Reviews from

Miranda's Trouble In Paradise

Viewing comments for Chapter 23 "Another Call"
Miranda tries to find Dougie.

19 total reviews 
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, that answers one question that has been hanging in the air. The next question is what kind of trouble is he in. Miranda is having quite a day with old me giving her problems and now this. I' m looking forward to more.

 Comment Written 20-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2024
    Thank you, Beth. I feel like I've gotten past the hurtle with this story. Hopefully things will start flowing on a more regular basis now. Gretchen
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love the way Miranda Handled the creepy old man.... uck! Great dialogue and characters. I'm happy Mitch is around to help Miranda. Another engaging chapter. I wonder what's going to happen with Dougie.

 Comment Written 19-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2024
    Thank you, Gypsy. Some old men think they are so cute and funny and cross the line too often. That's when the Muranda comes out in me. Lol. Gretchen
reply by Gypsy Blue Rose on 19-Jan-2024
    LoL I have a Miranda too.
Comment from Sankey
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow! What a chapter and I love the description of all the octogenarians, hehe. Interesting to see or hear Dougy is still alive. Still good reading. Keep it coming.

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2024
    Some dirty old men used to cone into the pharmacy and a few needed to be spoken to. I have a fine relationship with them now. Dougie is indeed alive. Now we have to figure out if he's a scammer. Thank you for the six. Gretchen
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So, Dougie is really alive! I'm wondering what garbage he's got himself into but more importantly, I hope Miranda doesn't attempt to help by herself and she includes Mitch in this. She doesn't need to keep anything from him. He won't like it. I do like this story and couldn't find any way to make it better.

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2024
    Thank you, Barbara. I think Miranda will definitely include Mitch. She almost blew it once with him. Gretchen
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yeah, Dougie is alive, just like Miranda figured or at least hoped. But she better hurry up and save him, smothering in shit isn't a great way to die.
Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2024
    We've all needed a life ring to us when we've fallen in a sea of shit. Not very easy to swim in that's for sure. Thanks fir this. Gretchen
Comment from John Ciarmello
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is getting a six simply because Dougie is alive!!!! We already know you're an excellent writer, so the six has nothing to do with it! :)

This had all the elements, and all the characters launched perfectly in all their places on the scene.

But you left one person outstanding in the mix, and that's Starling! I'm going to try to guess what happens next as I always do, but I'll do it alone with my cup of coffee. Lol.

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2024
    Starling may surprise both of us. Old man who misses his wife and just wants someone to blame for her death or ...
    We will find out eventually. Thanks so much for this awesome review. Gretchen
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a real, on the edge of your seat, stuff, Gretchen. You went from one nasty man to anther, and then ended up with a third one! So, it's good to know that Dougie is alive, but has the 'real trouble' got anything to do with Mr Sterling? Who, by the way, has no right to call Rita a liar, when he is one hell of a big liar himself!! His wife died of cancer, not because Dougie stole all that money. And as to that, did Dougie really steal that money from him, or is that another humongous lie?? Hmm. There is more to this than meets the eye. This is a virtual double six. Amazing writing, and fabulous plot! Warmest hugs, dear friend. Sandra xx

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2024
    Thank you, Sandra. It was tough to juggle all of those people. Lol. Thank you for this enthusiastic review. Gretchen
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A great chapter in which Miranda has some great lines and shows her strong character off to the full. Mitch is also his cool, humorous self. The tension builds with Mr Starling. I like the way your chapter almost seems like an insignificant interlude in life before the surprise ending. Your story-telling skills, Gretchen, are always so impressive! Thanks Debbie

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2024
    Thank you so much, Debbie. I'm so glad you enjoyed this. Gretchen
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, she didn't have to find him; he found her.
Nice plot movement.
"Miranda, it's me. Don't hang up." - I wonder why Dougie would think that Miranda would hang up?
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2024
    I think Dougie might feel like everyone is mad at him. He's scared, alone and probably paranoid. Who knows what he's gotten himself into. Thank you so much for this. Gretchen
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ahh, why did I think that he could possibly be alive, believing that Dougie is alive is not sure, but however narcissistic Missy is she still has limitations, even if she doesn't, but what trouble can he be in? Beautifully written Gretchen, blessjngs Riy

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2024
    Thank you, Roy. He's in some deep trouble. Now he's dragging Miranda and Mitch (unbeknownst to him) in with him. Gretchen
reply by royowen on 19-Jan-2024
    Poor Miranda