If I Were The President
my personal views on Pres. Trump41 total reviews
Comment from Pantygynt
This is a most interesting 5-7-5, not for any reason of form but for content. Correct me if I am wrong but does this not demonstrate more than a mere soupcon of intolerance itself? It smacks to me of the equivalent remark with regard to racism:
"There are two things I cannot stand, racism and those black blokes."
It is, in form only however, a perfect 5-7-5. That is why I grade it as five stars.
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
This is a most interesting 5-7-5, not for any reason of form but for content. Correct me if I am wrong but does this not demonstrate more than a mere soupcon of intolerance itself? It smacks to me of the equivalent remark with regard to racism:
"There are two things I cannot stand, racism and those black blokes."
It is, in form only however, a perfect 5-7-5. That is why I grade it as five stars.
Comment Written 07-Feb-2017
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
Racism, bigotry, xenophobia, islamophobia are utterances of name calling, demonizing, and shutting down technique of the Left against any Republican or anyone who is against their narrative. I am talking only of the professors whose agenda is to indoctrinate their students of Leftist's ideology and hatred of anything American.
Comment from Dean Kuch
Hey, give him time and he'll get around to doing just that, Anonymous Author. He's already alienated most everyone else, so why not the educational community too?
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
Hey, give him time and he'll get around to doing just that, Anonymous Author. He's already alienated most everyone else, so why not the educational community too?
Comment Written 07-Feb-2017
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
I am on the side of your President, he is doing to keep your country safe but the Lefties and the Communists don't quite get it. It is sad that most universities in America have turned into an encampment for violent radicals who cannot tolerate free speech when they don't fit the narrative of their Leftist agenda. It is too obvious that the regressive Liberal professors breed and encourage them to react violently and hate America, brainwashing the students with the propaganda of collective guilt.
Comment from Meia (MESAYERS)
Brilliant satire...will Trump destroy America...the world? He is not up to the job and is a clown to me...this piece summarises his smug ignorance and is very appealing, well done much enjoyed by me. Kindest regards Meia :)
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
Brilliant satire...will Trump destroy America...the world? He is not up to the job and is a clown to me...this piece summarises his smug ignorance and is very appealing, well done much enjoyed by me. Kindest regards Meia :)
Comment Written 07-Feb-2017
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
Oh no, I am on the side of your duly elected President, I am sad that your universities have turned into an encampment for violent students who cannot tolerate free speech that don't fit the Leftist'narrative. They burn, they break and hurt people with pepper spray. Respect and civility have become extinct in American universities and regressive Leftist professors breed and tolerate them.
Comment from winnona
A well-written contest entry. I think you completed the challenge of the contest very well. The artwork and background color completed the piece very well. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2017
A well-written contest entry. I think you completed the challenge of the contest very well. The artwork and background color completed the piece very well. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 07-Feb-2017
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2017
Thanks for considering this a well-written contest entry. Thanks a lot too, for the warm stars. Susan
Comment from Thomas Bowling
That is the cause of most of our problems in this country. No child left to themselves would become a left wing liberal. You have to be educated into that.
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
That is the cause of most of our problems in this country. No child left to themselves would become a left wing liberal. You have to be educated into that.
Comment Written 06-Feb-2017
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
Yes, that's so true, the professors made it their mission to turn their students into intolerant Leftists who cannot endure free speech that don't fit their regressive Leftist ideology.
Comment from Selina Stambi
Hello mystery writer,
Well spoken! I couldn't agree more.
Best wishes for the contest,
I would fire teachers ... I believe FIRE has 2 syllables, which would change the syllabic count of the first line. Might be worth checking out.
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
Hello mystery writer,
Well spoken! I couldn't agree more.
Best wishes for the contest,
I would fire teachers ... I believe FIRE has 2 syllables, which would change the syllabic count of the first line. Might be worth checking out.
Comment Written 06-Feb-2017
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
Yes, thanks for pointing out the syllable count, I appreciate it a lot.
Comment from GWinterwin
Good picture along with the words to tell of what you would do if you were president. I agree with you, things have gotten pretty bad. Thanks for sharing, a good message here.
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2017
Good picture along with the words to tell of what you would do if you were president. I agree with you, things have gotten pretty bad. Thanks for sharing, a good message here.
Comment Written 06-Feb-2017
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2017
Thanks for dropping by and for the warm and generous stars. Susan
Comment from Mitchell Brontė
Really enjoyed this very clever 5-7-5.
The thing is Socialism isn't accepted as fairly in America as it is in my Country, so although written in jest, you maybe nearer the mark than you think.
Thanks for sharing
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2017
Really enjoyed this very clever 5-7-5.
The thing is Socialism isn't accepted as fairly in America as it is in my Country, so although written in jest, you maybe nearer the mark than you think.
Thanks for sharing
Comment Written 06-Feb-2017
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2017
Thanks for dropping by and thanks too, for the generous stars. God bless. Susan
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
A very well-written 5-7-5 prompt. I am pleased to see another Trump supporter exist. There must be something wrong when society protest against the president who only do his best to safe the country from terrorism.
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
A very well-written 5-7-5 prompt. I am pleased to see another Trump supporter exist. There must be something wrong when society protest against the president who only do his best to safe the country from terrorism.
Comment Written 06-Feb-2017
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2017
I am also so relieved that you resonated with the message. I am a supporter of your President although I am not a citizen of your country. But I follow religiously Fox News especially the Fox and Friends segment, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Greg Gutfield and Lou Dobbs.
I'm not from the US either but I like the way president Trump gets things done despite all the obstacles and protests.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
A political write which I won't comment on, except to say it has a clever use of words, good luck with him as your leader, best wishes Dolly x
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2017
A political write which I won't comment on, except to say it has a clever use of words, good luck with him as your leader, best wishes Dolly x
Comment Written 06-Feb-2017
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2017
Thanks for dropping by and thanks too, for the warm stars. Susan