Reviews from

The Steep Price

a casualty

32 total reviews 
Comment from afternoonlight
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sad. Did you stay? Vietnam my father was stationed Coast Guard in Hawaii and I was a teenager on the Marine Base riding horses, and the soldiers were just nineteen not that much older to me and they went and were lost, did not come home, and I cried too same as you. Peace.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2010

reply by the author on 07-Jun-2010
    afternoondelight, thank you so very much for stopping by. No, sadly I did not. I ended up marrying another gentleman who had just returned from Viet Nam, and although we had 4 beautiful children together, our marriage needed 17 years later. He was never the same after Viet Nam. He became a raging alcoholic and never spoke of Viet NAM. Do not get me wrong, he was good man, but his demons got the best of him. When our youngest son left for Iraq, he broke down and it was such a tragic sight. I knew he was reliving Viet Nam at that moment and he feared for his son which he loves so very very much..well did not mean to get off on that..anyway thank you so very much for stopping by..jlsavell
Comment from PUPA
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a very sad story, jlsavell, the phsycological and mental scars can sometimes even worse than the physical. Sorry to hear it s bio. I like the short lines, rhyme is great and flow very smooth.
Well done and good luck.

 Comment Written 29-May-2010

reply by the author on 29-May-2010
    Pupa, hello, thank you once again. I am moved and humbled that you would read my poems that are not even promoted. It is very kind of you. Sadly it is a true story, but then I went on to marry another who had just returned from the Viet Nam war. After 17 years we parted. His burden was too great for him to carry much less I. We are still good friends, we have our children, but he is still weighed down with the memories of that war.again thank you so very much...jlsavell
Comment from bard owl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

War does terrible things to the heart and mind of mortals. Your words could describe my brother, Bill. He was never the same when he returned from service with the Air Force. Excellently sad imagery in this piece, showing how horror exacts such devastation to the soul. Blessings, Linda

 Comment Written 21-May-2010

reply by the author on 26-May-2010
    bard owl, thank you so very much for stopping by to read and review my poem. I appreciate your time, your wonderful comments and excellent review. I think this is an all too familiar story that will never change as long as man dominates man and wars continue. again thank you..jlsavell
Comment from cheyennewy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi jlsavell,

This is such a sad poem and one I relate to. I was married at 18 and my husband went to war too. He was wounded twice but came home safe. Till the day he died he owned the scars of war. You wrote this piece extremely well. Some war wounds are mental and not physical but they are wounds just the same. Well done. Blessings, chey

 Comment Written 01-May-2010

reply by the author on 26-May-2010
    cheyennewy, thank you so very much fro stopping by to read and review my poetry. I am honored. I apologize for the late delay in responding..again thank you so very very much...jlsavell
Comment from Judith Ann
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem is fantastic. My husband, father and grandfather, as well as uncles and cousins served in various wars and conflicts. Your words ring so true and so sad. I really liked this piece as it is filled with the honest facts of war and how it changes those who served. The line, So now this man
who loved me so
lives in the past
and can't let go
really touched me. Well done. -Judy

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2010

reply by the author on 02-Aug-2010
    Judith Ann, I apologize profusely for just answering this review. Thank you so very very much. jlsavell
Comment from Jersey Dreamer
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi poet,
Your poem is absolutely a joy to read, I have no doubt this will be a contest winner,
Thank you for sharing your poetic mind.
Kind regards
Jersey Dreamer

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2010

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2010
    Jersey Dreamer, goodness this is so humbling..thank you so very much!!!!
Comment from azwildrosa
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

hmm, wow, what a great poem. sad in every way. so sad the way he changed. a lost love, a sad poem indeed. beautifully written! thank you for sharing and best wishes in the constest!

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2010

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2010
    azwildrose, thank you so very much for such a wonderful review.
Comment from LateBloomer
This work has reached the exceptional level

hello author,

this is a sad, but too often true, story of war.

this poem reads and flows exceptionally well and i have no suggestion for improvement.

of particular note: (boy went to war)
then he came back a broken man.

good luck in the contest. regards, LateBloomer

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2010

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2010
    Late Bloomer, I, once again am so humbled and honored by an exceptional review. Thank you so much!!
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem is extremely well-composed with strong cadence and strong abcb rhyme and it tells a story that is not only sad but terribly tragic. This could also have been a fine entry in the story poem contest - you tell the story so compellingly as this young man goes from a school boy in love to a young man whose mind and spirit have been ravaged by the effects of war. Narrating it from the point of view of the girlfriend makes it all the more compelling. This should do exceptionally well in this contest. Brooke

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2010

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2010
    adewpearl, it is so good to hear from you. Thank you so very much for stopping by. I am honored..
reply by adewpearl on 30-Apr-2010
    You can be even more honored because I voted for you :-)
reply by the author on 30-Apr-2010
    Brooke, thank you. I am speechless..truly..thank you my wonderful storytelling friend..
Comment from Margaret Snowdon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, how sad is this!!
the content, the flow
to the words, rhythm
and rhyme, all excellent.

He use to say
He used to say

Good luck with the contest, my friend.


 Comment Written 30-Apr-2010

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2010
    Margaret Snowden, thank you so very much for such a wonderful review!!