Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Chapter 10 "Thankful"

18 total reviews 
Comment from Robert E. Blackwell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very thoughtful, poignant reflection. Very eloquent look at Thanksgiving from a number of perspectives. Emotion and imagery are excellent!

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from shelley kaye
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

wow if these are your memories of thanksgiving i really envy you lol, anyway, you did a great job with this... its understandable, relatable (well in my dreams maybe lol)and good imagery too... :)

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from CarolinasAngel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thanksgiving is a day I believe most people sit down and look at all the blessings they've been given in this life, from the smallest to the largest.
No one is promised tomorrow, so we should all be thankful for every morning that our eyes open, and every night we close our eyes to rest.

I am glad y our a survivor.. Strong person, and talented writer!


 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from MoonRays
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great and powerful words you speak. Your examples are beautiful and full of the imperfection yet beauty of human nature.

"I am thankful to God who cares
for me beyond what I can even
think or imagine. "
These are such lovely words, I am hoping God cares about me too.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from Dawn of Tomorrow
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh God, I should know to have the kleenex out anytime I read something that you write. This was about as moving as any poem I've read over the last few days. Outstanding job of moving your reader with your words.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from El Romantico
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You always seem to find the right words to say. In trying times I know that we forget all the things to be thankful for. I know that even though things may not go as planned that we have to remember that we were put here for a reason. I am thankful to have the opportunity to meet you and read your awesome writings. I will need to make a list of things to be thankful for and owe it to you for reminding me of what is important.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from Notlob
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"I am a survivor not a victim." Yes. This is the message. No matter how bad things can get, we always, ALWAYS have choices. Maybe the choices are not many, maybe even only one choice, to do this, or to do that. Still, it is a choice. To not take that choice and allow life to engulf you, is sad. Sorry, I got carried away, but your poem promoted my spiel.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004

Comment from jannieballiett
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Jewell, this is awesome, just absolutely one of the most beautiul poems I've read. It made me cry inside, and tears actually swelled in my eyes. (thanks for the runny mascara that burned my eyes {wink} )

I am thankful as well, and have complained too often that my life isn't as I planned it for so long; divorced after sixteen years, numerous health problems, now living with my daughter and her family instead of my own beautiful home I once shared for so long with a husband who I'll always love and miss....and a very young step-son who chose to commit suicide a couple years back...and missing him each day, especailly holidays...Tragedies...

But, I am thankful that I have family, as some do not, I am thankful I live in their wonderful home, where some have no home, I am thankful for years of my life that were blessed, and remember, I am still blessed, just in a different way....

Your poem made me realize once again, of the many blessing He has given me, and the opportunity of giving thanks for those blessings. Life could always be others don't have the blessings I have...

You are a truly remarkable woman, a survivor, one who appreciates instead of complaining. God bless you, and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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 Comment Written 26-Nov-2004