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Viewing comments for Chapter 28 "Karenina's Fall"
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57 total reviews 
Comment from Jasmine Girl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I know Karenina and she is a very friendly person and good writer. She had some bad lucks recently with her bank account emptied by a hacker not long ago.

Thanks for writing this poem for her.

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2023
    I thank you for your kind review and comments for my poem, Karenina.
    I sure appreciate it my friend
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How much can one family endure. Thank you for sharing this need with us. I have been praying for this family for a while now. I see I need to continue and keep these prayers coming.

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2023
    Hi Barb, I thank you for your kind review and comments for my poem, Karenina.
    I sure appreciate it my friend
Comment from Marienkiefer
This work has reached the exceptional level

I am grateful for this prayerful poem, but shocked and sad that my friend Karenina has taken a spill.
-This poem is sensitively written and great at sensitizing, on how we make great strides, although we may stumble along the way, although preferably a little less painfully.
My prayers for Karenina (K) are:
Psalm 18, verse 33: He makes my feet like hinds feet, (able to stand firmly, and tread safely); He sets me upon my high places.
Blessings, Debi, and thank you for this poem, with touches of joy for strength and recovery.

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 14-Jan-2023
    Marien, I know I have said this before, but you are about as lovely as they come. Thank you for the beautiful review and comments and the gracious gift of six stars. The Bible verses were perfect too!
    They are all appreciated so much and will bless Karenina as much as me.
    Thanks again my sweet friend!
reply by Marienkiefer on 14-Jan-2023
    My pleasure, Debi.
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debi, you're just the sweetest poetry nurse! I feel better reading this and I am not laid up. God bless you for the update, my friend.

Karenina, I hope you are feeling better and mending quick! I sprained my foot when I was in real estate and it might as well have been broken. It swelled up like I had been stung by giant hornets! Worse, I ran over the UPS delivery guy running out of my office. Yep. Smacked him good. We tumbled down the front steps, packages and all, and landed on the sidewalk. I was so glad I was wearing pants! Geeze, I think I did a cartwheel before landing!

Thinking and praying for you today, dear one. Please take it easy and take care of yourself!! No cartwheels!

Love you both,
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 14-Jan-2023
    Lol! You both fell down the steps w something big, but personal preference, I'd have picked the UPS guy over a full shop vac! Haha!

    Thanks for the sweet review and comments.
    You two make me wonder what would have happened to me w my bones if in your accidents, since a few yrs ago I completely shattered my ankle when just sliding into a door when I was trying to get out of the wheelchair and take a step, but the floor was slippery and I couldn't stand up and rammed my foot into the door. When I tried to get up back on the wc, I knew something was wrong. I picked up my leg and held up a little and my foot fell down like a rag mop. I was in a care center for 3 months that time.
    My orthopedic doc said it looked more like what would happen falling off a roof.
    Which reminds me that I had some scans and labs done again and they are thinking that my leg surgery might have been for nothing as my ability to walk is at a standstill and bone deterioration is so bad that not sure the hardware and bones are possibly not going to support my weight to keep me walking. Now was a heck of a time to do the scans. Not really too happy w them anyway, but we will see when I go back. Labs also not good so will also be seeing my hematologist and kidney Dr. I've been putting off telling anyone until I saw them but time I guess to face the music. I read what was said in the portal messages. So just trying to stay busy and do the little walking that I can. It's just so darn painful. Helen knows but haven't told Maggie yet.

    Oops forgot where I was writing this. Oh well I don't even care. I couldn't keep it a secret forever. Don't worry as I will be fine, but just going thru some sadness right now.
reply by Sally Law on 14-Jan-2023
    I?m just as concerned for you as I am Karenina. I stopped to pray again. It?s harder to heal the bones when we are older. Please take care, both of you, and make sure you are getting plenty of bone building nutrients; calcium, magnesium, biotin, iron and potassium. Double your intake of vitamin D3 during the winter and when Iillness or injury strikes. I am unable to get out in the sun because of my damaged retinas and so my D3 comes from supplements. It?s crucial to bone heath and skeletal strength.
reply by Sally Law on 14-Jan-2023
    Sorry, I hit the button before saying goodbye. Love ya, sweet friends.
    Dr. Sally XOs
Comment from Kaiku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I bet Karenina will write a wondrous poem about all the scientific elements of her recovery and once again educate the masses with her humor and fact.

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2023
    Hi Kaiku, I thank you for your kind review and comments for my poem, Karenina.
    I sure appreciate it my friend
reply by the author on 18-Jan-2023
reply by Kaiku on 18-Jan-2023
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, we are lifting her up in prayer! Thank you so much for sending out this prayer request and giving the details of how Karenina fell. I like how specific your poem is and how you added the humor even referring to the humerus bone.

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2023
    Oh Helen, I didn't leave you in the dust on perpose, I just got so far behind, I thank you for your kind review and comments for my poem, Karenina.
    I sure appreciate it my friend
reply by lyenochka on 18-Jan-2023
    I didn't feel "left in the dust" at all. 💖
Comment from Anne Johnston
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am so sorry for Karenina, but I love the way you have put this into verse. She has had her share of problems, and I have her on my prayer list. Thank you so much for reminding us of this need.

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 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2023
    Hi Anne, I thank you for your kind review and comments for my poem, Karenina.
    I sure appreciate it my friend
reply by Anne Johnston on 21-Jan-2023
    You are welcome, Debi