Reviews from

Leaves of Grass{2014}

My Rendiinition

3 total reviews 
Comment from Preston McWhorter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Richard,
"Leaves of Grass" is excellent free style poetry celebrating the arrival of spring and for casting the possibility of autumn. It has excellent figurative language and imagery (canceling past gloom). It has some internal rhyme and good flow.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2014
    Thanks Sir Preston!
    "To get a nice review and utilizing "Whitman's" most famous piece was a challenge but attainable.
    His mind and thoughts back then to toady's standards almost 2 hundred yeas later are remarkable!
Comment from reconciled
This work has reached the exceptional level

Now there's some Whittman that will keep you going.....ahh sorry Brooke.... just trying be funny thats you....yea be careful pickin' on Walt around here.....lots a relatives...-headshake-..yep.....alright brother...yes season of the rut.....i'm excited. alright love ya dude Michael

 Comment Written 06-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2014
    Jason was a "Gift of Life" donor. {I'm a spokesman.}
    "After His unfortunate accident in 2003, I retired
    I then started a multi-conglomerate of 7 business............{RCL. Enterprises of Ocean County}, got bored, and
    started writing.
    Austria: The Ramshackle Empire
    (Part 2 of The Guns of August) Pays: One point.
    42 member cents
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    Category: Family Poetry
    Posted: April 5, 2014 Views: 9
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    Not yet exceptional.
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    A Dedication for two whom passed away.
    "My Long, Lost, Son, Jason." by Ricky1024

    My heart is broken at the loss of my son.
    "My Good Boy" by grannyfrannie
    My child, my only son
    Never will I hold him again
    Our God has him now
    Peace and love surround him
    Quietly I mourn...
    ABC Poetry Contest contest entry
    Author Notes
    My wonderful son passed away in December.
    The pain is unbearable.
    I am letting God guide my thoughts and carry me
    through this journey of grief.
    Someday I will be with him again in Heaven.
    Pays one point and 2 member cents.

    Artwork by Aurora Sky at
    �??�?�© Copyright 2014. Grannyfrannie All rights reserved.
    Grannyfrannie has granted, its affiliates a
    and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.Rating
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    {Review in Poetry}
    "By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
    Master Writer, reviewer Artist.
    And "Latter Day Saint Priest
    of "The Church Of Jesus Christ."
    "My Long, Lost, Son, Jason."

    Adjective Content -*****
    Life will never again be the same...
    Only past memories remain...
    Thoughts of You,
    The things that we used to do...
    now just paint a colored hue.
    If only I knew..
    "What's now the matter?
    Can't seem to gather...
    Thought, regrets, all remain..
    Forever lost...
    My life's a wasted
    Washed down that DAMN DRAIN!!!
    "The River of Woe" flows so as
    my pen know is my best friend..
    Pronounciational Appeal-*****
    Come'n God lets keep it real,
    lost the son than the wife,
    what's the deal?"
    "Objective Content-*****
    "And as My eyes cloud again in misty tears...
    All of those lost, and many years...
    {Jason Richard Smrkovsky}
    "Organs donated'
    {04-01-2003{April Fools Day"
    And now what more can a lonely boy say?"
    "Complete Synopsis-*****
    "And all of the many, many, Angels
    in the Heaven's above...
    The clouds stood still...
    The Stars are so far...
    Nothing here on this old Earth for me to do...
    Lost perspective...
    Lost my sense of You...
    They all; cried in grieving tears for
    three months!
    They welcomed You...
    Back to that place where You belonged...
    "My Long, Lost Son."
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    Author Notes
    Started today 4-05-2014 and written at
    "MC Donalds in Manahawkin, NJ.
    Started at 8:03 AM. and conmpleted at 8:08 AM.
    Eastern Standard Time.
    {A Slammed-poem in non-prose}.
    Special thanks goes out first to God,
    Also, special thanks to all of the
    people and parents whom lost as son
    like mt writing friend "grannie" and
    those like me and grannie who gifted
    our sons organs to save other unfortunate
    people like grannie and me and lastly,
    this Artist and also a friend,
    "MK Flood" and his cool pic "Blue City Angel."

    Pays one point and 2 member cents.
    Artwork by MKFlood at
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    What's this?
    , for the time, and stars...
    Usually I dedicate and post in the editors note.
    Oops I did it again.
Comment from His Grayness
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Ricky 1024: This is a new experience for me regarding "slam" poetry but I think I can guess how this works (fast)and if you really did this in four minutes without any pre-thought or notes...that is indeed amazing! If it was all corn and fluff who would really care? But the content is very good and I did enjoy the read! Slam on friend and keep it coming! HIS GRAYNESS: Vance

 Comment Written 06-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2014
    An ability to write a beautiful piece is a blessing and a miracle at the same time in "Slamming Ability!"
    But to write 22 religious poems 1, 2, and 3 minute and a
    5-7-5 haiku in 5 seconds, and finish them all in 29.85 minutes {Pre-titled}...
    Witnessed by a Mormon Sister on her mission..
    Is Simply a Gift from God and MR. "Graveness" that is exactly how I do it!
    Thanks for your review and stars,
    I'll shall now follow you..
    Ask me anything..