Piety rules the day32 total reviews
Comment from JM daSilva
Actually, gay couples have existed since the beginning of time. They just hid.
Just yesterday, I said that one of the worst moments in human history was during the Black Death. Our times pale in comparison. Some people always say the end is nigh, and the problem is that their beliefs may contribute to that. The world NEEDS to be bad so it can be replaced by HEAVEN on earth. That's their mindset.
Susan B Anthony, a great feminist said, "I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires."
She also said, "I always distrust people who know so much about what God wants them to do to their fellows."
Susan also said about those traditionalist women, ""What an infernal set of fools those women must be! ... The sooner the present generation of women dies out, the better. We have idiots enough in the world now without such women propagating anymore."
They also asked Susan B. "Do you pray?"
She answered, "I pray every single second of my life; not on my knees, but with my work. My prayer is to lift women to equality with men. Work and worship are one with me. I cannot imagine a God of the universe made happy by my getting down on my knees and calling him 'great.' ... ' "
As JM daSilva said (lol),
"Every right
is achieved with a fight
against the extreme right."
I'm in the center. I believe in guns, girls, and fun. Lol.
I'm for gay marriage because I don't care what people do to each other as long as it is consensual. Even S&M. Even if I hated gays, I would still defend their rights, because actually, rights are created, they don't exist on their own. A right is what a person gives another because it is profitable for both. Right is a creation of humanity so people can live together as peacefully as possible.
I don't care about many people and groups; I even think they are irrational, however the best policy is to let them exist, but under control.
We live in a society of individual rights, which we give to each other because we want them in return. If a man can't marry a man, and a woman a woman, then a Christian can't marry a Christian, they can only marry only Muslims. How about that law?
Let's not fog the issue with personal opinions. The question is, "Is a man marrying a man, or a woman marrying a woman, harming me in any way? Are they killing me? Taking out my eyes? Nope.
How about population control? Maybe the increasing number of gays is God's way of saying, "There are too many people on Earth, and they are destroying it. LET THERE BE GAYS, because they don't reproduce. This way they'll have love, but no offspring, and they can help the offspring of IRRESPONSIBLE straight couples.
Food for thought, wouldn't you say?
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
Actually, gay couples have existed since the beginning of time. They just hid.
Just yesterday, I said that one of the worst moments in human history was during the Black Death. Our times pale in comparison. Some people always say the end is nigh, and the problem is that their beliefs may contribute to that. The world NEEDS to be bad so it can be replaced by HEAVEN on earth. That's their mindset.
Susan B Anthony, a great feminist said, "I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires."
She also said, "I always distrust people who know so much about what God wants them to do to their fellows."
Susan also said about those traditionalist women, ""What an infernal set of fools those women must be! ... The sooner the present generation of women dies out, the better. We have idiots enough in the world now without such women propagating anymore."
They also asked Susan B. "Do you pray?"
She answered, "I pray every single second of my life; not on my knees, but with my work. My prayer is to lift women to equality with men. Work and worship are one with me. I cannot imagine a God of the universe made happy by my getting down on my knees and calling him 'great.' ... ' "
As JM daSilva said (lol),
"Every right
is achieved with a fight
against the extreme right."
I'm in the center. I believe in guns, girls, and fun. Lol.
I'm for gay marriage because I don't care what people do to each other as long as it is consensual. Even S&M. Even if I hated gays, I would still defend their rights, because actually, rights are created, they don't exist on their own. A right is what a person gives another because it is profitable for both. Right is a creation of humanity so people can live together as peacefully as possible.
I don't care about many people and groups; I even think they are irrational, however the best policy is to let them exist, but under control.
We live in a society of individual rights, which we give to each other because we want them in return. If a man can't marry a man, and a woman a woman, then a Christian can't marry a Christian, they can only marry only Muslims. How about that law?
Let's not fog the issue with personal opinions. The question is, "Is a man marrying a man, or a woman marrying a woman, harming me in any way? Are they killing me? Taking out my eyes? Nope.
How about population control? Maybe the increasing number of gays is God's way of saying, "There are too many people on Earth, and they are destroying it. LET THERE BE GAYS, because they don't reproduce. This way they'll have love, but no offspring, and they can help the offspring of IRRESPONSIBLE straight couples.
Food for thought, wouldn't you say?
Comment Written 20-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
As always you give me much food for thought. I am forever nourished by your views and outlook on life.
Susan B. Anthony was and is one of my all time favorite feminists. She was certainly a head of her time in her thinking.
Thank you for your, yet again, most enlightening and astute review.
I also thank you and am humbled by your generous rating.
Comment from donaldww
This is an excellent post. You state your point with conviction, and your logic is correct. I like the quotes you added from Mother Teresa and Leo Buscaglia.
Beyond the excellent writing in this post, I happen to agree with the points you make. In fact, there is really no logical argument to me made against it. I've heard the end of earth is coming since I was a kid, and they'l be spouting that nonsense 10,000 years into the future. If mankind's dominance of earth ever arrives, it will be something man has screwed up like a war or environmental issued. Nothing to do with God.
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reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
This is an excellent post. You state your point with conviction, and your logic is correct. I like the quotes you added from Mother Teresa and Leo Buscaglia.
Beyond the excellent writing in this post, I happen to agree with the points you make. In fact, there is really no logical argument to me made against it. I've heard the end of earth is coming since I was a kid, and they'l be spouting that nonsense 10,000 years into the future. If mankind's dominance of earth ever arrives, it will be something man has screwed up like a war or environmental issued. Nothing to do with God.
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Comment Written 20-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2013
Thank you very much for your kind review and especially your thoughtful comments. I greatly appreciate your feedback.