Reviews from

Winter...and Spring in the South

Yep! It's really like this!

62 total reviews 
Comment from aryr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good luck in the contest Yvette. You did very well making sure that the rhyme pattern was perfect. I enjoyed the topic because I see it happening every year. In the snowy climate people complain about the amount of snow and the cold, in the southern states there is complaint about the cool temperatures and of course the rain. Then when drought hits those state, they complain about that. People are just never happy with the weather and they always forget that the weather belongs to Mother Nature not us. Great job.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Oh, you are so right about that, Alie -- in the South, winter's wet/spring's wet/summer's dry -- only Fall has a mind of its own ... LOL!! ;) Weather is as weather does... I just wish it would 'do' a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, my lady -- always appreciated! Yvette
reply by aryr on 26-Feb-2020
    You are most welcome Yvette
reply by aryr on 26-Feb-2020
    You are most welcome Yvette
Comment from Bill Pinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yvette, thanks for sharing this well written poem about spring. It is well written in smooth rhythm, 8686 and rhyme scheme of ABCB. I agree with you that we have had too much rain in the south. I'm in Tennessee. How about you? Bill

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    When at a loss for a contest poem topic, go to the most apparent, or WET, as the case may be - LOL!! ;) Weather is as weather does... I just wish it would 'do' a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, Bill -- always appreciated! Yvette
Comment from Thomas Bowling
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

People make a big deal about climate change as if it were something new. Climate always changes and always will. The temperature has risen less than two degrees in the past twenty years. It fluctuates.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Thanx for your review, Thomas - much appreciated! ;)
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

aww, I'm sorry to hear you're tired of rain. I love it, and it could rain every day for my part. Good personification of your windshield wipers and how they enjoy their job. I chuckled over your office apparel with the work chapeau. Such fun to read.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Glad that you enjoy it, Yvonne -- great inspiration these days, then, for that 'happy' pen of yours! ;) :) Weather is as weather does... I just wish it would 'do' a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, my lady -- always appreciated! Yvette
Comment from thaities, Rebecca V.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am from the south and can sympathize with you. I grew up in hot muggy Alabama. You say the facts with humor that cuts through days of misery. Good writing.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    When at a loss for a contest poem topic, go to the most apparent, or WET, as the case may be - LOL!! ;) Weather is as weather does... I just wish it would 'do' a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review -- always appreciated! Yvette
Comment from dkblack
This work has reached the exceptional level

I am with you! I tell myself that we need the rain and snow to have water in the summer, yet I still long for Spring! You have described it so well! Another wonderfully written poem!

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Well, I'm gonna keep on smilin' over here, DK, but you keep that snow - nope, don't want any part of it - LOL!! ;) Weather is as weather does... I just wish it would 'do' a bit more sun! Thanx so much for your review and those awesome stars, my lady -- so glad you enjoyed! Yvette
Comment from Robert Zimmerman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Yvette. You constructed a good poem for the rhyming poetry contest. In addition, I can identify very much with your description of the weather so far this winter. We are well ahead of normal in rainfall and it will be at least the end of April before the drought starts. :)))

Good luck in the contest.

Z :)))

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    And it will start... because that's the only thing they have to panic about at the moment... ;) :) :) Weather is as weather does... I just wish it would 'do' a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, Z -- so glad you enjoyed! Yvette
reply by Robert Zimmerman on 26-Feb-2020
    You're welcome [°∆°]
reply by Robert Zimmerman on 26-Feb-2020
    Have you ever noticed that some people are only happy when they're miserable and complaining? :))). Z
reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Wow, Z -- guess I'll try not to complain so much (although I really didn't think I did..)... :) :) Take care...
reply by Robert Zimmerman on 26-Feb-2020
    I wasn't talking about you. :)))
Comment from Father Flaps
This work has reached the exceptional level

Good Morning, Yvette!
I enjoyed your poem very much. A really nice entry for the contest! Just the right amount of humor.
I like the personification here,
"My windshield wipers, they're quite thrilled,
No longer must they hide -"
...and one of my favorite lines, "They swish and swipe with pride."
I think this line might be a bit too busy, definitely a tongue twister...
"For hats help hide frizzed hair!"
Not that you should, by any means, but to tone it down
(For hats hide frizzy hair!)
This line is also pretty busy,
"The thing, though, that so ticks me off"
You could write,
(The thing that really ticks me off) ...just a suggestion!
I wish you all the luck in the contest! You brightened my morning.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2020
    Thank you so very much for such an awesome review, Kimbob -- and I do believe you are right!! See, when you're tongue's tired, ya just never know what the pen will come up with... LOL!! I have changed it up a bit, sir, and I think it's a bit easier on the speech patterns now -- let me know what you think when you get a chance! Thank you again for everything, Kimbob, and I am so very glad to have brightened your morning!! The sun is here visiting for about an hour or so ... I will be outside, bundled up, just to get some sun on my face!! Take care and have a wonderful week!! ;) Yvette
Comment from estory
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem keeps its sense of humor through the ups and downs of a southern winter. And it has been ups and downs, hasn't it? Here in NC it has mostly been a mild, wet winter, but now at the end we got freezing temps and 2 inches of snow. The peaches got nipped and the candytufts crushed under it all, but they're bouncing back now. estory

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Well, I'm gonna keep on smilin' over here, E, but you North Carolinians keep that snow - nope, don't want any part of it - LOL!! ;) Weather is as weather does... I just wish it would 'do' a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review -- so glad you enjoyed! Yvette
Comment from Raffaelina Lowcock
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

And rightfully so. Enough is enough, sometimes. As you neatly show in your delightful poem, we need an intermission from Nature's rants. I like the words you use here...

"My windshield wipers, they're quite thrilled,
No longer must they hide -
For every day they're called to task,
They swish and swipe with pride."

NB: work? (wear)

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    When at a loss for a contest poem topic, go to the most apparent, or WET, as the case may be - LOL!! ;) Weather is as weather does... I just wish it would 'do' a bit more sun... Thanx so much for your review, Rafy -- so glad you enjoyed! Yvette