Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Chapter 3 "A Beautiful Vessel"

16 total reviews 
Comment from El Romantico
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If I am understanding this correctly we all are vessels that need to be looked after. Many times we take that for granted and so we mistreat it. Not realizing how sour we can be from within. That is why I feel there is a lot of fakeness in the world because no one really knows how to let their inner self shine through. That is why I appreciate your writings for you are beautiful and it is evident. Thank you as always.

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2004

Comment from holojojo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jewell,

There's really a lot of truth in this poem, I like the image you've chose (the vessel) and your clear, precise, compassionate style compliments that image perfectly. What's sad is that not only do other people judge the vessel by how it appears instead of what it contains, but we often do it to ourselves as well! At first reading I thought "Every man ought to read this poem!". At second reading, I decided that so should every woman.

The only minor point I'd like to raise is the line "You judge the vessel by the container/Instead of what it contains." It's the only line in this beautiful poem that caused me to break the flow and think twice; the sense (at least I hope it is, or I really am on the wrong track) is that the vessel is unwisely judged by external appearance, but I felt this phrase lacked the clarity which illuminates the rest of this poem.

Thanks for sharing,


 Comment Written 27-Nov-2004

Comment from Sentra
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice one Jewell, you've reflected on another touchy issue. I say that in a good way. Question, why is it human nature to first be attracted to ones looks? Nobody can say otherwise, and in reality, this is just not fair. But,..

If you were to take the time to look
Inside the imperfect vessel you may find
That it carries something beautiful

Thats the answer, take the time to get to know another before jumping to conclusions. I'm finding this out more and more each day.

Well done!

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2004

Comment from butchiesmom
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree, Jewel, true beauty lies within. You have described exactly how the world looks at beauty and imperfection. I've read a few books I was going to pass over at the store, and found they were the best ones I'd read in a while.
If only the true beauty could have some indication of what lies within.
I found no spelling errors or missing words, and I enjoyed reading your poem. It contains many truths.

Great work,

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2004

Comment from Dawn of Tomorrow
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent job, with kleenex in hand. Why oh why is it so hard for people to look past the outside and into the inner beauty of another. It just breaks my heart. God has made us individually and we don't all grace this earth with an outward beauty but what lies within shines beyond this world. Lovely poem to pump my day up with. Much love to you.

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 Comment Written 27-Nov-2004

Comment from WritingGranny1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I feel as if you have captured the essence of today's society.. all for youth and outward beauty, completely overlooking the inner self! I think the 4th stanza is a little awkward. How can something so vile be disarming? Perhaps you could rethink this stanza, or maybe I just don't understand it.

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 Comment Written 27-Nov-2004