Reviews from


Will I KICK the Goal?

31 total reviews 
Comment from despiser
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Bloody socks. Paw widdo Bunny
It's not that hard really, you're just domestically challenged lol.
But you try, and that counts for something.
Nice little offbeat rhymer Bunns. No matter how hard it gets, never fold ===(:o-p)

-DEE sock teaser

 Comment Written 04-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2013
    Got that fuckin book yet?

    You should know Bunny NEVER fold...hahaha


    Fank YOO
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Socks to you, P. Love the images of socks as furry flocks. foot gloves, building blocks. The unmatched and odd-- guess they lost their mate in dryer heaven. Or maybe they're the ones you didn't complete last week. :-( A fun read.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2013
    LOL Loved your review Shari, thanks a bundle.
    Fancy pairin' up some foot covers? LMAO
    Hugs P
Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I remember at least one of your sock poems from a few years ago. It resonated for me then as this one does now, because I always have solo socks whose mates defy discovery. I enjoyed your rhymed quatrains and especially liked the image of "furry flocks/foot gloves." Misery loves company--so, I'm glad your final stanza is a fantasy! LOL -Joan

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2013
    Thanks Joan, I remember you've supported this whole sock saga from the beginning.
    Some suggested a socks therapist. I'm thinking thats worth a try. LMAO Thanks for an awesome review.
    Hugs P
reply by Joan E. on 04-Jun-2013
    I don't know about a socks' therapist, but I do hope you continue the series! I just bought three pairs with toes and I hoping they stay as couples!! -J
reply by the author on 04-Jun-2013
    They've got toes mate.
    They are WALKIN' outta there! LMAO

    Watch 'em!

reply by Joan E. on 04-Jun-2013
    Oh, my goodness--I never thought of that!
    I'll keep you posted!! LOL -J
Comment from steevie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

In my house, a sock without its mate is called an orphan.
You know how to combat the sock dilemma?
For starts, you only buy hubby 2 colors of socks, white and black. Kids sock, you buy only 2 colors of their choice. keeping in mind that each of the colors stay with the same pattern. etc.
So now when you go to match up sock, instead of three or four dozen pair to match, you're down to eight to tem pairs only. The huge pile or orphans, get tossed into the garbage can, you call it the bin LOL)

problem solved

and chuckles
stevo the great

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2013
    Haha, yeah I've been recommended that option before too...
    Its more so my laziness in pairing them up these days, not the fact that there are that many odd ones.
    It seems to be the bane of my existence along with folding fucking clothes. LOL
    Thanks for your review sweety pie...
    Hugs Pee
reply by steevie on 03-Jun-2013
    You're special, Pee. Thanks for the great reply :o)

    stevo the great
reply by the author on 03-Jun-2013
    Thanks honey.
    I be over to catch up on a coupla chapters...
    I'm WAY fuckin behind.
reply by steevie on 03-Jun-2013
    Oh, you know how the charm the boys! LMAO


reply by the author on 04-Jun-2013
    *blowing raspberry* LOL xxxx
Comment from l.raven
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

HI Phillippa, LOL You goof!! I just told one of my granddaughters girlfriends yesterday that I bet she had a pair of shocks at home like the ones she had on. Not matching!! I guess that is the style. My grandkids do the same thing. But I will tell you I think my washer eats the damn things. I'll put both socks in and when I go to take them out I can't find one. And that's a true story. But wash over dishes. LOL So love your household story. LOL A great write as always. Luff ya Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2013
    Haha, I just bet she did too...apparently its a trend these days. I heard it started in the UK. Thanks for your review.
    I'm snowed under...
    Hugs Phillippa xoxo
Comment from Connie C
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

One of the many things I love about your poetry is that you often write about those day-to-day kinds of things, like matching socks, that nobody else would think of writing about.

In your delightful Closet manner, you've made light of this little chore that can be pretty frustrating. I don't know what happens to my socks, but I think the washing machine eats them up. I'm always missing at least one sock to make a match..
I like your little phrase, "As ticks are tocks, there's just no chance that they'll deplete." I also like your reference to how they "mount in furry flocks." Nice alliteration there and so very descriptive.

What more can I say? Loved it all, sweetie! You know I'd give you a sixer for your wonderful rhyme, meter, and originality of topic. But, alas, FS won't let me.
Connie xoxoxo

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2013
    Awww darling...thankyou but its all thats around me...I'm inspired by whatever transmits at the time and believe me it COULD be just about anything.
    I gotta write what comes...and the f**king socks are piling up on me. I think we had nearly 50 unpaired up socks at one point.
    Thats bad. LOL Thanks for the thought of a sixer but no cigar.
    I understand Tom is a cheapskate. LOL Anyway, snowed under here a bit but only figarutively...Haha
    Hugs Phillippa xoxoxo
Comment from G.B. Smith
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

OH sweet P, this was laugh my ass of funny. I has always amazed me hoe I can lose a sock from the dryer to the folding table. I guess it is a gremlin

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2013
    LOL Well it CAN be done mate. I do it ALL the time. The kids don't help. My daughter flings hers off in two completely different directions and then runs off. See what I have to contend with? Unless I'm around they could be up on top of a bloody wardrobe and I wouldn't know.
    Hugs P
Comment from Louise Michelle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hahahahaha! Okay, the easiest thing to do is start from scratch. Throw out all socks. Hubby can choose from black or brown. For the daughter, stick with pink and for the son light blue or black, depending on his age. Tell daughter she can have fancy little sparkly stuff on her socks, but she has to glue them on herself. Most importantly, she must realize it is up to her to pair them properly. If she glues them herself, she'll have fun doing that.

I hope this helps with your annoying dilemma. If I see another sock poem, I'll know you didn't take this advice and I shall have no pity for Phillippa. Here's another idea. Toss all their socks in their drawers and say part of their allowance is for pairing their own socks.

Aren't I terrific? Maybe I should start an advice column, hee hee. Hugs, Me

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2013
    LOL I DO like this idea and might just adopt it.
    Thanks for the terriff review and hopefully NO more sock poems.
    The sock dramas however may well continue to lead me on a merry chase.
    Hugs C.P.
Comment from mikenbel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like your use of "stocks" in stanza two/line two. I think you have a sock fetish based on your author's notes. LOL! I got a whole brood of unmatched ones least 10...

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2013
    Thanks so much my friend. No sock fetish. Handbags, stationery and I adore miniatures. The sock dramas will continue I'm sure though...maybe I SHOULD turn it into a fetish. Hey, if you can't beat it...
    Cheers P
Comment from NicciFaye
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well - of course, besides this just being a nice poem. I loved it because I can truly relate and this also goes along the line of doing laundry. I enjoyed this.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2013
    Thanks very much, didn't think there would be too many that didn't relate to these elusive damn things.
    Cheers P