Reviews from

Are we on Highway US 89?

Watch for signposts of truth and love

58 total reviews 
Comment from shadow_wolf319
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nicely done. I enjoy how you took the message of the sign and how you and your husband turned it into a personal code for "error in judgement", to biased opinion based on lack of facts. Again, error in judgement.

Great essay, glad you posted. Thank you!

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2008

reply by the author on 04-Sep-2008
    Thanks so much for the generous review and comments. glad you stopped by. ann
Comment from DrCook
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thanks for this piece. Racism is alive and well in America. Anyone who thinks differently only has to visit some websites. I, too, am hoping that the Dennis's of this world, a man married to a woman of color who says the races should not mix, are not typical. Unfortunately, when I see people cheering Palin, a gun toting, intolerant, religious fanatic I am not too optimistic.

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2008

reply by the author on 04-Sep-2008
    You know, I think mankind has made strides, but on the individual basis, it looks so minute, much like the fly on a Rembrandt trying to describe the painting from his angle. So, so frustrating, but I just have to believe that America is better than that. Thanks so much for the generous review and the conversation. ann
Comment from NightWriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"This is Not U. S. 89" is an incredible story. Well written and captivating from the first word to the last. I agree, it seems no matter how far along we have come technically, we are still people with our own views and thoughts. It's how we choose to see the world through our eyes. Some, more open tan others. Well done!

Here are a couple sentences you might want to look at ...

at the RV would be the right setting to talk her out (of) it

Life is easier to understand looking back from father (farther) on down the road

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2008

reply by the author on 04-Sep-2008
    Both of those errors will be immediately corrected. Thanks so much for calling them to my attention. You know, I really believe that mankind does make large strides on a universal basis, but seen from the individual perspective, it seems so minute. Maybe like a fly on a Rembrant painting trying to describe the whole scene from his angle. Thanks for the conversation and the generous review. ann
Comment from EricMentzer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Amen!!!! I am not an Obama supporter however I whole heartedly believe in the principles that you have described here. This great country has been forged on the backs of people with differing opinions. It is most important that we support out fellow countryman's right to vote their conscience and not be forced to support a pre-chosen one. That would be Draconian or should I say Communist. I truly enjoyed reading your story.

God Bless,

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2008

reply by the author on 04-Sep-2008
    You are so right. It matters not to me whether someone votes Republican, Independent or Democratic. the point is to be sure their vote is based on truth rather than innuendo and conjecture. Open minds bring tolerance and peace to the people lucky enough to have them. At least, that's been my experience -- i.e. the angriest people seem to be those unwilling to hear the truth. Thanks so much for stopping and commenting. I enjoyed the conversation. ann
Comment from dorothy'stalker
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Honey, you deserve a six, but I'm all out. I'm in total agreement with you and I'm shocked at the ignorance I see and hear about me. As for me, I read Obama's book, found it enlightening and brilliant,and I have this rant--it seems to me that people of low intelligence, may and do attach evil to what they do not understand because of their ignorance.

 Comment Written 03-Sep-2008

reply by the author on 04-Sep-2008
    I think you may be right. You know, I don't care whether someone votes Republican, Independent or Democratic as long as they vote based on truth and not innuendo and conjecture. I find that approach disheartening and an insult to our country. Thanks for your continued support. ann
Comment from jlsavell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Annmuma, this is an absolutely wonderful commentart with a refreshing philisophical approach. I do admire the way you developed the idea and carried it right to the end with an excellent closing. Hats off to you girl..oh yes and is good..

this narrow minded young man, I hope he grows emotionally and becomes spiritually enlightened sooner than later. I would not like to think of him as a true representation of any party, or religious affiliate, which of course he is not..


 Comment Written 03-Sep-2008

reply by the author on 03-Sep-2008
    Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate your sharing of thoughts and I, too, hope Dennis get's the real story and makes all of his choices based on truth. I appreciate the generous review. ann
Comment from lawriemac
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The wheels turn slow when it comes to human nature.

Sometimes they don't turn at all.
This is a wonderful commentary on human nature's frailties.
A very interesting read and, although I can't comment on American politics, coming from the UK, I can understand the arguments.
A wonderrful and very interesting read.
Best wishes

 Comment Written 03-Sep-2008

reply by the author on 03-Sep-2008
    Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. I believe the wheels do turn for the whole of mankind; sometimes it's just difficult to see in the individual pieces. I suppose it must be much like being a fly on Rembrant and trying to describe the entire painting. Thanks for the generous review. ann
Comment from Parissa
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This title interested me as well as the picture that definately pulled me in to read. Well written, I also liked the discussion of politics it is amazing how many Dennis's there are out there. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 03-Sep-2008

reply by the author on 03-Sep-2008
    thanks for reading and for commenting. I pray people will make decisions in this election based on truth and honest opinions, rather than innuendo and conjecture. I appreciate your reading and commenting. ann
Comment from Stephy Jemmisparks
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is not US 8.9.
Its Fanstory dot com.
And I have been trying to get the same message you have been trying to get to us to my family the entire month.This community is so kind and free, so respectful and gentle, so willing to embrace. Thank you for sharing.
This Is?

 Comment Written 03-Sep-2008

reply by the author on 03-Sep-2008
    Thanks for a generous review. I appreciate your stopping by and sharing your thoughts and comments. I love this site as well. It is peopled with thinking and tolerant people and that's nice! ann
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I absolutely love the sign and the lesson it taught you after the laugh it gave you. The fact that you use it in life to remind yourselves that one can possibly listen to another viewpoint shows an openmindedness that many people never have. The story of your granddaughter is poignant. Your discussion of rumors about Obama is very instructive. There are some ladies from my church who circulate those types of rumors, and they have no signpost to remind them they should be a bit more circumspect in what conclusions they jump to. Thanks for a thoughtful story.

 Comment Written 03-Sep-2008

reply by the author on 03-Sep-2008
    Thanks so much for a generous review. I appreciate your sharing your comments and thoughts with me. I'm glad you stopped by. ann