The power of hope47 total reviews
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Your message is sage and true and I enjoyed it. The meter needs work in your poem, but I cannot take the time to map it out for you. My eyes are not here for the long haul and I have 24 messages today. Well done nomi. Have a great day. Nancy:)
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
Your message is sage and true and I enjoyed it. The meter needs work in your poem, but I cannot take the time to map it out for you. My eyes are not here for the long haul and I have 24 messages today. Well done nomi. Have a great day. Nancy:)
Comment Written 13-Nov-2022
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
Thank you for your review comments.
Comment from J L Graves
Hope springs eternal, said Alexander Pope. Your poem illustrates that hope. The poem itself is well-structured. The rhymes are well constructed and feel natural within the flow. I liked this, both for its message and poetic style.
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
Hope springs eternal, said Alexander Pope. Your poem illustrates that hope. The poem itself is well-structured. The rhymes are well constructed and feel natural within the flow. I liked this, both for its message and poetic style.
Comment Written 13-Nov-2022
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
Thank you so much. While I realize that it is not perfectly constructed. I am not unhappy with its outcome.
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
This one I really enjoyed very much. I saw the first stanza as very pessimistic, and reflecting the world as it is today. We don't have what we require for our basic needs. Then I arrived at what is possible with faith and hope - a miracle. I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusions that these are the mainsprings of joy. Kate xx
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
This one I really enjoyed very much. I saw the first stanza as very pessimistic, and reflecting the world as it is today. We don't have what we require for our basic needs. Then I arrived at what is possible with faith and hope - a miracle. I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusions that these are the mainsprings of joy. Kate xx
Comment Written 13-Nov-2022
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
Like life itself, we have to be able to deal with both the positive and the negative as well. Hopefully, not at the same time, but sometimes it happen in just that way.
Comment from BethShelby
Everyone need a reason to hope and to strive to turn hope into reality. Faith plays into hope, but so does working for what you desire. :You never appreciate the things you get without effort on your part. They tend to lose value if they come too easliy.
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
Everyone need a reason to hope and to strive to turn hope into reality. Faith plays into hope, but so does working for what you desire. :You never appreciate the things you get without effort on your part. They tend to lose value if they come too easliy.
Comment Written 13-Nov-2022
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
And that my friend, is the exact reason the world is in the shape it is currently in. Thank you so much for your fine review comments.
Comment from Frank Malley
"Hope" is an excellent poem. Its most present fault is that it strays too often into the commonplace means of expression, rather than presenting captivating sequencing of ideas or images. As a result, "Hope" has a lectorial tone to it.
It asks rhetorical questions, but not questions about what hope is, what it might mean, and why it is so important.Yes, the poem asks, why would a man work without wages? But it doesn't ask why do we hope, when there is no assurance that hope will have any effect other than to comfort the us amid endless uncertainty.
This poem relies upon logical examples to make its point; but hope exists in a realm where logic has little utility. Hope is a response to pain, and that crucial realization is absent in this thoughtful poem.
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
"Hope" is an excellent poem. Its most present fault is that it strays too often into the commonplace means of expression, rather than presenting captivating sequencing of ideas or images. As a result, "Hope" has a lectorial tone to it.
It asks rhetorical questions, but not questions about what hope is, what it might mean, and why it is so important.Yes, the poem asks, why would a man work without wages? But it doesn't ask why do we hope, when there is no assurance that hope will have any effect other than to comfort the us amid endless uncertainty.
This poem relies upon logical examples to make its point; but hope exists in a realm where logic has little utility. Hope is a response to pain, and that crucial realization is absent in this thoughtful poem.
Comment Written 13-Nov-2022
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
OK. I accept and appreciate your thoughtful and probing input into this subject. Let us both hope that someone, perhaps not me, will dig into the issue and come up with the parts that are missing from my effort. I was inspired by James Dolty, maybe someone will be inspired by me.
All the best, nomi338. Frank
Comment from barbara.wilkey
This poem reminds me of a man who was angry with God because he prayed to win the lottery but never played the lottery. Anyway, yes, we all survive on hope and prayer, but we must do our part. Thank you for sharing this beautifully written poem with us.
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reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
This poem reminds me of a man who was angry with God because he prayed to win the lottery but never played the lottery. Anyway, yes, we all survive on hope and prayer, but we must do our part. Thank you for sharing this beautifully written poem with us.
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Comment Written 13-Nov-2022
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
Thank you. When I wrote this, I was probably basking in the warm afterglow of one of you wonderful hugs. ::) ).
Thank you.
Comment from Douglas Goff
The first paragraph is loaded with rhetorical questions that start this off brilliantly!!!
This poem is well done and a very enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing Master Poet!
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reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
The first paragraph is loaded with rhetorical questions that start this off brilliantly!!!
This poem is well done and a very enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing Master Poet!
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Comment Written 13-Nov-2022
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2022
Thank you very much. I appreciate your warm review comments.