Are we on Highway US 89?
Watch for signposts of truth and love58 total reviews
Comment from nora arjuna
Lord, the wheels turn slow when it comes [to] changes in human nature.
Ann, this was such a great read, even though I'm not a US citizen, but the discussion and concerned topic apply to all. The same type of people with a closed mind exist everywhere. True, human nature is hard to change.
reply by the author on 03-Sep-2008
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Lord, the wheels turn slow when it comes [to] changes in human nature.
Ann, this was such a great read, even though I'm not a US citizen, but the discussion and concerned topic apply to all. The same type of people with a closed mind exist everywhere. True, human nature is hard to change.
Comment Written 03-Sep-2008
reply by the author on 03-Sep-2008
Thanks for your generous review and for catching that nit. I'll make the correction right away. I appreciate your continued support. ann
Comment from Judian James
Oh Ann, this was really good. Very astute and responsible essay for our times and what's right around the corner with the most important election in the history of our country ... a very important decision for every American and one that must be understood and then carried out correctly,not on conjecture and igorance. Very well written and I love your photo and what has become a catch-phrase between your husband and yourself when things are not always as they appear. Excellent
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2008
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Oh Ann, this was really good. Very astute and responsible essay for our times and what's right around the corner with the most important election in the history of our country ... a very important decision for every American and one that must be understood and then carried out correctly,not on conjecture and igorance. Very well written and I love your photo and what has become a catch-phrase between your husband and yourself when things are not always as they appear. Excellent
Comment Written 02-Sep-2008
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2008
Thanks so very much for your generous review and comments. I appreciate your support. ann
Comment from tteach
Life is easier to understand looking back from father on down the road, but maybe it's the lessons to be learned that require us to live it forward
Lord, the wheels turn slow when it comes changes in human nature.
You hit us with two very profound statements in this essay. We can see clearer when we look back, and change is slower than molasses.
Your examples are well chosen, and your references to myth make us think about what we can'should believe.
Unfortunately, you can't change the minds of the overly biased, but I admire your efforts.
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2008
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Life is easier to understand looking back from father on down the road, but maybe it's the lessons to be learned that require us to live it forward
Lord, the wheels turn slow when it comes changes in human nature.
You hit us with two very profound statements in this essay. We can see clearer when we look back, and change is slower than molasses.
Your examples are well chosen, and your references to myth make us think about what we can'should believe.
Unfortunately, you can't change the minds of the overly biased, but I admire your efforts.
Comment Written 01-Sep-2008
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2008
Thanks so very much. I appreciate your generous review and supportive comments. Closed minds frustrate me!! I have little patience with people who will just take anyone's word for anything rather than check it out for themselves. To me, the primary purpose of education is to teach people how to think for themselves, to use the available tools to check out their conclusions. Oh me, forgive me the soapbox this morning. That's just one of my pet peeves. thank you so very, very much for the 6 stars. I am awed, honored and humbled by them. ann
Comment from hvysmker
"Growing up in the woods, I guess." She laughed. "Grandma, you did not grow up in the woods!"
*** Need two paragraphs. Two people talking.
Life is easier to understand looking back from father on down the road,
*** farther
Recently, an employee invited my husband and me to a celebration of achievement dinner for her husband.
*** husband and I
The Democratic Convention had closed the day before, and as a matter of course the coversation turned to politics.
*** conversation
Have you tried checking them out?"
*** Here, in Ohio, we've been bombarded by McCain ads where he bashes Obama in that style. Except that some people might take them seriously, it would be joke. They're so blatantly unreal. One even calls him a terrorist because he's talked to one in the past. It's the same with Osama, who happened to talk to the one 9/11attacker at one time. Both of them talk to many people on any day, which doesn't imply they're plotting anything with any of them.
"That has nothing to do with being a Christain.
