Tiny Tales of Terror
Viewing comments for Chapter 21 "A Solemn Oath"Multi-authored book of flash/micro horror fiction
56 total reviews
Comment from Wabigoon
With the pictures this is very powerful, scary. I feel, however, it depends too much upon them. You really don't need the 100 words at all. I'm not sure how you'd communicate the story without the pictures, maybe simply from the point of view of one of the buried alive in the ground?
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
With the pictures this is very powerful, scary. I feel, however, it depends too much upon them. You really don't need the 100 words at all. I'm not sure how you'd communicate the story without the pictures, maybe simply from the point of view of one of the buried alive in the ground?
Comment Written 24-May-2015
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Actually, I won a flash fiction competition with this one on another site, 'Goon, and used no pictures at all. Hopefully, even with the art, it will do just as well here.
Thanks for your review, and have a safe & Happy Memorial day, buddy. :)
Comment from barkingdog
Dean, this has your signature all over it.
'Til death do us part.' I always wondered how many murders there have been with just those words in mind. If divorce isn't acceptable, how about an accident?
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Dean, this has your signature all over it.
'Til death do us part.' I always wondered how many murders there have been with just those words in mind. If divorce isn't acceptable, how about an accident?
Comment Written 24-May-2015
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Oh, they had an accident, alright, Ellen, heh-heh. No doubt about it. they also made a grave mistake in judging what he was capable of doing to keep his portion of those sacred vows...
Thanks for the review, and have a safe & happy holiday weekend. :)
Comment from Adri7enne
Lots of videos to help make your point. Well done keeping it to exactly 100 words. I think you did a good job setting up the scene. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Lots of videos to help make your point. Well done keeping it to exactly 100 words. I think you did a good job setting up the scene. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 24-May-2015
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Thank you, Adrienne. I appreciate your comments as well as your time. :)
Comment from robina1978
Excellent photo that complements your story perfectly. It is real horror. A guy got betrayed by his wife, his friend. You buried her alive and dug a hole for the coffin. This as you wrote till death do us part. Good entry. Best wishes for the contest.
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Excellent photo that complements your story perfectly. It is real horror. A guy got betrayed by his wife, his friend. You buried her alive and dug a hole for the coffin. This as you wrote till death do us part. Good entry. Best wishes for the contest.
Comment Written 24-May-2015
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Yhanks, Ine. Have a safe & happy holiday weekend, my friend. :)
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Now that's the way to settle a score. You have provided all the requirements of flash fiction. You have a complete story in 100 words, and you have one heck of a stinger in the tail. It also fulfills what must be the ultimate horror - being buried alive. Great job, and good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Now that's the way to settle a score. You have provided all the requirements of flash fiction. You have a complete story in 100 words, and you have one heck of a stinger in the tail. It also fulfills what must be the ultimate horror - being buried alive. Great job, and good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 24-May-2015
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Thanks so much for taking the time to read it, first of all, Rhonda. Your feedback is always very important to me, as is your continued support for my meager meanderings.
Have a safe & very happy memorial Day weekend, my friend, and thanks again! ;}
You are quite welcome, and I hope you have a great Memorial Day,too. Of course, since this is a blind post, I don't really know who you are, but I appreciate your support as well.
My pleasure. Anytime... :)
Comment from mfowler
This is the one to beat in the 100 word horror competition. I reckon you could cut the story and the art work would win. LOL
But this grim story of the cuckolded husband and his passion fro revenge unfolds with creeping terror as you realise that he's buried the wife and lover alive. You've used dialogue intelligently to achieve the emotional and narrative effects that work so well. You know that the last line is a killer.
I'll keep my solemn oath...
..."till death do us part."
Best of luck.
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
This is the one to beat in the 100 word horror competition. I reckon you could cut the story and the art work would win. LOL
But this grim story of the cuckolded husband and his passion fro revenge unfolds with creeping terror as you realise that he's buried the wife and lover alive. You've used dialogue intelligently to achieve the emotional and narrative effects that work so well. You know that the last line is a killer.
I'll keep my solemn oath...
..."till death do us part."
Best of luck.
Comment Written 24-May-2015
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Heh-heh, I just always try and give those who care enough to read my work the best bang for their buck, my friend, that's all. If I don't put my heart into these things, people pick up on that rather quickly. And, believe me when I tell you this...my heat was definitely in this one!
Thanks again, Mark. Much appreciated, buddy. ;}
Comment from giraffmang
Hi there,
A great piece of flash horror fiction.
Neat twist on the 'until death do us part.'
very well presented too. Having the picture before the reveal of them both still breathing adds a bit to the anticipation.
brought back memories of the Ryan Reynolds movie 'Buried', although that transpires after the burial.
excellent job.
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Hi there,
A great piece of flash horror fiction.
Neat twist on the 'until death do us part.'
very well presented too. Having the picture before the reveal of them both still breathing adds a bit to the anticipation.
brought back memories of the Ryan Reynolds movie 'Buried', although that transpires after the burial.
excellent job.
Comment Written 24-May-2015
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Thanks, G-Man. Coming from somewhat of a horror aficionado himself, I take your comments as the highest of compliments, my friend. I'm sincerely pleased that you enjoyed this, and you nailed, dead on (no pun intended), my reasoning for using the photos as I have...anticipation.
Thanks again, Gareth. I truly appreciate your support. :)
Comment from humpwhistle
Somehow I feel you didn't have enough faith in me (and others)to figure out what you were trying to tell me. That hurts.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Just sayin'.
Best of luck at the polls.
Peace, Lee
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Somehow I feel you didn't have enough faith in me (and others)to figure out what you were trying to tell me. That hurts.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Just sayin'.
Best of luck at the polls.
Peace, Lee
Comment Written 24-May-2015
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
I have all the faith in the world in you, Lee. I've read your work, heh-heh. I just like to give those who care enough to read what I've written the best bang for their buck that I can possibly muster, my friend -- that's all.
Thanks for taking time out to review this, and have a safe & happy memorial Day weekend. ;)
Comment from chasennov
Karma's a bitc... well, you know. "A Solemn Oath" This is an excellent story. Bury the culprits alive. Their lives will flash by at a million miles an hour. Too late. Well done.
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Karma's a bitc... well, you know. "A Solemn Oath" This is an excellent story. Bury the culprits alive. Their lives will flash by at a million miles an hour. Too late. Well done.
Comment Written 24-May-2015
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Thanks so much for taking the time to drop in and give me your feedback on this twisted terror tale, Chase. I sincerely appreciate it. :)
You are most welcome.
Comment from Brett Matthew West
Buried alive and so well deserved, both the bitc and her lover. Well written little tale of sweet revenge that displays such an easy to follow story line.
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Buried alive and so well deserved, both the bitc and her lover. Well written little tale of sweet revenge that displays such an easy to follow story line.
Comment Written 24-May-2015
reply by the author on 24-May-2015
Hey, thanks a million for the review, Brett. I'm glad you felt the story was fairly straight forward, and I appreciate very much your time spent reviewing.
Have a safe and happy holiday, my friend. ;}