Reviews from

Flowery Lullaby

Quatrains using flower names

80 total reviews 
Comment from AlvinTEthington
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a nice lullaby which has a certain flow to it, but I, at least, cannot discern a meter. However, I hear a song when I read this aloud--are you basing it upon the lullaby "Don't You Cry"? You do utilize the difficult aabb rhyme scheme well. It was very comforting to sing it aloud. My "inner child" felt calm, and he doesn't very often these days. The pictures of flowers going through my head gave me inner peace.

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2009
    While I did not have that specific lullaby in mind, several people have told me that - I was just trying to make it flow like a typical lullaby. Thank you, Alvin, for your thoughtful review. Brooke :-)
Comment from Loyd C. Taylor, Sr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very happy Fourth of July to you my goof friend!
Brooke, that was adorable! I love babies anyway, and this one was so cute. I enjoyed the colors as well. Loyd

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2009
    Thank you, Loyd, and happy Fourth a couple of days early :-)
    Aren't babies just grand??? :-) Brooke
reply by Loyd C. Taylor, Sr on 02-Jul-2009
Comment from Annelisa
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Awww, this was so soft and sweet...sigh.

What a lovely picture for your lullaby. Someone should set your lyrical words to music.

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2009
    Thank you, Annelisa, for such warm comments :-) Brooke
Comment from pixiemillie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sweet, sweet, sweet Brooke! The artwork, the colors and the perfect use of such precious flowers in a lullaby. Don't know if you tried or not, but this can be sung to "Hush Little Baby". The last 2 lives of each verse extra special. Alliteration of 'b', 's' and 'p' noted as well. Rhymes perfectly and the rhythm is lulling. Thank you. RoS

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2009
    I've had several people tell me that, and I did not realize it when writing it - I just tried to make it sound lullaby-like :-) Thank you so much, Rose of Sharon :-) Brooke
Comment from PUPA
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Brooke, how I love your flowery lullaby, very well thought out and presented. I find this poem very artistic and most delightful to read. Even the 'Description'line rhymes,
'quatrains' and 'names'!LOL

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2009
    oh, gee, I didn't think about the description line - I just naturally think in rhymes. LOL Thanks, Pupa. Brooke :-)
Comment from cheyennewy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Brooke...I really like the notion of writing about flowers and this one is especially nice. What can be more lovely and sweeter than baby breath? The rhyming couplets are very effective here. A great poem that I enjoyed reading....blessings....chey
p.s....take all the poetic license you know I do!

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2009
    Thanks, Chey - I still remember a poem I wrote many months ago that had some sort of scientific inaccuracy in it - I think it was about stargazing, and this woman took me to task and rated me down - and all I kept thinking is - this is a romantic poem, not a science report!!! Then there was the woman who complained because I had a butterfly and a ladybug become friends in a poem - again, she didn't think that was scientifically realistic. LOL Some people don't understand poetic license or the poetic spirit. I'm so glad you are a kindred spirit. :-) Brooke
reply by cheyennewy on 02-Jul-2009
    Good grief....what is wrong with some people? If they are going to read poetry they must open their minds. I hate it when someone doesn't understand some of the phrases I use especially when everyone else does. You are right...writing poetry is not a science project and using poetic license should be understood by all who review our work. I wish I didn't have to explain my poetry but I have found that I must for those without an open mind....chey
Comment from Rabianabian
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You seem to be writing a lot of poems like this, don't you? I like them a lot. I didn't know there were even flowers that had these names! What a whimsical piece.

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2009
    Mary, thank you - yes, I've done a few now using the names - there are so many great names to choose from! Brooke :-)
Comment from c_lucas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I imagine this is a lullabye for one of your gradchildren. It is very well written with very good imagery and descriptive scheme.

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2009
    When I do have grandchildren, I will certainly use it with them :-) Thanks, Charlie. Brooke
reply by c_lucas on 02-Jul-2009
    You're welcome, Brooke. Charlie
Comment from rmdelta
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


this was such a sweet poem, my friend. Fits in perfectly for me as my daughter just had a little baby girl. Might even print this out for her, with your permission of course. Great piece of writing.


 Comment Written 02-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2009
    Reggie, thank you and congratulations on the grand daughter!!
    When you print out, just put Brooke Baldwin on the page as author :-) Brooke
Comment from MaureenLocher
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Simply lovely, flows beautifully, not forced at all. Your use of the old-fashioned flower names is so intriguing each time I read them in one of your poems. I look forward to your next poem, Brooke.

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2009
    Maureen, thank you. Your comments are always so kind and encouraging :-) Brooke