unanswered questions and observations46 total reviews
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Rank doesn't mean a thing here. It is a game. You can buy yourself to the top of the ratings if you are rich enough. The people who pay a dollar or more for you to read their story/poem can move up quickly and jump right over the truly talented writers here. The story of the month is chosen on the ratio of sixes to fives in your reviews. If you have almost a third sixes compared to fives you are picked. Example... 25 reviews that have eight sixes give you a ratio of eight sixes to seventeen fives One third of the reviews. That's what I have figured out. LOL I have never been picked although I am ranked # 8 poet today. Tomorrow I will be unseated by another poet who has the bucks to get the reviews. It's all a game. Quality has nothing to do with it. So just write and enjoy, that's what I do. It is a really good place to learn and make friends. Nancy
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
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Rank doesn't mean a thing here. It is a game. You can buy yourself to the top of the ratings if you are rich enough. The people who pay a dollar or more for you to read their story/poem can move up quickly and jump right over the truly talented writers here. The story of the month is chosen on the ratio of sixes to fives in your reviews. If you have almost a third sixes compared to fives you are picked. Example... 25 reviews that have eight sixes give you a ratio of eight sixes to seventeen fives One third of the reviews. That's what I have figured out. LOL I have never been picked although I am ranked # 8 poet today. Tomorrow I will be unseated by another poet who has the bucks to get the reviews. It's all a game. Quality has nothing to do with it. So just write and enjoy, that's what I do. It is a really good place to learn and make friends. Nancy
Comment Written 04-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
I am well aware how to manipulate the system by using member pumps--usually not real money. How much moolah do you suppose Adewpearl has in her FS account? Millions. She can, and deservedly pay for #1 position day in and day out which will automatically increase the reviews. In her case, she is a brilliant poet, but she does the same thing as do many who have reviewed enough to get FS dollars. But the key point is this is public knowledge. The contest/committee questions are not cut and dried.
Like I wrote, explain the rules so I understand the game. No one can tell me how much each review earns. Yes, I understand your theory ratio, but I also have done the math and it's not always true.
Do you really believe that they review enough to post every day and be at the top of the front page?
They have to be spending their own money and that is what the site is here for, to make money.
It's not that I believe--I know. Just go on the feature page each day and read every story and every poem, reviewing each and you will earn $24 per day that you can use for your own promotion. Perhaps not quite that amount as stories generally stay posted for 2-4 days, but you can earn enough to promote your work every single day.
That doesn't mean this is the best work--by no means. For that read the bottom half of the page where writers earn their accolades regardless of the pay-out---ah, but they still need a certificate.
I usually earn enough to post one poem a day with two pumps and a Lucky Leprechaun certificate. I have never made enough to post at the top of the front page. That takes big bucks. Besides I don't like fluff reviews and I don't like giving them. I don't review everything I read.
Comment from MommaT
Thank you so much for this as I have had questions for in regards to how a contest is actually won or for that matter how out of all the writings that I have seen written they go about picking only 8 to 10 for judging. I do not understand myself. Luckily I enjoy the writing and the feedback part more than entering contest as this really helps me. Good job and I thank you.
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
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Thank you so much for this as I have had questions for in regards to how a contest is actually won or for that matter how out of all the writings that I have seen written they go about picking only 8 to 10 for judging. I do not understand myself. Luckily I enjoy the writing and the feedback part more than entering contest as this really helps me. Good job and I thank you.
Comment Written 04-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
Thank you, both for that flashy handful of stars and your feedback. I don't understand what the mystery is and sometimes it just doesn't make sense. The secrecy always them to do whatever they want and I feel there is no standard at play.
Comment from skye
Your open letter is something I have often wondered about. I have been a member for many years. since 2007. I have never understood anything abour the inner workings, the ratings, how to even qualify for the contests.
You write a strong letter about the ins and outs and I hope that FS will answer in an open letter, to all members, giving answers.
Excellent. (I rarely give a six).
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
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Your open letter is something I have often wondered about. I have been a member for many years. since 2007. I have never understood anything abour the inner workings, the ratings, how to even qualify for the contests.
You write a strong letter about the ins and outs and I hope that FS will answer in an open letter, to all members, giving answers.
Excellent. (I rarely give a six).
Comment Written 04-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
Well I sincerely thank you for yours. I have asked, many times, and as I stated, got no answers. I suppose that as my rank is high, some might think I have no right to complain, but in reality, that's the ammunition I hope will finally give me some answers or arouse enough members to echo my request. Thanks again.
Comment from Pearl Edwards
As I read the first paragraph it sounded like myself. I too have been around for a qgood few years on FS and still find it hard to work it all out. Unlike you I never seem to get anywhere in contests (which deflates me at times) however I love the site and feel I have improved so much with the feedback from others. As for the shut-downs, yes we too (Aus) had one over the weekend and it was a tad annoying in prime time. I always thought Tom was a real person, perhaps you're right their maybe a heap of Tom's sitting behind computers somewhere. Still I enjoy the site and your open letter was an interesting read. Good luck with finding out your answers.I don't give out 6 stars much either but will for this because it really is well written.
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
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As I read the first paragraph it sounded like myself. I too have been around for a qgood few years on FS and still find it hard to work it all out. Unlike you I never seem to get anywhere in contests (which deflates me at times) however I love the site and feel I have improved so much with the feedback from others. As for the shut-downs, yes we too (Aus) had one over the weekend and it was a tad annoying in prime time. I always thought Tom was a real person, perhaps you're right their maybe a heap of Tom's sitting behind computers somewhere. Still I enjoy the site and your open letter was an interesting read. Good luck with finding out your answers.I don't give out 6 stars much either but will for this because it really is well written.
Comment Written 04-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
Thank you, Pearl, both for that bouquet of stars and for the feedback. Why is it such a big secret? I'll bet there will be no response whatsoever based on my queries direct.
I think there may have been/is one Tom, but not anymore...lots of them.
Comment from Jean Lutz
I read your words with great interest. I can't offer any answers. But I don't ever want to lose the bonding that I have with FanStorians. Some wins are not measured in stars and rankings -- although they are nice.:-)
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reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
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I read your words with great interest. I can't offer any answers. But I don't ever want to lose the bonding that I have with FanStorians. Some wins are not measured in stars and rankings -- although they are nice.:-)
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The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.
Comment Written 04-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
Everyone has their own reason to be here. If ranks and contests were not part of the deal, I'd likely still be here, but as they are, I'd like to know how they work.
Comment from queenv
You posed so interesting questions that others may not have the nerve to pose but really want to know. I have appreciated the feedbacks negative and positive.
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reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
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You posed so interesting questions that others may not have the nerve to pose but really want to know. I have appreciated the feedbacks negative and positive.
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Comment Written 04-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2014
The problem s that NOBODY knows.