Reviews from

My Life in words

Viewing comments for Chapter 150 "A wonderful feeling."
All of my poems of release.

8 total reviews 
Comment from Shirlena
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Love the entire peice but especially struck by the line that says that love makes people see things differently. I think that is so true which is why we can eat as much as we want around that first year and lose weight instead of gaining it. Great write.

 Comment Written 03-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 03-Nov-2012
    Thanks Shirlena the first flush of love is indeed a wonderful thing. :) Jaq x
Comment from sunnilicious
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well this is a nice romantic poem. It is sincere with love and passion. Well thoughtout and nicely written. Excellent. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2012
    Thank you so much sunni for your very kind review.
Comment from elliejean
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love the poem. Love is a potion for the heart. It keeps it pumping all day long. Love can enhance your life beyond belief. Great work.

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2012
    Thanks elliejean for your kind review. :)
Comment from missy98writer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your free verse poem is beautifully written.
You paint strong imagery in the readers head.
The art work you used is very pretty.
In your free verse you used excellent metaphors: "love is a feeling, rocks the soul, infiltrates the heart, fills you with hope & it takes you on a journey."
You also used great rhythm and good alliteration usage with the H & D words.
I enjoyed your lines:
love is a
which rocks the
infiltrates the heart
fills you with
it takes you on a
I adore your poem.
I wish you good luck in the contest.
Would I recommend your poem to other reviewers?
Yes, I would,

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2012
    Thanks as always missy98 :)
Comment from Mind of the Shephard
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a good poem it just didn't pull me into it like other poems do, I do understand the concept of this poem and it make sense good job. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2012
    Awww sorry it didn't resonate with you as it could have. Thanks for your review and good luck wishes.
Comment from mauial
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh yes this is so true, things can look
quite different
to someone
in love

Especially if one looks through the eyes of puppy love.

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2012
    Glad you enjoyed this and thank you for your kind review.
Comment from Deorre Leonard
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a 6 but I only have a 5. You did a really good job with this the flow is good. The presentation is great. I wouldnt change a word. Well said. Deorre

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2012
    Thank you so much for your kind review :)
Comment from 4tulips
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is so nice to love someone and be loved back. Love erases any wrongs and clearly understands mistakes with forgiveness. Your poem spells out just what love is, a journey that looks so different with each person. I enjoyed reading your poem.

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2012

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2012
    Thanks so much for your wonderful review.