Reviews from

The Kirby Case - Part 9 - Final

We learn the fate of the serial killer

23 total reviews 
Comment from lancellot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is very good, and an accurate description of the hierarchy and unofficial rules in the prison world

suggestion only:

It's like he never did exist.
He's gone now. His soul dismissed.

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2025
    Hi. That last suggestion you have would have broken my meter. Not only would it be only seven characters per line wouldn't have the right.

    And I thought that your first line is what is actually have in the poem. I apologize if that's not true, but I have to save a lot of replies now and if I go look at the poem, I'll lose all of those replies. I'll take another look and message you if I have something different then

    It's like he never did exist

    Thanks for your feedback and the great review
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There are also some crimes the other innate find too horrible for innates, especially ones against children. Thank you for sharing this story with us in poetic form. You did a wonderful job writing it.

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2025
    Thank you for your encouraging and stellar review
Comment from Ulla
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Pam, yes I suppose he got what he deserved. The inmates made sure of that, using their internal justice system whether it's right or wrong. The killer will not be missed but his victims' families will forever have to live with the consequences of his actions. Ulla xcx

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2025
    Thank you so much, Ulla once again for taking the time to read and review my poem and give me such a generous rating of six stars

    I’m sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I had been in the hospital three months out of five so I’d only been out of the hospital for two months in a five months. It was very hard to review or write anything on my iPhone in those hospital beds
reply by Ulla on 31-Jan-2025
    I'm so sorry you have spent so much time in a hospital. I can understand how difficult it must have been. Ulla xx
Comment from LJbutterfly
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was a brilliant and innovative way to present a murder mystery. You included lots of detailed descriptions through out. The final prison outcome of the perpetrator was surprising, but realistic. The ending was perfect. "It's like he never did exist. His victims, though will all be missed."

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2025
    Thank you so much LJ for reading and reviewing my poem and for following along with this series and especially for the six stars
Comment from Teri7
This work has reached the exceptional level

Pam, I wish I had had six stars to give you for all these poems. You told a very good story with all of your poems. You used great descriptive words and great imagery. Thank you for sharing! love and blessings, Teri

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2025
    Blessings again and thank you again for the six stars and for following along with this series
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think that criminals seem to have a morality line they won't tolerate anyone to cross I thought that it was pedophilia not serial killing, the Potters field was where Judas hanged himself, the field of blood. As always well done, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
    Hi Roy. I am still in rehab. Going home on

    Thank you for telling me about Judas and the field of blood

    Maybe they kill him because he raped and killed girls. Also, there is a phenomenal inmates going other inmates because makes the killer becomes famous example Jeffrey Dahmer

    Thank you for your wonderful and informative review
reply by royowen on 12-Jan-2025
    Not if those girls were adults, lots of rapists in prison. But children is a different matter.
reply by royowen on 12-Jan-2025
    I have prayed for you Pam.
reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
    Thank you, Roy. I have needed prayers. My situation was so great that doctor called my daughter and said I would not make it. But then I drew on some kind of inner strength and here. I am good as new
reply by the author on 12-Jan-2025
    I agree
reply by royowen on 13-Jan-2025
    Bless you Pam
reply by royowen on 13-Jan-2025
    Well done
Comment from Cecilia A Heiskary
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Serves him right that he should be taken out by other prisoners. I think the best of the serial killers have met their fate in prison. This was a great ending.


 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2025
    Thank you, Cecilia for your wonderful review
reply by Cecilia A Heiskary on 30-Jan-2025
    You're welcome
Comment from Monica Chaddick
This work has reached the exceptional level

Amazing ending! He certainly got what he deserved. People that do the things he did do not deserve to be treated humanely. One of my daughters was raped when she was in 9th grade, and the authorities wouldn't do anything because "she didn't provide enough information". She described the car and the person and told them where he grabbed her. It's okay, though, because I had some "friends in low places", and I don't know what they did, but they said he would "definitely never rape anybody again". Great job on this epic story in poem!

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2025
    Good for your friends. I had a niece who was raped twice in high school and the authorities would not do anything because she was mentally disabled so they couldn’t trust what she said put the trust in quotation marks.

    She ended up suing the school and the district, and having $1 million in her pocket will care for her in the future
Comment from Darlene BoClair
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Indeed an epic poem written in the strong commitment and dedication of Mike and his team. This final part so well written is highly reflected by the capture and punishment of once was a killer. I know you have more to write in the mystery journey of your life.

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2025
    Thank you darling for your kind words and wonderful review. I won’t be writing such an epic poem anytime soon because it takes a lot of concentration to remember what you already wrote and not contradict it in a future installment. It was the hardest poem I’ve ever written.
Comment from Cindy Decker 3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really like this final chapter. It's a sad statement if our prison statement, but it's vigilante justice at its best.
This is a wonderful series!
Good luck,
Best wishes,

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 Comment Written 12-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2025
    Thank you, Cindy for your wonderful review