*** Christian
"What's not allowed is promoting one religion over another. What's not allowed is forcing a Jewish child, or a Muslim child or even a Wiccan child to be made to feel less because hearing the Christian child's prayer is more important and must be heard. Silent prayer --"
*** I'm a single man, but I never understood that concept. When I was a kid, we had the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord's Prayer recited every morning. Not being all that interested, I'd keep my eyes open and look at the girls. What I mean is, it didn't interest me, one way or the other. For the few minutes required, I'd think of something else. It would have been the same with me if it were a Jewish or Muslim prayer. I never heard of kids being made to feel inferior because of it. I think that's something made up by incensed adults. Of course, I can see not having religious classes in public schools unless they were treated equally. Maybe comparative religion should be taught in grade or high school? Possibly with visiting preachers or the equivalent.
Lord, the wheels turn slow when it comes changes in human nature.
*** In many vital ways, human nature hasn't changed in hundreds of thousands of years.
I like the way McCain was complaining that Obama didn't have experience. Now his VP candidate has even less. Or the way Hillary is said to be experienced. Both of those two are freshman Senators who have spend most of their time in office getting ready for and running for President.
Since when is sleeping with a President counted as experience? All it means is she knows her way around the building and atmosphere, and met some important world leaders socially.
Are a President's kids also considered experienced? Does President Carter's brother Billy have Presidential experience?
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2008
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"Growing up in the woods, I guess." She laughed. "Grandma, you did not grow up in the woods!"
*** Need two paragraphs. Two people talking.
Life is easier to understand looking back from father on down the road,
*** farther
Recently, an employee invited my husband and me to a celebration of achievement dinner for her husband.
*** husband and I
The Democratic Convention had closed the day before, and as a matter of course the coversation turned to politics.
*** conversation
Have you tried checking them out?"
*** Here, in Ohio, we've been bombarded by McCain ads where he bashes Obama in that style. Except that some people might take them seriously, it would be joke. They're so blatantly unreal. One even calls him a terrorist because he's talked to one in the past. It's the same with Osama, who happened to talk to the one 9/11attacker at one time. Both of them talk to many people on any day, which doesn't imply they're plotting anything with any of them.
"That has nothing to do with being a Christain.
*** Christian
"What's not allowed is promoting one religion over another. What's not allowed is forcing a Jewish child, or a Muslim child or even a Wiccan child to be made to feel less because hearing the Christian child's prayer is more important and must be heard. Silent prayer --"
*** I'm a single man, but I never understood that concept. When I was a kid, we had the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord's Prayer recited every morning. Not being all that interested, I'd keep my eyes open and look at the girls. What I mean is, it didn't interest me, one way or the other. For the few minutes required, I'd think of something else. It would have been the same with me if it were a Jewish or Muslim prayer. I never heard of kids being made to feel inferior because of it. I think that's something made up by incensed adults. Of course, I can see not having religious classes in public schools unless they were treated equally. Maybe comparative religion should be taught in grade or high school? Possibly with visiting preachers or the equivalent.
Lord, the wheels turn slow when it comes changes in human nature.
*** In many vital ways, human nature hasn't changed in hundreds of thousands of years.
I like the way McCain was complaining that Obama didn't have experience. Now his VP candidate has even less. Or the way Hillary is said to be experienced. Both of those two are freshman Senators who have spend most of their time in office getting ready for and running for President.
Since when is sleeping with a President counted as experience? All it means is she knows her way around the building and atmosphere, and met some important world leaders socially.
Are a President's kids also considered experienced? Does President Carter's brother Billy have Presidential experience?
Comment Written 01-Sep-2008
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2008
6 stars!! WOW. Thank you so much. Coming from you--with your talent--I'm even more honored and pleased. I appreciate. I'll fix the nits right away!
I disagree with your prayer stance. While a child may not seem to be overtly interested in what prayer is going on, they know --maybe unconsciously so. They realize on some level -to be more realized at a later date- that they attend a school where Christianity is valued over all other religions. The kid most influenced may well the the Christian kid because that superiority is reinforced by his home life and his church. In the end, prejudice and bias thinking is encouraged and appears in the adult. Perhaps, it is the Christian kid who needs the "lack of vocal prayers' to encourage tolerance.
