Forever Wrapped In Your Love
Out of sight but never out of mind23 total reviews
Comment from prettybluebirds
What a lovely, touching story. I wish I could see my sons again, but they never appear no matter how much I pray for their touch. Maybe my faith is not as strong as your character in the story. Lovely writing.
reply by the author on 08-Sep-2024
What a lovely, touching story. I wish I could see my sons again, but they never appear no matter how much I pray for their touch. Maybe my faith is not as strong as your character in the story. Lovely writing.
Comment Written 07-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 08-Sep-2024
I believe they are there, April because they loved you and would never leave your side. Sometimes, I think we search too hard (I know I do) and we are blinded to their existence. Yesterday I was in a bad spot, but suddenly this story popped into my head....Was it from Mike as a simple rminder or maybe God just sent a message? I'll take it as something good...
Smiles, Carol
Comment from Rachelle Allen
This is lovely. People can mock romance stories and novels and movies all they want, but I have to tell you, there is something so simply satisfying about them. And whatever in the world is wrong about that?! Thank you for this warm and enjoyable piece, full of hope and delight.
reply by the author on 08-Sep-2024
This is lovely. People can mock romance stories and novels and movies all they want, but I have to tell you, there is something so simply satisfying about them. And whatever in the world is wrong about that?! Thank you for this warm and enjoyable piece, full of hope and delight.
Comment Written 07-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 08-Sep-2024
Thanks, Rachelle.... I was in a "dark spot" yesterday morning, missing my husband after my birthday celebration I suppose) and suddenly this story was in my thoughts. I sat down and wrote it and felt so much better afterwards. I would like to think he was standing by my side watching me type and sending me warm fuzzy vibes.
smiles and hugs, Carol
Comment from lyenochka
What a love story you and Michael have! And I'm glad that God gives you dreams that bring you two together and remind you that he is always near you along with the Lord's presence. I know a number of widows on this site can relate to your words. Thanks for sharing!
reply by the author on 08-Sep-2024
What a love story you and Michael have! And I'm glad that God gives you dreams that bring you two together and remind you that he is always near you along with the Lord's presence. I know a number of widows on this site can relate to your words. Thanks for sharing!
Comment Written 07-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 08-Sep-2024
I've had my share of tragedies an sadness in my life but regrdless of those dark times, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, I was blessed. Our lives togther didnt seem long enough, but then would it have ever.... we would always want more. this year, I can feel that God has shown me the light and I walk with his arms around me forever.
Smiles, Carol
Yes, you and Michael had a rare kind of love. I know so many women who never married and never had that kind of love experience.
Comment from patcelaw
This is very well written and I enjoyed listening to a very much. It flows very well when it is read aloud your sentence structure, and your paragraph along with your punctuation makes it for a good read. Patricia.
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
This is very well written and I enjoyed listening to a very much. It flows very well when it is read aloud your sentence structure, and your paragraph along with your punctuation makes it for a good read. Patricia.
Comment Written 07-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
Thank you so much Patricia for reading and reviewing my story. I appreciate it so much. Have a great day!
Smiles, Carol
Comment from Teri7
Carol, This is a very beautiful romance fiction you have penned. As I read each word, I felt like I was right there. You used great descriptive words and very lovely imagery from the artwork you chose. love and blessings, Teri
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
Carol, This is a very beautiful romance fiction you have penned. As I read each word, I felt like I was right there. You used great descriptive words and very lovely imagery from the artwork you chose. love and blessings, Teri
Comment Written 07-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
thanks, Teri...I was in a rough spot this morning and feeling kind of bad. then suddenly this story popped into my head and I had to write it. I felt like MIke was standing beside me, smiling. I know and believe with every fiber that God has blessed me.
Smiles, Carol
You know Carol, It is amazing how the Holy Spirit works in our life to help us when we are feeling low. This is a very beautiful story. I love you dear friend, but Jesus loves you so much more!!!
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Awwww, Carol, you made me cry... What a tender and sweet story. Oh my gosh!!! What an amazing way of making a person feel their loved one is still with them, and being able to resolve feelings of being mad at God for the loss. You turned it to thanks!!
Lovely job and worth of several 6's.
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
Awwww, Carol, you made me cry... What a tender and sweet story. Oh my gosh!!! What an amazing way of making a person feel their loved one is still with them, and being able to resolve feelings of being mad at God for the loss. You turned it to thanks!!
Lovely job and worth of several 6's.
