Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Prologue "Cares"

33 total reviews 
Comment from danielg29
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent job of knowing what matters most in this world. Time is short and not to be wasted. I love the way you took us on a journey through some memories of the past. Some sweet and others comical it was a great journey. Then you brought us back to the present and placed a realization upon us. Nice job.

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2005

Comment from Delhini
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

:):):):). You have made me smile... you often do with your poems... I am grateful for that. I liked the bit with the dog... but most I liked the truth about your son and your need to spend some time with him, which I know you do anyhow.

Carry on, being wonderful.

Your #1 Fan


 Comment Written 24-Jan-2005

Comment from jonjo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"I will now quit writing and go
catch some frogs, chase butterflies
put together a model car
or play a video game
with my treasured son,
my greatest care in all the world. "
Thanks for sharing and I hope you had lots of fun together.

 Comment Written 24-Jan-2005

Comment from Kingsland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

we have something in common here
children come first
all else is secondary
a beautiful poem linking parent with child
our children our are joy
just a wonderful poem

 Comment Written 24-Jan-2005

Comment from Cosette
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A nice trip down memory lane that I'm sure all readers will enjoy. Your ability to capture the simpler things in life through your words is a gift. Nice work.

 Comment Written 24-Jan-2005

Comment from Jaxson Phoenix
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well done. It is so easy to lose track of what really matters in our lives. We are so easily distracted by the demands of life that we do not realize life is passing us by. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

 Comment Written 24-Jan-2005

Comment from Vennan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ah, such wisdom is contained in this poem, and what a torrent of memories you awakened in me. (And, just for the record, my first crush was Timothy Gunning.)
You wrote: catepillars
I suggest: caterpillars
You wrote: her hand made card
I suggest: her handmade card
You wrote: There was this brown eyed boy
You need: There was this brown-eyed boy

(Compound adjective, so it needs the hyphen)
All the best,

 Comment Written 24-Jan-2005

Comment from sengwriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well 'concerned' poem. It is written in an easy flow. Thru _Her_Eyes, you expressed your concerns which seemed to be in changed from time to time - quite usual. Anyway I liked the flow, I liked your views.

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2005

Comment from made2soar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good description of memories and priorities. There is a lot of stress in this world, but it depends on how we handle it. I like your choice:

I will now quit writing and go
catch some frogs, chase butterflies
put together a model car
or play a video game
with my treasured son,
my greatest care in all the world.

Nice, Jim

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2005

Comment from *Always Hope*
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, aint this just cute? :)

You took me back when I was a little girl. My stuffed animals were my audience, and darn it, they didn't clap, LOL! I don't even want to think about my first crush. It was a CRUSH! Argh!!

I love it, Jewell. You get better and better each read. The ending really made me smile :)

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2005