Reviews from

I Put Them Back, She Takes Them Out

Tri, Tri and Tri again ...

61 total reviews 
Comment from misscookie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love this poem very much and reminds me of my children and now my great grands . but all to soon I had the messy person with their toys. and they began to change and put their things away.

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Yes, I hope she changes soon...she puts a few things away but very little. Drags a lot more out...we'll get there slowly.
    Many thanks for your kind review.
reply by misscookie on 28-Nov-2011
    That's the joy of having those angels in our life.
Comment from heyjude
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

closetpoetjester, the little ones we adore do tend
to drive us crazy at times. Very well done. This should
be a good contender in the contest. I love the flow.
The exasperation comes through. Who knows, she may grow
up to be very organized. It's just not showing through
at two.

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Thanks jude and yes I am exasperated so glad you got the vibe. LOL Cheers and I appreciate your review.
Comment from Jean Lutz
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was wondering why you are not posting as much these days. Your triolet just explained it. I have some dilemmas myself -- too busy to write or clean house. While I was enjoying a few days off, I tried to rightly divide my time between the two. Didn't get a lot of either done. Best wishes with the contest, your entry and the little wrecker.

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    I'm spreading myself too thin Jean and something had to give. My fs time dwindles but I am hanging in there and writing plenty inbetween. Just not posting the half of it.
    I can't and won't stop writing...just have to catch up on family stuff and a bit of spring cleaning.
    Cheers and take care.
    Closet xoxo
reply by Jean Lutz on 28-Nov-2011
    I, too, am spread 'way to thin. It has been awhile since I posted. Once I finish the class I am taking I hope to get back to it.
Comment from percival86jack
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"And so the endless roundabout..." Oh you bring back such sweet memories, my friend! With five little kiddies running around, we were constantly tripping on things! Love your little tirade... big hugs, Jack xxxxxxxx

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Don't you mean "crippling" yourself Jack? LOL The amount of things we stand on in this house are unbelievable when you don't expect them, they cane!
    Thanks for your support. Tahlia has a firm grip on my fs time at present...just gotta wrestle it back from her.
    Cheers Closet xoxo
Comment from Writingfundimension
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, closet. I absolutely adore this poem...and it is great to have an actual picture of Tahlia to match (she looks older than almost three). Your rhymes are superb and add so much to the flow of this totally unique contest entry. You are an amazing talent, my friend. Missed seeing a post from you the last few weeks. Good luck in the contest. Hugs, Bevver

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Thanks so much Bevver. Well, this is what I have been doing. Haha. My fs time has dwindled even more just lately but I have been writing plenty and stashing it. I thank you for the sixer and apologise for missing so many posts lately.
    I appreciate also your good luck wishes. Hope you are well my friend and I also hope to drop in soon. Been so tired at night, this little demon wears mummy out.
    Cheers Closet xoxo
reply by Writingfundimension on 28-Nov-2011
    You're welcome, closet. I hope you will consider putting a book together as suggested by one of the reviewers. You've got some really good stuff already and sounds like more to come. Hope you are taking some time out just to relax! Just know you are in my thoughts and prayers...XXooo Bevski
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If this doesn't win, I'll mess up my room. Oops! It's already a mess. This was delightful and brought back memories until I read "Find a messy house, you'll find a happy child:. So I took to picking up once a day instead of five. You do have to make exceptions for spills. Whew! I got exhausted just reading about the constant cleanup. Great images, great rhyme.

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Haha thanks for a lovely review. This is one of the big reasons for my lack of reviewing and posting of late. I tried the once a day thing but my hub used to come home from work to continual mess and it was getting I was literally doing it twice...once just before he got home from work, then another once the demon child had retired for the evening. I thank you for your support though and I need to find my way back to just doing it once or twice. Lately its blown out and she has been particularly exploritory. Terrible Two's really kicking in I think. LOL Anyway I thank you Spitfire.
    Cheers closet xo
Comment from Earl of Oxford
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wonderful flow and real life humour throughout. It's rare to see a writer in such command of meter on here.

Too many fun and clever lines for me to pick out any, but I assure you I read and enjoyed every word.

I'm off to become a 'fan'.


 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Why thank you Oxford Earl for your equally as impressive review. Glad you enjoyed. Many thanks for your impending fanship...I catch up with you in a pm.
    Cheers Phillippa
    PS I appreciate the wonderful compliment but its not that rare believe me...there are some absolutely amazing poets here. There are also some who need a little or a lot of polish. However its lovely to be able to write and share and have people relate or enjoy. Writers understand writers which is great. Trouble is, spouses don't understand writers. Er, not so good. But thats fodder for a poem and another day. Nice to meet you.
    I just signed up for your contest too.
    I got a query, I'll pm you.
    Cheers Phillippa
reply by Earl of Oxford on 28-Nov-2011
    I agree there are some excellent poets here, Phillippa, and not all highly 'rated' on this system which is purely calculated by quantity of posts and amounts of reviews recieved. Some of the so-called top poets seem very average to me. Oh well...

