Reviews from

haiku (hopeful moonbeams float)

haiku poetry contest entry

15 total reviews 
Comment from TallySally
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your haiku is haunting. Everything beautiful fades. Thankfully the moonbeams are replaced by the beauty of dawn. Wistful truth.

Very nice,

God bless and my best,


 Comment Written 17-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 06-Apr-2016
    What a wonderful surprise! This kind review is so unexpected. I apologize that I've been absent for so long, but I've been dealing with my mother's admittance to a nursing home. I checked in tonight during a bout of insomnia and found your extremely kind words and those generous stars.

    It's not every day that someone refers to my work as "haunting,"and I won't soon forget that praise. You, my friend, ate beyond charitable, but your review has inspired me to keep writing.

    Those little stars don't hurt one but either.

    I'm so grateful for your beneficence. This has lifted my spirits more than I can say.

    Thank you, my friend. Relda, I hope you have a great night and a glorious dawn.

    With gratitude,

Comment from Walu Feral
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

G'day mate. It's been quite a while since I have been fortunate to review for you. Welcome back. This is a great little piece telling a huge story in a beautifully descriptive way in a few short words, that's talent my friend. Good luck in the contest. Cheers Fez

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 11-Jul-2015
    Thanks so much, Fez! G'day to you, too. I am truly grateful for your kindness. I'm so glad that you liked the haiku, and I do appreciate your kind words. You put a broad smile on this face!
    Yes, unfortunately, health issues and my attempts to cling to my job took me away again, but I hope I can be more active here now. The job seems to be going okay, and the bones are mending. I'll be checking out your portfolio soon!
    Again, thanks so much! Hope the rains are gone and life is good there.
    Vista Kay
Comment from Clover77
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This haiku was very simple and sweet, I do, however, have a question. When you have "dawn spells disaster", what do you exactly mean by that?

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    It destroys their hope to shine on. Dawn kills the moonbeams, thus ending their night to shine.

    Thanks for the lovely comments on the simplicity of the haiku lines. Another reader said one more read was required for the interpretation, but everyone got it. Sorry for the complicated logic, but I really do appreciate your time and consideration. Thanks so much, Clover77.
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like your haiku about the moon. The format is 5/7/5 syllables with 2 interconnected lines and a satori line of reflection or enlightment. Nice job!

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2015
    Thanks for the great review and your kind words. I appreciate the support and encouragement, Gypsy.

    Thanks again!
Comment from Emily George
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good use of syllables in this Haiku, the art work goes well, beams of a different kind. lol.
There is a distinctive yin and yan quality for me with "hopeful and disaster" at the beginning and end of your poem.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2015
    Thank you so much for understanding what I was going for on this one, Emily. I really appreciate such perceptive reading. Yin and yang exactly! The outcome doesn't exactly meet the expectation, does it? But, they will try again tonight and each night hereafter anyway. Perhaps we should take a lesson.
    I am grateful for your review and those stars. Have a wonderful night.
    Vista Kay
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is lovely. I really like your imagery of the hopeful moonbeams. Vivid word choices with hopeful, float, and glowing. Effective alliterative pairing of dawn and disaster. Your last line dashes the hopes of the moonbeams. This is really philosophical, as people set forth in life, hopeful and full of expectations. Then they can't get a job or some other disappointment happens. Dawn can spell disaster. Best of luck in the contest. judi

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2015
    Hello Judi! Thanks so much for your great review and the wonderfully perceptive critique. I'm so glad that you liked the haiku. And you got it! Yes, I wonder if we shouldn't take a lesson from moonbeams. They will try again night after night, despite the certain knowledge that tragedy will ensue. Hope truly does spring eternal. Perhaps we should follow our dreams, too, no matter the odds. Thanks for understanding!
    I really appreciate your time and attention to the work. Thanks for the luck, too. I'm going to need it.
    Vista Kay
reply by judiverse on 09-Jul-2015
    You're very welcome. Have a great writing day. judi
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    You, too, Judi.
Comment from Jean Lutz
This work has reached the exceptional level

