Reviews from

Return To Concorde Valley

Viewing comments for Chapter 10 "From Danger to Danger"
Fantasy based on the intersection of two worlds.

24 total reviews 
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like this story because it is quite different to the norm Rhonda. It's a little Tarzanesque in its approach, but the early chapters are coming together like a well planned series, some stories are written as the go, but not this one, well done, Rhonda, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2023
    Thank you so much for your reviews and comments, dear friend! I love the Tarzan comment, because I actually watched a couple of movies to help set the stage for this portion.
    Thank you for noting the effort I?ve put into it.

    Take care
reply by royowen on 03-Oct-2023
    Good job
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
    Thank you!
Comment from Ulla
This work has reached the exceptional level

What an enchanting story, Rhonda. You probably know that fantasy writing is not really my thing, but as before you have yet again drawn me in. Now, she had a narrow escape, and her forest boy is now a handsome man. I can't wait to read on. Lots a drama and so well written. Ulla xxx

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2023
    Ulla, I know your genre isn?t fantasy, but Romance is, lol.
    I so appreciate you coming out of your comfort zone to review. I?m glad you?re drawn in, and hope you can stay there.

Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good writing. Nice work.
Well, I learned a new word today: specter.
So, the cat will be out of the bag with Junior unable to adequately explain the accident and Echo's mysterious absence?

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2023
    Hi Wayne, thank you for reading and commenting. I?m afraid Junior won?t have to explain. He sort of belongs in another realm, but he might have to pay for his sins, lol.

    Things will lean a lot towards fantasy now.

    Take care,
Comment from forestport12
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It started slow, but like a slow burn keeping my attention. The dialogue kept me going and then it shifted gears and came on strong. CS Lewis attitude coming through in places, least the imaginative aspects. I like how toward the end, Echo falls into the arms of mysterious one in the woods. How nice. It makes you want another chapter.

I meant to give it six, because it held my attention span, and I sometimes have the attention span of a first grader. Nice work. Well I guess don't have another six?


 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2023
    Hi Stan, thank you for the virtual 6 and the comments, both are appreciated! I did purposely take it slow, then build to a crescendo. Thanks for pointing out the fantasy parts and relating it to one of my favorite authors who, also, mixes in Christian references.

    I?m really glad it held your attention. I know it was super long, but it just didn?t have a stopping point.

    Thanks again,
Comment from BethShelby
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a relief. I thought the officer might be her forest boy. He was the one looking at her in the store wasn't he? I'm glad he is in the picture again. I look forward to seeing this mystery unravel.

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2023
    Hi Beth! Thank you so much for the 6 stars!
    I had to go ahead and reveal Theo as several of you had guessed who he was. A few, maybe you, figured out Junior, too. Y?all are just too smart, lol.

    Thanks again,
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a chapter, Rhonda! I've been enjoying your story throughout but always wondering about the relevance of Theo in the beginning. So now I have a satisfying knowledge that the two have been reunited and the fantasy element can resume. How clever that he should have assumed the identity of Officer Bradley as an aid, I assume, to help and protect her in her investigation. A fascinating and original story! Well done, Debbie

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2023
    Hi Debbie! Thank you so much for the six star review!
    I?m more comfortable in fantasy, and in a real world of books, he would have reappeared pretty quickly. On here, we have weeks between posts, sometimes, and it spreads things out.
    Guaranteed, it?s all fantasy here on out.

    Thanks for staying with it, my friend.
Comment from Annmuma
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Fantasy books are not my favorite cup of tea, but your ability in writing this one may change that! Super job in every area from bringing the reader up to day to leaving me eager for the next chapter. Who is officer Bradley. I have my suspicions. Great job. ann

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2023
    Awww, I?m sorry, Ann. It?s going to lean toward Greek Mythology, with me taking lots of liberties with their traditions, lol.
    I do appreciate you reading, though.

Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is really good. I had a feeling once she went into the trees that Theo would become her rescuer. I wonder if he wasn't Officer Bradley. I can't wait for more.

The second man spoke up. "Not talking, hunh? (comma after 'up')

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2023
    Hi Barbara, thanks for your review. Yeah, I had to go ahead and reveal Theo. Too many people were guessing him, lol.
    I?m working on the next chapter, but, like you well know, it?s a process.

Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've never read much fantasy, but you've sure taken me on a whirl with this chapter and left me wondering what going to happen next with Echo and Theo. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2023
    Hi Ric! It?s so good to hear from you. I remember you from yesteryear. I really appreciate you stepping out of your comfort zone on this one.

    Take care,
Comment from Mike Stevens
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another fine chapter, Rhonda, it was an episode of '
Who Do You Trust?' Obviously not Junior, Echo! She's probably had more relaxing Christmas party's!

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 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2023
    Hi Mike! I should have sent you with Echo to keep her head out of the clouds. Junior, and his compadres all along!

    Thanks so much, my friend,
reply by Mike Stevens on 01-Oct-2023