    I look forward to your query and thank you for joining my contest. Mtbe post it as a contest 'thread' in case other people are wondering the same. Good luck, earl. x
reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Hey Earl, I totally agree and if its crap, it don't matter how much its paying, its still crap.
    I often find stuff at the top, nowhere near the calibre of the talent lower down that is modestly promoted.
    The rankings here mean squat really...its how consistently you post and if you get shallow fluff reviews reflecting your pay rate, you are not exactly getting honest feedback...some people are afraid to give constructive criticsm to big payers...its easier to shutup, give some fluff and take the money and run. As long as sites of this type are run by member bucks, you will always get those who shamelessly promote crap and you will also get those who shamelessly praise crap.
    Nuff said.
    Catchupwitchoo in a thread about the contest.
    Cheers Phillippa x
reply by Earl of Oxford on 28-Nov-2011
    WOW! Plillipa - you're so aware and so honest!

    I'm ashamed in a way that I review this 'crap', but I make myself feel better in the knowledge that most of us do to earn the 'dollars'. I don't have any 'real' money so I have to go along with it if I wish to post.

    I guess those who promote 'crap' are lonely souls who crave attntion, and I sure understand that sentiment - who can blame them?. I just wonder if they can afford to spend so much real money, which REALLY worries me.
    They're sweetie-pies of course and I wish them well. Sh*t - what's the answer? I sure don't know.

    Best wishes, earl
reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Thats one thing you will find about my poetry and myself Earl...what you see is what you get. I make no apologies for that and I find I am sometimes removing a size 8 shoe from my mouth.
    But I find its the best way to be. To be honest, I can't be any other way. I no longer review crap but I don't need the bucks.
    That makes a difference. I also say if people want to shameless promote utter crap, then they better be prepared for some waffly reviews...not many are prepared to take the time to give critique as the no talents seem to take offence. Funny thing is, I thought it was the reason we were here, to get honest critique, as hard as it may be to take.
    Anyhow, I could rave about this all day but don't have time. I can tell we are gonna get on well and I have already checked out a couple of other posts and your meter is flawless. I am anal about meter so nice to find a kindred spirit amongst all this bloody free verse etc.
    I will ALWAYS be a rhymer.
    Take it easy Earl.
    Phillippa x
Comment from Carrie Smith
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Closet, a nice triolet for the contest. I smile thinking how devoutly she does every thing she can and as you try keeping the place in sort of order. Children are experts when it comes to that and then when they are teen, clothes everywhere becomes an issue. Love the line " My Clean Campaign she's out to smear". I can see her busily switching around now! I remember those days well. Great job and good luck. xxSusan

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Thanks so much Carrie, really appreciate your thoughtful and supportive words. Yes she is a little dynamo this one! LOL
    Cheers closet xoxo
reply by Carrie Smith on 28-Nov-2011
    You are very welcome, my
Comment from BothePo8
This work has reached the exceptional level

I always like your cuties, Jester. I prefer the more common meters but I can appreciate your cute words and expressions in toiletic ( er, trioletic ) from too. I can see you have done this vey well. The form appears very good for a triolet and of course your story telling is superb! Can I find any fault in this poem.....A resounding, NO! Therefore, you get what you deserve.....

By the way, Sondra and I like your work and would love to purchase a book..How do we go about this?

My best wishes, as always, Bo

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Awww Boetic...thank you my amigo. I know you don't much care for the toil..whoops I mean the troi...whoops I mean the Triolet. Phew!...your leading me astray now! haha
    I loved your review and I thank you for the sixer rating too.
    Re: the is the one of Little Poems that I published so it is for small children...I have had some minor dramas with the publishing people too and am not happy at the price I have to sell it for. I don't think it will sell many copies at that price but I can only go as low as the price they nominated which is $25. I wanted to get it out there for under $20 bucks but because of their printing costs and all the bs which they neglected to specify and I neglected to read in the f**king fine print, the lowest I can sell it for is $25...its fully illustrated - 12 poems and 12 illustrations but i do think the price is too steep so won't be offended if you think so too.
    I don't have the amazon link yet either...if you are still interested i will let you know when they are available. It should be in a couple of weeks. I already have my complimentary copies so the link should not be far off. Would definitely do things a bit differently second time around but you live and learn and to be honest I don't care if I don't make a cracker on the book...I just want to get it out there to share.
    Cheers and thanks so much for all your support.
    Jester xoxo
reply by BothePo8 on 28-Nov-2011
    Let me know when you get the Amazon link....We still want one to remind us of our talented Aussie friend....Besides, Sondra has a young granddaughter....Always my best to you, Jester.........Bo
reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Awww, well aren't you sweet...I appreciate your support buddy and promise to contact you as soon as I have a link.
    The book is adorable and I am so happy with everything except the price...not to worry.
    Hopefull I will get rid of a few copies.
    Jester xoxo
reply by BothePo8 on 28-Nov-2011
    Well, I'm not alone...Sondra likes your cuties too and I'm sure there a lot more of us out there that will be happy to gobble them up....Always my best to you Jester...Bo
Comment from oozer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A monkey if e'er there were one
Wreakin'hahavoc is her kinda fun
If drawers were lock and key under
With an axe shure she'd split all asunder!

Your poem seems flawless to me
Packed with action and high energy!

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Wow what a review. Thanks a bunch, glad you enjoyed.
    Cheers closet