Reviews from

What Next?

My cell phone is on it's way to N. Carolina

33 total reviews 
Comment from Amelie Johns
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for making me laugh today. I see so many similarities in what you describe and what I experience in this world. I feel the same in supermarkets and the dreaded check-outs. I do that scan like you and of course, there will always be some issue that causes delay. In my country we are asked 'Do you have a clubcard?'. I never had one until recently for this very reason. When I would say no, they started this new practice where they would shout around to find a customer that has a clubcard causing delay not to mention embarrassment. The customer would get the points for your shop and you get the discount. Fair enough but I didn't ask for it. Even though it's mutually beneficial, it always made me feel like a begger. To avoid this situation, I eventually had to get a Clubcard!
I especially enjoyed the part where you were being the good samaritan and ended up with your phone boxed up! So infuriating when you try to do a good deed and it backfires. I'm glad you can see the funny side and especially glad this was not an expensive phone! What an unfortunate thing to happen.
Thanks for sharing this and giving me laugh. Very well put together. I like your humorous style. You should consider writing a piece fo the 'Write a Rant' contest. This would make a strong entry.
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 18-Sep-2024
    Hello Amelie,
    what a delightful review, thanks so much. If I started to write a rant, I couldn't stop at just one. I'm actually a pessimist by nature, so everything would be fodder for my writing. I'm so long winded I should play the bag pipes.
    I didn't realize that a club card was a thing. I have a card for shopping at Costco, but that's where I draw the line. When did shopping become an excursion that required a card to experience? Give me the days of the corner store where the grocer knew you and though they charged too much for their goods, you left feeling good. Have a blessed day gal.
reply by Amelie Johns on 18-Sep-2024
    Lol, thank you Tom. You too
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for having such a good sense of humor. Rest assured that we have all been in those extra long checkout lines. Bless you for helping that family pack up those pods. Our church friends and one neighbor blessed us that way. I refuse to get Apple products which are overpriced. Glad you can get yourself a new phone so you can type one fingered like I am doing for this review. Great humorous piece, Tom!

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 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 18-Sep-2024
    Hello Helen,
    when we moved to Wasilla, a lot of folks from the church we were attending came to help us move twice. Once to put the stuff from the moving van into a storage container, and again to move it from the container into the house. We didn't even know most of them. How could I not help after being on the receiving end of such a blessing? God is good all the time!
    I just got an AT&T flip phone, but I had to buy it at Wal Mart and have AT&T install the goodies. I don't know how to text, so I don't use the phone for anything but calling.
    Have a blessed day my friend.
reply by lyenochka on 18-Sep-2024
    That's probably best!
    I know what you mean. When we were young marrieds expecting our first, our workmates gave us a HUGE baby shower. Since then, we always did our best to give to expectant moms. It was such a blessing as we didn't have anything then.
Comment from CrystieCookie999
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This sounds like you have been living Murphy's Law most of your life, that if something can go wrong, it will. The one that made me smile was the ferry terminal assistants asking when your travel plans were, so they could go another day and hopefully have no problems that seem to follow you nearly every time! Some of the supermarket lines are so unpredictable, so I relate to your dilemma there. Stores have cut way back on accepting checks now that I just keep them for poetry contests. And to help someone move and lose your phone over it just sounds like the last straw. Thank you for sharing, though, since it makes this reader count her blessings.

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 Comment Written 18-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 18-Sep-2024
    Hello Crystie,
    thanks so much for the wonderful review gal. Like I said, if it had been an Iphone or some such thing, I would have pursued looking through all the bags, boxes and drawers for it, but it was cheap and I didn't have any valuable information on it except friend's phone numbers. When it happened I remember a saying to the effect of -let no good dead go unpunished. It wasn't that big of a deal, but something that I've pretty much come to expect will happen. With that in mind, you would think I'd be more careful.
    Have a blessed evening gal.
reply by CrystieCookie999 on 18-Sep-2024
    Well...I guess you could always invest in a Velcro carrying case of some kind, ha ha. Then maybe the phone would stay put in one place.
reply by the author on 18-Sep-2024
    That's true, if I didn't lose the case. Twice, or perhaps three times I dropped the phone out of my front pocket when I was on the boat. Once it hit the concrete dock and broke, once I dropped it into the bilge with all the oil and saltwater and fish slime and blood, and I think I dropped it into the bay. I'm a slow learner.
reply by CrystieCookie999 on 18-Sep-2024
    Oh my goodness. That is so unlucky.