Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Chapter 5 "Purpose"

17 total reviews 
Comment from El Romantico
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

May I someday see things through your eyes. You put things into perspective for I know you are a woman of heart. This piece: "May my eyes be open To see the unseen things That lie in hidden places Of the heart." is one of my favorite pieces. For many times things are hidden beneath the surface (namely our heart) and we don't allow ourselves to reveal what lies beneath. Thank you.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from sizemore
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very inspirationsl, almost like a prayer. You are asking alot of yourself, and intrenally finding your answers.

Very well written, and smooth and easy.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from jonjo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"May I rise to any
Occasion to be an
Encouraging word,
A listening ear,
A tender touch.

May I be the one
Soul who shared
Herself with vulnerability
And an open heart."
What an inspirational invocation this is. Thanks you for sharing the haertfelt poem.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from CarolinasAngel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Jewell, this is very touching and sweet. I love the art of the words and how you place them so tenderly together. Poetry is a talent that many have, but few chose to use. You have the talent, and you use it well!

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from suneagle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, it reads like a prayer and request for divine guidance and support. It surely helps one to clarify goals and aspirations in life. You have chosen nice language and produced a fine poem in your purposeful deliberations. Well done.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from Dawn of Tomorrow
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

And you indeed are all of those things. An ear to hear the sorrow and a heart to comfort. You have certainly touched this needing soul. Very lovely piece my friend. You are soul searching and doing a great job of putting into words for your fans to read.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from Shari_K
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

These are truly inspirational that are very insightful. I thought this was beautifully written.

May I never walk
In selfish pursuit
For what I gain
Selfishly will
Only leave me lonely.

This is very true and what is gained unselfishly will leave you rich in love. Your poem flowed smoothly with perfect rhythm.

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 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004