Reviews from

Winter...and Spring in the South

Yep! It's really like this!

62 total reviews 
Comment from Miss Cookie Atkinson
This work has reached the exceptional level

If I was a drinking woman ill make a toast to you. I agree with your word. I feel the same way when it rainy and cold my body aches so bad I can't wait until the sun comes out and my body can feel alive again.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    LOL!! Well, how bout a toast of wonderful sweet tea, Miss Cookie -- I say that is certainly an acceptable toast between friends!! ;) :) Thank you so much for those wonderful stars, my lady -- they are shiny spot in all this gray!! ;) :) LOL! Oh, and for those aches, I've recently started taking some turmeric and sprinkling it on my foods as well... REALLY has made a difference with my knees and shoulder!! ;) :) Take care of you out there! ;) Yvette
reply by Miss Cookie Atkinson on 26-Feb-2020
    Thank you Dr. Yvette
    I'll try anything to ease my pain as long as it is not pills thank you
    until next time.
Comment from CrystieCookie999
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Fun personification of windshield wipers not wanting to hide, or overwork any longer. I think you did a good job on rhyme and meter. Sunny sounds better and better when gray weather has prevailed so long.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    When at a loss for a contest poem topic, go to the most apparent, or WET, as the case may be - LOL!! ;) Weather is as weather does... I just wish it would 'do' a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, Beth -- always appreciated! Yvette
Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I could certainly hear your yearning for spring! You also reminded me to be grateful for our lack of rain in Southern California, because my sciatica is like a barometer!! I enjoyed your rhymed quatrains and playful mood despite the drenching. Best wishes in the contest- Joan

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    When at a loss for a contest poem topic, go to the most apparent, or WET, as the case may be - LOL!! ;) Weather is as weather does... I just wish it would 'do' a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, Joan - get out and bask some for me! ;) Yvette
reply by Joan E. on 26-Feb-2020
    Yes, we are still basking and the prediction is no rain until the end of the week. Try to stay warm and dry! Smiles- Joan
Comment from Lobber
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Yvette,
You works always bring me back to earth and all the joys it offers. Why do I see tornadoes ripping up fresh pine coffins with magnolias flung into the tree tops like common dandelions. You and I would make a lovely couple ... a couple of losers.
-... your little Lobby (sorry) Lobber
PS Why not be politically incorrect for once and change )For( to )Fur(. What! Not even for me, who asks for so little. I'm even bribing you with. a 6pak.

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    LOL!! ;) Not so much a loser as just plain 'soaked' -- had enough! ;) Oh, I do so appreciate the bribe, sir, but you do realize what would happen if I used 'fur', right? It would go right over folks' heads I would get a whole bunch of two things: corrections of my spelling (and, no, they would not get the joke) or questions asking me to explain the use of 'fur'.... sigh. Think I'll just stick with mundane and boring ... goes well with the whole 'gray' motif! ;) :) Weather is as weather does... I just wish it's 'do' a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, Lobber -- always enjoy the smiles! :) Yvette
reply by Lobber on 26-Feb-2020
    Did you sneak in a )?Cuz( for )For( instead of )Fur( as requested? OR are my eyes and brain slipping? You are not mundane or boring, but this could be the end of a great affair. At least I didn?t ask for )Fer(.
    - Lobber
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lol. But it's like that every season here - well, except for summer. For a nice cool summer, you should visit here - we have 70 degrees while others are in the 100's.
Enjoyed your fun poem about not liking the rain. But your wipers got a good workout. You need waterproof shoes!

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Yes, well, when at a loss for a contest poem topic, go to the most apparent, or WET, as the case may be - LOL!! ;) I know that weather is as weather does, Professor... I just would like a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, Helen -- always appreciated! :) Yvette
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed the sentiments here Yvette and continuous rain can get a little depressing, you tripped up on the meter with this line and I have a suggestion for you, (seven syllable is okay because they have feminine endings)

'My sun-starved (light) complexion -'

'To my (sad) pale reflection'

Love Dolly x

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2020
    Changes made, Beautiful Bard -- thank you, THANK YOU!! Been a crazy week and it's only Monday - LOL! Seriously, some students thought it would be a good idea to play a joke on the Chem teacher but then they got themselves locked out in the pouring rain... oh my goodness, Dolly, what are we gonna do with them?!! ;) LOL! Take care over there, my lady, and thanx again! :)
reply by Dolly'sPoems on 24-Feb-2020
    You are so welcome Yvette, love Dolly x
Comment from Ronni
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi dear Yvette,
Love this, pretty much describes our gloomy rainy weather too, plus
the added humidity; and if windy days dry us and sun dares to peek
out, then it's that doggone jet stream that swoops down with a
sudden artic blast! Simply nice sunny day's...ah adore them!!!!!
and love them all the more when we have them!!! Very relatable poem
dear, thanks for sharing. Witty and wry is your always cool and
captivating sense of humor dear Dixie Belle friend! ;) :)
Love, Ronni

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    When at a loss for a contest poem topic, go to the most apparent, or WET, as the case may be - LOL!! ;) Oh, yeah, the humidity is simply a fact of life 'round here, and we are in and out of freezing temps! :) :) Weather is as weather does... just would like a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, my lady -- always appreciated! :) Yvette
Comment from June Sargent
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a fun one! Especially about the need for hats to hide the fuzzy hair. We're never satisfied- let's be honest. Rain or drought - we'll always find something to squawk about...

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    When at a loss for a contest poem topic, go to the most apparent, or WET, as the case may be - LOL!! ;) Weather is as weather does... just would like a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, June -- always appreciated! :) Yvette
Comment from MamaBebop
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a wonderful contest entry. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it. The rhymes were excellent. We have had quite a mild winter here in my neck of the woods. But I never count on Spring here until after March 15th. It has snowed here on St. Patty's Day. Thanks for sharing and best wishes for a lovely week.

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    When at a loss for a contest poem topic, go to the most apparent, or WET, as the case may be - LOL!! ;) Weather is as weather does... just would like a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, Beth -- always appreciated! :) Yvette
    P.S. How goes your book? :) :)
reply by MamaBebop on 26-Feb-2020
    I work on "the book" here and there. I have a long story in my head. If I actually get it all out, I'm afraid it will be longer than War and Peace..LOL. Thinking of ways to condense.
    Thanks for checking in, Sweet lady. Beth
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very well written rhyming poem you have penned for the contest that is so full of the truth! We live in the south also and it has rained so much lately, it is not even funny! lol You used great descriptive words and very beautiful imagery. love and blessings, Teri

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    When at a loss for a contest poem topic, go to the most apparent, or WET, as the case may be - LOL!! ;) I feel you on the rain -- so READY for dryer days!! Thanx so much for your review, Teri -- always appreciated! :) Yvette
reply by Teri7 on 26-Feb-2020
    lol Yvettes, I hear you my friend! Some days I feel like a duck that is old and has lost it feathers in the rain! lol. love you!