Challenge to Humanity
A couplet4 total reviews
Comment from Joan E.
It is amazing how much you conveyed in tiny couplet. I admired your including rhyme in your reflection and adding the dramatic picture to reinforce the message. Best wishes in the Six Word Poem with this powerful entry. Sighs- Joan
reply by the author on 13-Apr-2017
It is amazing how much you conveyed in tiny couplet. I admired your including rhyme in your reflection and adding the dramatic picture to reinforce the message. Best wishes in the Six Word Poem with this powerful entry. Sighs- Joan
Comment Written 12-Apr-2017
reply by the author on 13-Apr-2017
Hi Joan, my friend, I thank you for your time and I am pleased that you like the write.
Comment from Louise Michelle
That picture really tears at the heart. My God, it looks like the vulture is waiting for the little boy to die. Your words ring true. Very nicely written. Hugs, Lou
reply by the author on 09-Apr-2017
That picture really tears at the heart. My God, it looks like the vulture is waiting for the little boy to die. Your words ring true. Very nicely written. Hugs, Lou
Comment Written 09-Apr-2017
reply by the author on 09-Apr-2017
Very kind of you to visit my friend, i appreciate the time and review; thank you very much.
Comment from cholb22
You have used a very powerful picture with your poem which does set the scene.
I do have one nit...I am not sure if commiserate is the best word, as it is usually used when telling someone they have lost a football match or game etc whenever I have heard it used, and usually by the winners so it is said with a little bit of a grin or we are better than you.. not around something so serious as your subject...if you see what I mean?? Maybe empathise or sympathise would be a better choice? A good subject matter that people need reminding of, well done!
reply by the author on 09-Apr-2017
You have used a very powerful picture with your poem which does set the scene.
I do have one nit...I am not sure if commiserate is the best word, as it is usually used when telling someone they have lost a football match or game etc whenever I have heard it used, and usually by the winners so it is said with a little bit of a grin or we are better than you.. not around something so serious as your subject...if you see what I mean?? Maybe empathise or sympathise would be a better choice? A good subject matter that people need reminding of, well done!
Comment Written 09-Apr-2017
reply by the author on 09-Apr-2017
Hello cholb22; thank you for stopping by and the constructive comments. While I agree about the use of the word 'commiserate' that means empathize and or poetry, I believe we have a license to manipulate and apply the usage/wording to enhance the joy of reading. I thank you for your wonderful review.
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
A very well-written six word poem. The photo tells the rest of the six word story. A child dying of hunger and the vulture waiting ready for the last breath before he does the rest.
reply by the author on 09-Apr-2017
A very well-written six word poem. The photo tells the rest of the six word story. A child dying of hunger and the vulture waiting ready for the last breath before he does the rest.
Comment Written 09-Apr-2017
reply by the author on 09-Apr-2017
Hello Sandra, I thank you for your visit and the encouraging comments.