Reviews from

Winter...and Spring in the South

Yep! It's really like this!

62 total reviews 
Comment from LisaMay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your well rhymed swing through the seasonal variations in your poem, from happy windshield wipers to wet feet. We get 4 seasons in one day at the moment here in NZ, too.
(I'm sorry I have missed reviewing so much of your writing. I have been busy elsewhere with only enough time to keep writing my own stuff. I've noticed how consistent you are with appearing in contest results, so my hearty and sincere congratulations for that!)

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 Comment Written 24-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Just good to hear from you, my lady! :) Thanx for the review and take care over there in NZ! ;) :) Yvette
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a great contest entry, YM. I enjoyed reading it. Your lines flow smoothly; and, the rhymes are excellent. Of course it is for the rhyming contest. What else can one expect from your talented mind? Oh, the picture is a great pairing, too. We haven't had that much rain or gray clouds and only one freak snowstorm. But what lies ahead for us . . . March winds that make the sky the same color as the brown earth. Some of those winds measure 40-60 mph--New Mexico will be blowing over. If you see me, through me a line. Those winds twist any blooming plant out of the ground it seems (daffodils). Usually those winds start the last week or two of February--yes, they have been here to tease us. Thanks for sharing and best wishes. Respectfully, Jan

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 Comment Written 24-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Okay, so you just put some wind in my sails this morning, Lady Jan -- thank you for the lovely compliment! ;) My aunt/uncle used to live in New Mexico and I remember their complaints about the 'wet' and the 'dry' seasons.... well, here in the South it's winter wet, Spring wet, Summer dry.... Fall's the only season with a mind of its own and changes from year to year - lol!! ;) At least the Spring's wet has a whole lot more sunshine woven between! ;) Thanx for the review and take care! ;) Yvette