Comment from
I feel like this piece is about making connections - not just with others - those to whom you might call out - but also a connection to yourself, to understanding those inners drivers and demons that we all have to wrestle with.
Awesome stuff, my friend.
Comment Written 07-Jul-2022
reply by the author on 08-Jul-2022
Why thanks Michael for this review and I'm starting to spread the peanut butter little thicker these days!
Doctor Ricky
Comment from
Hello Ricky1024 a good day to you, I hope all is well with you. I am confused as I don't see a poem to read, did you make the words of the poem white and they are hidden by the background?
Comment Written 07-Jul-2022
reply by the author on 08-Jul-2022
I thank you for stopping in and you probably caught this in the beginning phases before I could complete it.
Doctor Ricky