Reviews from

What Next?

My cell phone is on it's way to N. Carolina

34 total reviews 
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I loved this, Tom. You have a great way of telling a story to elicit maximum sympathy for you. We've all experienced the things you mentioned, but you do seem to have more than your fair share of them.

Did you ever post a story about that plane crash? If so, I don't remember it. Let me know the title if you did.

 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 18-Sep-2024
    Hi Jim,
    um, if I was getting maximum sympathy, wouldn't I be receiving mass numbers of checks in the mail? So far it hasn't happened, but if you would like to start a trend, I'd probably not object.
    The story I wrote was on November 2, 2022. It's titled Some Days are Diamonds.
    Thanks so much for the great review Jim.
    Have a blessed evening.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think one way or another it might be something, God must be working on my patience, I always seem to catch amber lights going into stop, where there is five sequences to run, and they tend to be timed so that the next st of lights coincide, heh heh, on the day of my baptism I got greens all the way, interesting huh? Well done Tom, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2024
    Hi Roy,
    thanks so much for the entertaining review. I understand what you mean about being tested. Unfortunately, I still seem to fail the tests. One of these days though....
    Have a blessed day.
reply by royowen on 19-Sep-2024
    Thats right
Comment from Robert Zimmerman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Do you remember me? I finally gave in and made the choice to come back on FS. I decided against reprinting the book I was writing after it sold out. Your story had me laughing the whole way through. I won't pick up the phone if I hear one ringing since I'm in North Carolina. I remember your writing from the last time I was here. I have to relearn how to use this place again.

 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2024
    Hello Robert,
    of course I remember you. I'm so glad you're back on FS again. I've always enjoyed your writing. I'm a bit puzzled why you didn't have more books published though, unless it's more work than it's worth having to sell them or go to book signings or whatever. I'd be interested to hear the reason if you felt like sharing.
    Jan and I were in North Carolina this spring. We went down to see the ark in Kentucky and up to Ohio, visited a friend in New York and took another friend down to the Outer Banks to some friends he had in Hatteras. We went at the perfect time, before it got too hot or buggy.
    I look forward to seeing your writing again. Thanks for the fine review my friend.
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hahaha! How right you are. These things happen to everyone. I paid for, and tried to download a security system on my computer. Of course, it didn't work. I have been trying to call the company. When driving, I'm always in the lane that stops for some reason. And I definitely choose the grocery line where someone has a problem.

I'm sorry you experienced all these things you mentioned, including the loss of your jacket and phone, but I'm glad you were able to write this humorous piece that let me know I am not alone.

 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2024
    Hello LJ,
    oh, you're most definitely not alone. I think that the reason Seinfeld was such a popular show was that it covered so many situations that we could all relate to. Of course, it's always funny when something happens to the other person. Thanks so much for the great review gal.
    Have a blessed evening.
Comment from Thesis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can relate to many of the issues you cited. You expressed it in a clear, concise, manner stating the facts and the frustration in a way many people can identify with. Sorry about your phone

 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2024
    Hello Thesis,
    thanks so much for the fine review. I suppose it was probably time to get a new phone anyway, but I would have preferred to have a little more control over when I got one. It's all over now though, and I've got a new one, so I'm happy as a clam at high tide.
    Have a blessed evening.
Comment from Sharon Elwell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It amazes me that you outlined each of these situations without resorting to cliche, and without even using the word "unlucky." I would have enjoyed the computer paragraph more if it was specific about which buttons, since we've all been in that situation and would enjoy the connection. This was fun to read!

 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 19-Sep-2024
    Hello Sharon,
    I sure wish I could tell you which button caused the whole issue to begin with, but it was a mystery to me then and it's still a mystery to me. Periodically, when I'm writing or answering a review, I hit some button up near the T and I lose everything and have to start over. I think I should invent some gloves that make my fingers skinny so I don't hit the wrong button. I could market them as computer finger girdles for those of us who hit more than one button at a time. No doubt I'll make a mint selling them. Thanks so much for the great review gal. I'm glad you enjoyed this.
    Have a blessed evening.
Comment from jessizero
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This story was entertaining, though I'm sorry it happened to you. I guess the phone isn't worth saving. Thank you for sharing, and best wishes to you.

 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 18-Sep-2024
    Hi Jessi,
    thanks so much for the fine review and comments. No, it was just a flip phone, and I went out the same day and bought another one. That in itself was a hassle. The folks at the AT&T store said the phone wasn't in my name, so they couldn't give me the same number. After some investigating, I recalled that my daughter who lived in Juneau at the time had purchased the phone and sent it to me in Hoonah. She had to come to the store and verify who she was and all that. What a hassle, but not totally unexpected.
    Have a blessed day gal.
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

oh my goodness. You are definitely a person who should always buy a cheap phone! lol I wasn't aware you were in an airplane that went into the water in February! One of my biggest fears! I'm very glad that you survived or I would be without one of my most avid limerick readers! I enjoyed this story very much. Keep 'em coming.

 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 18-Sep-2024
    Hi Marilyn,
    yes, I was glad that it wasn't an I phone, or I'd probably still be looking for it. Heck, I might have been shut in to a pod and be on my way south by now.
    I wrote about the crash on Fan Story some time back. The accident happened back in 2000. I was in Juneau learning how to do the census at the time, and we were flying back to Hoonah. About half way across Icy Strait, the plane started sounding like it was running out of gas. The pilot turned around and called the tower, and managed to get us close to the beach in Lynn Canal before we landed in the water. It was really, really cold. I found out later that the crankshaft of the plane broke. What are the odds? Oh well, God has always looked out for me, for which I'm thankful.
    Have a blessed day gal.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

the screen would ask me a question to which I didn't know the answer. (I've figured out if my screen says, "Are you sure you want to do that, dummy?" The answer is always no!!)

I couldn't help but laugh as I read. I feel the same way about the shopping checkout counters and the traffic. Thank you for giving me something fun to read today.

 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 18-Sep-2024
    Hi Barbara,
    I'm so glad you enjoyed this little offering. There used to be a comic strip called The Born Loser. I could really relate to the character at times.
    Have a blessed day gal.
reply by barbara.wilkey on 18-Sep-2024
    I read that comic strip.
Comment from John Cranford
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What's that old saying, Tom, if you didn't have bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck at all. I think I've finally determined who you really are. You're a modern-day Will Rogers. Maybe you should take your show on the could get rich! Loved your post.

 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 18-Sep-2024
    Hello John,
    thanks so much for placing me on such a high pedestal, I'm honored. I wouldn't mind getting rich, but I don't like traveling very much, so I guess I'll stick around here and enjoy what I have. I loved the review, thank you.
    Have a blessed day.