-2014
    I certainly don't think there's a wide-spread problem. A few bad apples, but not enough to spoil things. judi
Comment from GWHARGIS
This work has reached the exceptional level

I think what I like about your writing is the no holds barred quality to it. You never push buttons just to be pushing them. No, you go after the weak link and try to come up with some sort of solution to fix it. Every time I see your postings, I get excited. Not just because I have no real life, but because I know I'm getting some real meat.

 Comment Written 22-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
    Here's the thing. I don't have much of a 'life' either, but I keep making up playmates in my head, tell their stories on lie and if they piss me off, I simply delete them. I am the most sanitary of all axe killers.

    You spoil me with your kind words, support and the stars. Sincere thanks.
Comment from Maureen's Pen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Ingrid,

Loved this expression of truth and all that you have penned. As I reflect on your words I am hoping I retain your wisdom with my own.

I don't much care on stars, bells, whistles or rank - which to some members sounds more like my insanity. And many can't understand why that is so.

I just love to write, and have a deep insatiable need to write. I need and want to share, for no other reason than it makes me happy to do so.

I have gained an appreciation for the art of writing ....for me it is a skill in constant change - hopefully improving and inspiring but at the very least it is my two cents back to the world.

I am always a student learning as I go.
I so enjoyed your thoughts - the bare bones of reality a few - ok more than a few - need to read.

Excellent skill write - but for me it was a work that reminded me to be humble in my words, and all I share.
Thanks so much for sharing yours.

 Comment Written 22-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
    Ah Maureen, you make me feel like I'm walking on holy ground when I read your response. The sincerity just oozes through and we share many points about writing and the sanctity of what we hope to accomplish on this site.

    Thanks so much for such a beautiful and warm reply to my essay.
Comment from Dan Diego
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The results of member-sponsored contests are up for debate because some feel they are not blind enough. That's tough sledding for Tom on a site that is part fiction, part poetry, and part social. Your YMCA analogy fits.

Your essay is well organized, well written and well, pretty much on target. Thanks for the two cents.

 Comment Written 22-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
    Hey, did you notice that I threw in an extra quarter as a bonus? LOL I seriously doubt that Tom will address any of the views floating around the forum. I'm not doubting any sincerity in listening to member concerns, but for any change to occur it would take many thousands of dollars, IT guys and software changes. thanks for the read.