This reminds me of the creation story -- the brighter light for day and the lesser light for night. We must remember that what we see as disaster is still a part of the Master's plan. Speaking of disasters, did any of the flooding come near you? I've missed you.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2015
    Joan, my friend, thanks so much for your wonderful review and that galaxy of stars! You are so amazingly supportive, and I am truly grateful. You know, those little stars will try again each night, no matter what the outcome, because it is their nature--their design. Yes, it is part of the Master's plan. And perhaps it isn't disaster after all.
    I missed you, too. And I've wondered about things there. My cousins tell me that it was much better there than here. We lost roads, houses washed across streets, lines were down, power was out, and I had days where I could not make it to my mother (35 miles away). But we are healthy and drying now! I am in such gratitude for the rainbow after that monsoon season--one of the worst I can remember. We still flood when it rains (every other day, it seems), because the ground is still saturated, and we are still having some issues, but things are so much better.
    Thanks for thinking of us. Your prayers helped! Hwy 290 between Houston and Austin is almost gone, and we had family traveling on the road in the rain, but they made it safely home. It's been a great spring and summer so far, in spite of the rains. We have had family from MN and VA come to visit, and I moved to a nicer apartment in a better neighborhood. I learned that the health issues I've had are primarily from the prednisone that kept me alive as an asthmatic child, so now we know! So, I can deal with that and start to heal. Blessings are all around us. I hope the same is true for you.
    I'm trying to write more now. We'll see how it goes. I've just barely been here of late. I'll try to do better. Please let me know how you are. I'll check back in tomorrow. Sweet dreams.
    Thank you for the wonderful gift of six stars. I'm so grateful for that--and for your friendship!
    Vista Kay
reply by Jean Lutz on 09-Jul-2015
    So good to get an update. The weather hasn't been bad this year, but then we have been in a long cycle of disasters from nature and human nature. I've written little this past year. Let's cheer each other on in the race. Did you see the poems about Brooke (adewpearl)? I don't know if you have been on site since we learned of her health issues.
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    No, I didn't see the poems. What's happening with Brooke? I've been completely out of the loop. I pray that all is well with her and with you--though it sounds like she is having some real issues. Please fill me in. I know that NO will never be the same after Katrina, but we love you all for trying so incredibly hard. No people are more determined. I saw James Carville in an interview he did at the LBJ Library recently, and he talked a lot about the spirit of the city and the people of the area. I thought of you and wondered what was happening with you there. You're never left out of my prayers. The Pontchartrain is part of me. I have beads from the Endymion Parade in 1979 hanging from a doorknob here in the new place. They always go where I go. I just need some new ones!

    Please tell me about Brooke. I am concerned.
Comment from Lulube
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

good imagery with 1 and 2 lines, good satori for 3rd line. sometimes dawn just wrecks everything. lol
good luck in the contest


 Comment Written 08-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2015
    Ain't it the truth, Lulube! Morning sucks big ole eggs. So much has been going on here that you would not beeeeeelieve. I've been wondering about you! Why, for instance, can't you live around the corner from my new apartment here in Naconowhere? Yeah, I finally moved! I also have two more broken bones! Brittle bones from years of predinisone to keep me alive as an asthmatic kid! What a relief to finally have an answer! We almost lost it all in the floods, but God kept us afloat, which is always good. LOL You still upright? Let me know, would you? I have been in it--deeeep. Long long long story, but better now. No need to dwell. :)
    Just taking it slowly. Smile. Life is beautiful, and so are you, Chica!
    Thanks so much for the great review. Love that sarcasm. So very YOU. Thanks for the luck. I'll need it!
    Big hug.
Comment from watergirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a beautiful haiku about the light of the moon. You make me laugh with the notion of dawn erasing the moonbeam. The light from the moon does indeed tend to float, to have this ethereal quality. A very nice poem here.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2015
    Thanks so much for the great review and for your perceptive comments, Watergirl. I'm truly glad that you liked the haiku and the tale of the disappearing moonbeams--whose brothers and sisters will try again, night after night after night.
    Should we take a lesson there? I'm not willing to give up on my dreams just yet. LOL
    Thanks again. Have a great night.
    Vista Kay
Comment from dmt1967
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very good contest entry. I enjoyed the fact that the poem left the reader to imagine a moonbeam falling from the sky rather than enclose a picture with the poem. Good luck in the contest and thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2015
    Thank you for reviewing! I really appreciate your time and comments. Your consideration means a lot to me. I'm glad you like the haiku. I never know whether to include a photo or not, but it just seemed hopeless with this. How would I find one to capture something only our imaginations could really envision? Thanks for confirming my decision on that one! I had done some second guessing and wondering. And I need that luck!
    Vista Kay