Comment Written 07-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
thanbks, Rhonda. I was in a bad spot this morning and suddenly this story popped into my head. It might sound dumb to some, but I felt like Mike was here, telling me to get out of the mood and everything would be okay. I wrote my chapter, and the story, your summary, and reviewed until I can't see anymore... I guess that was his way of telling me to get my butt into gear. LOL I believe that God shows me the way and Mike stands watch when I'm sad.
Thanks for the wonderful review and for enjoying my story.
smiles, Carol
Comment from royowen
The one thing that amazes me, that marriage between a man and a woman, is everything that reflects the reconciling of the world to Himself through Jesus His Son, Christ in God, and us in them the marriage of two people is the marriage of Christ and the church, His bride, beautifully written Carol,, great story, blessings Roy
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
The one thing that amazes me, that marriage between a man and a woman, is everything that reflects the reconciling of the world to Himself through Jesus His Son, Christ in God, and us in them the marriage of two people is the marriage of Christ and the church, His bride, beautifully written Carol,, great story, blessings Roy
Comment Written 07-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
i was in a rough spot this morning and I really wasn't sure why, but for some reason are started thinking about Mike and this story formed in my mind. It was something that said it needed to be written. Maybe I just needed a reminder that I am blessed and that he is always with me. Thank you for reading and enjoying the story. I know it put me in a better place.
Smiles, Carol
Bless you Carol.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Mom swears she can feel Dad sitting in his favorite chair. He died about 9 years ago. When she's outside with her dogs, feeling lonely she sees an eagle flying low. She knows it's Dad saying, "I'm watching over you." I believe her. Dad would never completely leave her. I have feeling it's the same for you.
" A single tear, a testament to her pain, rolled off the rim of her eye and meandered slowly down her cheek. (great description & move 'A' closer to the quotation mark.)
Her voice quivered with longing as she called his name. "Michael, I need you." (name,)
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
Mom swears she can feel Dad sitting in his favorite chair. He died about 9 years ago. When she's outside with her dogs, feeling lonely she sees an eagle flying low. She knows it's Dad saying, "I'm watching over you." I believe her. Dad would never completely leave her. I have feeling it's the same for you.
" A single tear, a testament to her pain, rolled off the rim of her eye and meandered slowly down her cheek. (great description & move 'A' closer to the quotation mark.)
Her voice quivered with longing as she called his name. "Michael, I need you." (name,)
Comment Written 07-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
I know some people think I am crazy, but I swear at times I know he is here. Whatever it is, I feel blessed to feel that emotional contact with him.
thanks so much for reading my story. I appreciate it so much.
The quotes went with the words prior to the sentence starting with A. And guess what, I had the , right and grammerly instructed me to change it. Why do I pay them? LOL
smiles, Carol
Comment from LJbutterfly
This is a beautiful, heartwarming love story of faith, hope and reassurance. I remember many of the stories about Carol and Mike because they describe undying and never ending love. I truly believe it is possible to feel the love and warmth of a person even though your eyes may not see them physically. I enjoyed this story.
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
This is a beautiful, heartwarming love story of faith, hope and reassurance. I remember many of the stories about Carol and Mike because they describe undying and never ending love. I truly believe it is possible to feel the love and warmth of a person even though your eyes may not see them physically. I enjoyed this story.
Comment Written 07-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
Blessing to you my dear friend. I was in a tough spot this morning, but luckily I found my way out by writing the story. I always feel that he is here with me. I would be lost without that thought.
Smiles and hugs, Carol
Comment from lancellot
Very well written and it presents some very interesting questions. Is it better to hold on to love that has been lost, or is it better to release that, and move on. Is that lost love haunting her and keeping her frozen, or really protecting her?
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reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
Very well written and it presents some very interesting questions. Is it better to hold on to love that has been lost, or is it better to release that, and move on. Is that lost love haunting her and keeping her frozen, or really protecting her?
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Comment Written 07-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2024
In this particular case, I don't want to find anything more. I wrote this story this morning when I was struggling with a whirlwind of thoughts...the story calmed me and brought me peace. It's not a choice for everyone, but it's the right one for me. I will be content with my memories until we meet again. Thanks for stopping by and reading my story.
Smiles, Carol
Apologies. I thought this was fictional story. My bad.
Not a problem. I didn't label it as anything other than a romance. I wouldn't expect you to read my mind....I was just in one of those moments. thank you again for reading my story, lance.
Smiles, Carol