I believe --whether the individual human nature has or note-- the collective human nature has changed and will continue to improve until we reach a point of tolerance, acceptance and love of our brother. However, like all change, it is met with obstinance and pockets of extremism. Right will win -- just hope there is someone left to enjoy it! lol
I think Hillary had a more active part in Bill's administration than one might believe--because she slept with the president. Husbands and wives who really have a kinship when it comes to conversation and goals --and I don't think anyone would dispute that part-- have a tendancy to talk about their jobs and to be influenced by one another opinions. It is apparent from Bill's history that he admires Hillary's judgment, intelligence and work ethic. All of those things would encourage a "partnership" in discussion of issues, judgment of world leaders, analysis of world situations, sizing up the opponents and the friends, etc. Sleeping with the president is a qualification as a candidate when it involves a partnership between people rather than a shared bed. Some spouses -of which Hillary and Bill are two- have more than a shared bed.
What fun - to have a conversation with you! Enjoyed. ann
Of course, I don't really know much about the Clintons except what was in the news. I was never much interested. My impression of Hillary is that she was ambitious, and jumped on his shirttails for a ride up in politics. That, to her, his political career was more important than his peccadilloes. Of course, I might well be wrong. It's simply an impression based on insufficient evidence.
Just like my impression of Georgie is that of a cocky little rich punk, based on a couple I've known briefly in the past. We can't help but be influenced by personal experiences.
You are so right! Have a great week. ann
Comment from AnnsHoney
You told it like it was, you have such a unique way of expressing your self and relating a story. I enjoy your stories and seeing them take shape in type written form, Good job, RLM
reply by the author on 01-Sep-2008
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You told it like it was, you have such a unique way of expressing your self and relating a story. I enjoy your stories and seeing them take shape in type written form, Good job, RLM
Comment Written 01-Sep-2008
reply by the author on 01-Sep-2008
And you are good to me!! Thank you for all of the support, all of the time. ann
Comment from jojosug
Your observations were sharp and focused, you clearly conveyed the gist of the discussion, I liked it. As an aside, doesn't this kind of ignorance both worry and infuriate you.?
reply by the author on 01-Sep-2008
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Your observations were sharp and focused, you clearly conveyed the gist of the discussion, I liked it. As an aside, doesn't this kind of ignorance both worry and infuriate you.?
Comment Written 01-Sep-2008
reply by the author on 01-Sep-2008
Yes, it does!!! Especially when I hear it come from people I like and know are living the American dream. Thanks for the generous review. ann
Comment from RaymondJohn
I'm blown away by the people who have so little knowledge of Obama, and the outright lies the right have used to discredit him on the blogs and talk shows. There are plenty who believe the same thing. Thanks fror the great story. It was important from beginning to end. Ray.
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reply by the author on 01-Sep-2008
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I'm blown away by the people who have so little knowledge of Obama, and the outright lies the right have used to discredit him on the blogs and talk shows. There are plenty who believe the same thing. Thanks fror the great story. It was important from beginning to end. Ray.
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The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.
Comment Written 01-Sep-2008
reply by the author on 01-Sep-2008
Thanks so much. I knew and accepted that there are people who are so misguided and narrow-focused as to believe such untruths. What I was unprepared for was hearing it from someone I considered intelligent and open-minded. Thanks for the generous review. ann
Comment from nitad
Lord, the wheels turn slow when it comes changes in human nature.
--Ann,isn't that the truth? Change is coming, but rest assured, some people will only follow along if they are dragged kicking and screaming the entire way.
The part about your granddaughter just broke my heart, especially when she asked if her grandpa would be proud of her. Needed a kleenex for that one!
Another excellent write, as usual no spag to report.
Take care,
reply by the author on 01-Sep-2008
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Lord, the wheels turn slow when it comes changes in human nature.
--Ann,isn't that the truth? Change is coming, but rest assured, some people will only follow along if they are dragged kicking and screaming the entire way.
The part about your granddaughter just broke my heart, especially when she asked if her grandpa would be proud of her. Needed a kleenex for that one!
Another excellent write, as usual no spag to report.
Take care,
Comment Written 01-Sep-2008
reply by the author on 01-Sep-2008
Thanks so much for a generous review. Anytime I get 6 stars, I pinch myself to be sure it's real. I appreciate your support so very, very much. ann