Reviews from

Poor Prose Writers, You Still Here?

A Rambling Essay or Something Like That

100 total reviews 
Comment from l.raven
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey you, I don't know about others...well do...but I read the stories I read because I enjoy them...a lot of people just don't want to put the time in...I read most of my short poems through the day...or early evening...and at night I camp in and read my stories...when I can take my time to enjoy them...I would think Michael some people may not have the time...and some just prefer poetry...some are just true poets...and don't like long reading...I have seen poets even complain about long poems...for me I could care less...that is why I am here...I enjoy reading...reading...that is the magic word...there are writers of stories...and poets...each see writing in a different view...poets see reads different than stories...proses see details...every step off the way....
I don't think reading another persons reviews to make your own is right...and I can tell you...I read all your writes...if I don't miss one on the make me laugh...and at times make me cry....both good...
and you know Michael...some don't like to review at all...
just enjoy smile on and enjoy the people who enjoy you...because a lot of us do...
do I read other peoples to know if some one is trying to take Bard from me...LOL...
no really to see what they got from the writes...
but I always give my own them or not...LOL...
you feel like a lot do on here...your not alone...
very well expressed...and very well spoken...and if there were a Macaw on that guys shoulder in the picture...I would say it was you...LOL...Love ya you...Luff Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2014

Comment from Tatarka2
This work has reached the exceptional level

This gets a 6 from me because you say so well, and so succinctly, what has bothered me for some time. Fortunately for you, poetry is your gift, so you'll always get rave reviews for your poetry. Still, I want "real" reviews for the prose I love to write - but that doesn't always happen. I wish I knew the answer. For myself, I've decided to be grateful for the critiques I get from people who have obviously read the piece, and who care enough to write thoughtful reviews. In the end, with prose, I think whether or not it is publishable is the ultimate review. I have received some excellent feedback on some prose pieces on this site, and the prompts and contests have inspired pieces that I'm still working on and trying to get published. Maybe that's the most we can hope for. With the system the way it is, you'll never end up making "money" (real or "Fanstory money") writing prose pieces. Thanks for your direct, on-point explication of this problem. I think you said it very well.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2014

Comment from vfbryant
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think you offer some valid points. I'm one of those who read and review a lot of poetry, primarily because 1)I need the fake dollars to be able to post my own work, and 2)I really do get a lot out of many of the pieces that I read. Some capture moments I've experienced for myself, some project beautiful images, and some just do me good as a write, sort of like healthy food strengthens my body. Now, I'll be honest with you about why I don't read more prose. I go over to the prose column every time I'm on here, and a large portion of the entries are chapters of books. I don't care to walk into the 3rd act of a 4 act play, if you get my drift, and my review would only indicate my ignorance. I do, however, read the short stories, and the longer stories, as long as the writing catches and holds my attention. I guess my point is, I admire the novelists, but I think they lose reviewers because the chapter thing is a hindrance to their readability, and that's a shame. Good piece. Wish I had answers.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2014

Comment from Kingsland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I wrote a novel with another writer on this site some years back and received many review for it. There are no easy answers. You just need to want to read prose and then it must grab you from the beginning. I skip over so very many that have poor openings. The main thing in writing a piece of prose is to grab hold of the reader in the first few line, or you'll lose their interest. This was a very interesting article to have read and written this response for... John

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2014

Comment from pafaust
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree with you, wholeheartedly, but I don't have any suggestions other than the one that you've already proposed - have the value of the longer stories be more. I'm shocked that someone criticized story length in a review. Why bother reading it (if he/she did) and reviewing it if it pissed you off from the getgo? I write prose, as well, and have been disappointed with the quantity of reviews.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2014

Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

love your satiric representation of generic reviews :-)
Your observations are accurate - when a reader is trying to accumulate "money" to promote her own work, it simply is a more efficient use of time to review 12 words than 2000 words for the same amount
Tom does give a higher percentage possibility of winning member pumps for reviewing prose, and it's also the only way to win those ad banners
Other than that, I don't know - even within prose it's easier to earn site money with flash fiction than book chapters, so it seems impossible to make things equitable
I follow several serialized novels because I like the story and like the writer, and there are some short story writers I would review for nothing. I hope talent carries the day with some other reviewers too. Brooke

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2014

Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree and applaud you for writing this, by the way, I read every word. I understand exactly what you're say. I write prose, novels and rarely dabble in poetry. I don't understand it, but review it often because it pays and I want to promote my work hopping I get reviews. I have no solution, but something does need to be done.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2014

Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If it's a piece of cake to read a poem, then chances are the poem is not worth a five or six. A good poem requires at least three readings to get all the meat out and gnaw on the bone. On the other hand, prose is a faster read for me and easier to review. I do. however, tend to skip the long pieces and would suggest the author break it into two posts. Love the satire in the opening of this piece. I'll be interested in reading other responses.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2014

Comment from kiwijenny
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Michael, I feel your pain because I jumped in the novel boat too. And when you pay to promote to the highest because otherwise you might as well not put it on there you certainly don't get the 40 votes. Tom needs to let the novel chapters be paid more. But the people that give three stars because they don't like your genre should not be allowed to vote....sorry but that has happened....I said please push skip. The same person said I was shortsighted to post a fantasy piece when the Hobbit had just come out and how could I compete with that....grrrrr.

A solution for me personally is to make my chapters very short. I have received so much help. I could not have written a novel at all with put fanstorians helping me with spag etc. I am indebted.
I enjoyed your piece...could we rally and put a proposal to Tom?

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2014

Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sorry, Mikey, I haven't any suggestions that would help you (or anyone) get more reviews for prose. Considering I write primarily prose, I know exactly what you are saying. Bottom line, paying the big bucks may get your prose more reviews, but even that's not a guarantee. Did that help you...even just a

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2014