Reviews from

The Trouble With Book Titles

A Lesson in Forebrain Utilization

46 total reviews 
Comment from Evelyn Hopkins
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love your writing!! and the story it creates It's very pretty and draws attention in to the audience. Good luck and I hope you have a good day!! :))

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2023
    Well, this was odd! I got the very same review for both of my posts, right down to the double-lip smiley face. It might be a glitch in Fanstory's reviewing mechanism. Anyway, thank you for reading both of them.
reply by Evelyn Hopkins on 22-Apr-2023
    oh sorry about that!
Comment from Jane Jane King
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Delightful piece told with wisdom, humor, and gives a real sense of what writers go through, struggling over every word to make it perfect. Very entertaining and realistic portrait of a day in the life of a writer.

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2023
    Thank you so much for your kind words and the shiny stars. for the next three days, the day in the life of this writer will be to ask if you also clicked on the link and got your freebie novelette. I humbly think you'll enjoy it. And what's not good about free?!
Comment from estory
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think it's an interesting essay that recounts the journey of publishing, the business of actually getting a story or stories into print and marketing it. And it can be a journey, even a long and difficult one. Marketing and good marketing is essential for popularity, even if we are not going for prosperity. It plays an important role; and your essay reminds us that making good choices in that regard can mean the difference between writing success and writing for nothing. Good luck with your book. estory

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2023
    I'm glad you enjoyed my post, estory. I guess you can't avoid the scent of the elephant in the room. So, I'll out with it: Did you click on the link and get your freebie? It would mean a lot to me if you do. I'd really like you to read it, then help spread the buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Comment from Liz O'Neill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This allusion will draw the reader in, looking for more: "I had this bomb idea--" You have strong metaphors. I bet many readers who are writers will agree with your conclusion. I look at stuff I allegedly wrote and ask, 'Did I write this?' This is an entertaining account of your Jay-like. lol

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2023
    Thank you, Liz. You'll forgive me, I hope. I've been away from FS and got behind on my reviewing. I'll work hard, soon, to get caught up. In the meantime, you saw the link at the bottom of this post. Did you click it? What I'm saying is are you playing the game with others here? Are you going to help me create a buzz? Mainly, though, I know you'll like the freebie and afterward ... you'll (I'm on one knee now), you'll tell all your friends, neighbors, nuns and priests and former pupils how they will be absolute dunderheads if they don't read, for FREE, "The Uneven Zen of Time". LOL, Please ....

reply by Liz O'Neill on 21-Apr-2023
    I didn't go on the link for fear I'd lose what I'd written for the review. I planned to go back to it. I will do that now.
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2023
    Oh, that review. You confused me dear Liz. Thank you. And let me and others know how you feel about it. Will you do that, Liz?
reply by Liz O'Neill on 22-Apr-2023
    Of course I've got to fire up my Kindle. I haven't been doing any of my own pleasure reading. I've been doing reviews I'm up tp 50 right now. I can't seem to get down into the low 40's. I'm working frenetically on my own books. I have Bea 1 & 2 & Traffic already on Amazon. I'm working on Bea 3, Traffic & the Tor which should be on Amazon by the end of the year. They're in proof reading now.
    That's where you've been too...doing your book.
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are one of a kind. Your stories and scripts take off it so many unexpected directions there is no wonder you weren't able to find the thread of commonality running through them. I'm like you in a way, because things I've written other than the biographical, when I go back and read them, I wonder where they came from. I don't even recognize anything in my memory that might have triggered them. I wonder if I somehow subconsciously, I might have plagiarised them. I wonder if our muses can be trusted. I wanted to read your free book, but I don't have a kindle on this computer. Amazon doesn't give them away any more.

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2023
    I'm so sorry about that, Beth. I thought you were wrong and Googled Kindle on PC. I found that it's currently not available to download. In the meantime, Beth, I would like you to read The Uneven Zen of Time because, frankly (and it might sound like boasting) it's the best thing I've written. It is available to read at Fabula Argentea, a literary magazine that published it several years ago. Here's their link: You'll have to paste it into your browser. Let me know if you have problems downloading it and we'll go another route. I want you to read this! LOL,

reply by BethShelby on 21-Apr-2023
    Thank you Jay, I'm behind on reviewing and writing because of a problem I'm having with one of my hands being numb. I've copied the link and will read it as soon as possible.
reply by the author on 21-Apr-2023
    Oh, I know you will, Beth. In the meantime, what's with your hand? I hope you've sought medical help with it. I've had the numbing of my toes back to mid-arch. The doctors don't seem concerned about it, and so far it hasn't moved further toward the heels. Please do check it out.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have it! And it was free. I can understand that problem with book titles. Once had an editor say she didn't like my story but she loved the title. Never could get a story accepted to go with the title. I'm in the middle of two other books but will get to your next.

 Comment Written 20-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2023
    Oh, Great! I feel so gratified, Carol. Thank you so much! Well that sucked! Having the editor tell you the title was good but she didn't like your story! Wasn't she getting paid to help you make your story better? The main thing is, you KNOW you're a good writer. One of the best here on FanStory.
reply by Carol Hillebrenner on 21-Apr-2023
    It wasn't a very good story, to tell the truth.
reply by Carol Hillebrenner on 21-Apr-2023
    Thank you for the compliment. I need it.
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, we've all shot blanks a time or two! Wait.....wut?

Nice philosophical piece here. Just tell your siblings to always remember that snitches get stitches.


 Comment Written 20-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2023
    Hey, Doug. You know the Elephant's in the room, though, don't you? Did you get your freebie? Really! I want you to read that story. I put a lot of work in it and I think it's pretty dang good and I'm offering if for free just to hear you and the rest of my Brothers and Sisters tell their neighbors, family and friends that there is still something out there that you can get for free! Do that for me, Okay?
reply by Douglas Goff on 21-Apr-2023
    I shall pal! It?s on my to do list as soon as I return home from out of start. Security gig. I got you brother!
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Jay,
I will wait until after midnight to check out the book, thanks. I guess I'm a control freak, I wanted to put the titles on my three books, as well as send in the pictures for two of the covers. The second book I wrote, the cover was done by a graphic artist that the publisher had hired. She did an exceptional job on it. I was proud to be associated with it. I'll try to keep in mind the website for book titles, but as I mentioned before, I've only written the three. Not sure if more will be forthcoming or not. Good luck my friend.

 Comment Written 20-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2023
    Well, you've been working toward publication. Tom, I think we owe it to ourselves to publish in one way or another, whatever we feel is good. Otherwise, no matter how old we get, the "I coulda's" keep clouding our days. When you're ready, if you have any questions, ask away.

Comment from prettybluebirds
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoy the off-beat humor in your writing. You are sending a great message to all of us wanna-be book publishers. I will make it a point to check out your short stories soon.

 Comment Written 20-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2023
    Oh, that would be so great if you could. But please don't forget the freebie. The window won't be open that long, and I do want all the writers I respect (and I count you among them) to read it, and if they like it, to spread the buzz by recommending it to others. Free is good!
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was pretty slick, Jay! I enjoyed your story telling from the beginning through to the end.

Excellent take on The Greatest Story Ever Told!


 Comment Written 20-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2023
    Thank you, John. But did you get your freebie? Please do me the honor of reading it and sharing your thoughts. Here's the link for your convenience: Thanks for reading.