Reviews from

Kratos the Pit Bull

A silly poem about my pit bull

51 total reviews 
Comment from jake cosmos aller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are so right. the pit bull has an underserved bad rep. too many people who are evil at heart have raised them dogs to be well pit bulls who are if mistreated capable of being a real bad dog.

 Comment Written 03-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 03-Nov-2024
    Hi Jake,

    Thank you for the review. It is evil people like Michael Vick who had that dog fighting ring. Anyone who could do that and then watch it are heartless bastards. A positive note, all of those dogs were rehabilitated and are now service dogs. Thes dogs have big hearts and are able to forgive. It's amazing.

Comment from Daniel Milton Taylor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great acrostic poem about Kratos, which tells a different story, as you said, about pit bulls. What you said about the "wrong end of the leash" being blamed carries a message that also applies to the raising of children. There are many people who don't want pit bulls or children because they've seen too many who've been raised by improperly taught care givers. Take care and continue to enjoy your time with Kratos. Daniel

 Comment Written 03-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 03-Nov-2024
    Thank for the kind review. You're right about kids, some parents have no idea what discipline is and wonder why their kids grow up to criminals.

Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

-Thanks for sharing the notes about your dog.
-I don't know much about pit bulls so I
enjoyed learning something about them.
-You wrote a good acrostic about him.
-Good descriptive detail.
-Effective repetition of the 'k' sound in line one.
-You do a good job describing
his appearance and personality.
-Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 03-Nov-2024

    THank you for the kind review. Pit bulls are some of the biggest babies you'll ever meet. They have a bad reputation, because all the media shows is the bad stuff. Raised right they are greaat dogs.

reply by Pam (respa) on 03-Nov-2024
    You are very welcome, and the media has a tendency to do that with many things.
reply by the author on 03-Nov-2024
    True story. Have a great day

reply by Pam (respa) on 03-Nov-2024
    You do the same.
Comment from Nicki.B
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Kratos sounds great! I'm glad you explained what a woobie is lol! I thought, what on earth is a wooboe haha! Great attempt at the acrostic style, you gave us lovely descriptive traits of your fur baby! Well done, I would have loved to see an image of him attached to the poem !
Best Wishes

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2024
    Thank you for the kind review. I tried attaching a picture, but I couldn't manage it. There is a picture on my profile of him though. He's playing with a stick one of his all time favorite activities

Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent, acrostic is a wonderful form, and this one is lovely, we read/feel your affection for this cutie, thank you for explaining (Woobie) very well written and presented, best wishes for your contest****kahpot

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2024

    Thank you for the kind review. Thank you for the contest wishes. He is my big snuggle bug and I love him to death if you couldn't tell (ha, ha)

Comment from DonandVicki
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A nice tribute to your pal Kratos, I was afraid to ask what his "Woobie" was, but I read your authors note and got the scoop. A well constructed Acrostic.

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2024
    Thank you for the kind review. Kratos loves his woobie.

Comment from Patty Mazzurco
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem captures such an endearing portrait, with each line showing a warm, lively character. The descriptions like always sucking on his woobie and tail wagging constantly bring such a personal, playful touch, and I can almost picture his oversized, lovable self in action. You've managed to convey a whole personality in just a few lines, and it leaves a sweet impression. This piece feels like a genuine tribute to a one-of-a-kind companion.

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2024
    Thank you for the kind review. Kratos is a big bundle of energy and the biggest snuggle bug ever.

    People need to learn about Pit bulls. They aren't evil. When they shut down the dog fighting ring that Micheal Vick had. Those dogs were rehabilitated and became service dogs. Media only shows the evil they can be if not raised right.
Comment from Heather Knight
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's true that some dog owners don't take the necessary precautions. I've seen huge scary dogs in the street with no leash or no muzzle and if I had a baby, I'd be scared.
Our neighbour had a Great Dane (he passed away recently and they are heartbroken) and he was like yours, he'd never hurt a fly. But they had to hire a coach because he could reach the kitchen table, if he didn't want to be left alone he sat against the door...
I have a Westie. He's two years old and super sweet, but if he was a centimetre taller he'd eat our meals.
Thanks for sharing your acrostic. They aren't easy to write and you've done very well.

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2024

    Thank you for your feedback. When I said, "hey this acrostic won't be hard." I was wrong. It looked easy, but it wasn't.

reply by Heather Knight on 02-Nov-2024
reply by Heather Knight on 02-Nov-2024
    I've written some, but they weren't very easy (or good). I do agree with you.
    But I liked yours because the flow was very natural.
reply by the author on 02-Nov-2024
    Thank you again. Maybe I'll switch to acrostic they seem to easier for me. I am writing another poem about Kratos, but it's giving me grief :(. Maybe in a couple days.

reply by Heather Knight on 02-Nov-2024
    Sometimes it's better to let our writing rest. And then look at it with fresh eyes the next morning or in a couple of days as you said.
Comment from ESOSTINE
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello, Cecilia, I would be even more proud, bold and boisterous if I were as huge and intimidating as your Kratos pit bull. Hahahaha! I am actually scared of dogs so not a fan. Well done, dear. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 01-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2024
    Thank you for the kind review. I used to be afraid of dogs. Over the years I have gotten over it. If Kratos wasn't mind I'd be scared to death of him.
Comment from Rachelle Allen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a sweet acrostic this is! I agree with you that most of the problems with pitties occur at the higher end of the leash. I take my Mini Bernadoodle to the park by our house every day, and I have never once seen anyone have an issue with a pitbull. The little snappy chihuahuas and French bulldogs, though? They are FOREVER starting problems with other dogs!

This was a delightful read. Glad I happened across this tonight.

 Comment Written 01-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 01-Nov-2024

    Thank you for your kind review. I agree that chihuahuas are satan's minion. My aunt used to have one and he would come under the table and bite you for no reason.

    My pit bull is a sweetie and he loves to give kisses. He is a big snuggle bug and is scared of his own shadow. They have this big mean disposition (supposedly), but I have seen him spin around and take off for the house when something scares him. I wish people would give them a chance. Don't judge them until you've owned one. It will change your mind.

reply by Rachelle Allen on 01-Nov-2024
    I've never owned one, and I love them to death. I've only ever known them to be super sweeties. And I, personally, also love the LOOK of them!! I think maybe that's where the bad rep comes from. They LOOK quite intimidating - like the cartoon images of the "scary dog." But then, you start to pet them, and they make that grunty-snorty sound and push those big shoulders into you. I find them delightful.

    Where does the name Kratos come from, btw?
reply by the author on 01-Nov-2024
    My son named him. The name is after a God in Greek mythology. He has a cat named Loki. That name comes from Norse mythology.


reply by Rachelle Allen on 01-Nov-2024
    Wow! I teach piano to kids who name their pets things like "Batman" and "Barky."