Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Chapter 57 "By What Measure Do You Judge"

18 total reviews 
Comment from Resident_Truth
This work has reached the exceptional level

This piece was very well written and enjoyed the way it seemed to crescendo and build unto the end...

I like the imagery at the end.

These lines were very thought provoking...

Do you speak in loving words when a heart is torn in two?
Do you judge and criticize or do you seek what's true?

Truth is such a noble cause.

Sorry I have not been able to promote your work more but have been preparing for my own release. Hope this Helped.


 Comment Written 07-Nov-2007

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2007
    I appreciate the six stars. Yes Love is the only gift that reaches people.
Comment from WORDMASTER
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If wildflowers could sing
it would be as a choir
telling all the world
how they came to be

you are as a wildflower,,
thank you for sharing this write. you have your very own fingerprint with words and make your lines memorable. have a great day!!


 Comment Written 07-Nov-2007

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2007
    Love your screen name and thank you for such an awesome review!
Comment from sngldad4gd
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is better to go through life non judgmental my dear friend as I try to do, but there are some who seem unable to do it for some reason or another and feel they must to achieve their own glory. My brother once told me I would never have anything in life because I am too honest. Hmmm, ok, I accept,LOL. Seems judgment always has a way of coming back around time after time after time if you like playing it's game, kind of reminds me of the valley girl," I'm Like Oh my Gawd, like can you believe that, like, I'm soo sure." LOL, wonderful poem my dear friend. Ray :>)

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2007

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2007
    Ha! Gotta luv ya Ray! That's funny. Thanks for an awesome review.
reply by sngldad4gd on 07-Nov-2007
    Hahahaha, you're quite welcome,lol. Ray :>)
Comment from shoemaker09
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like how he put this all togather and I think it was grate I like the being of the poem and I did not like the ending i think that you could of added something in their so that people would wonder what going to happen you can always leave them wonding about what's the next move that this poem is going to take. Something like the happy ending cause I no some of the poems don't always have the happy ending to them but it would make your poem a lot better if you would leave them to wonder some of the time why they will read more and try to get the Message of what the poem was wroght for .

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2007

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2007
    Funny, when I have them guessing I've gotten lesser stars because they "Don't get it" lol can't please em all but thank you for the wonderful five stars and great comments.
Comment from RaymondJohn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent extended work on ignoring one's own fault and harping on other's. Your rhyme scheme and rhythm reads like a judge on the bench reading charges. Thanks for a great read. Best. Ray.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2007

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2007
    Thanks Ray. I loved that comment.
Comment from 1archangel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

my dearest friend...I HAVE VERY BAD VIBES...may the Archangeles protect you...INVOKING MICHAEL ON YOUR BEHALF...I fear for you...please be safe

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2007

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2007
    Thank you dear.
Comment from winnie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello my dear,
This is a very well written piece.
Very wise and true words.
I know you put a lot of thought into the content and it shows.
Nice flow in composition.
Enjoyed reading.

winnie xx

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 Comment Written 07-Nov-2007

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2007
    winnie, it's always good to hear from you.
Comment from Valuecreative
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The only reason I have 4 instead of 5 stars here is because thie piece feels like two seperate poeams as it reads.
The first half something universal to all of us who judge others without concern to how they might feel about what we tell them, which is a powerful message in its own right.
The second half has a more religious tone and sounds like only God has such a right, which is a different message from the good that can come with careful with words when the other is down that is more like the first half of the poem. I think that both thoughts are valuable, but they need some joining to be in one poem or there are two really good poems here.

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 Comment Written 07-Nov-2007