Reviews from

My Brother's Selfless Act

Because he knew how it felt

43 total reviews 
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

January 25, 2003... 6:15AM our house phone rings...
"John, it's Ray. Raymond passed away last night."

Ray was fifteen years older than me, but was my best friend!
Raymond his son, 21 years old on that day.

Later that day when we were face to face, Ray broke down in tears and told us Ray committed suicide last night.

Raymond and my son, Mark, same age were like brothers. One of the worst days of my life.

I wish I had six stars for you and more napkins for my eyes right now.

Sending you my love!

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Be prepared to be freaked out, my friend. I was trying to figure out if I should pm you or wait to see if you reviewed it.

    John, you were the John in this story. At least initially this one was not going to be the suicide one yet. It was supposed to be a funny story about a sister and younger brother named John.

    As you notice, I start it out as you being my brother, but after a couple paragraphs I am drawing a blank. And all of a sudden God took the reins and ran with it. However, He allowed me to keep you in the story as my younger brother and keep everything I had written in the first few paragraphs.

    And now I know why He did that. OMGosh, I am so sorry about this horrible ordeal and your son's friend. How devastating for all of you, and of course his family. Please know I am praying for all.

    But how strange that I would get sidetracked and keep you in a story regarding a friend's suicide.

    Now I am repeating myself because I am feeling so sad for you and freaked out by the way it was turned around. I didn't know where it was going, but I thought I would portray you as my ....... you get the picture. Even the depression was supposed to come out happy and funny. I just didn't know how. I write by the seat of my pants, as they say.

    Take care and know that I am sending my prayers, thoughts and love right back to you and yours. I would like to hear your reaction to this, John.
    Love, Debi
reply by jmdg1954 on 29-Feb-2024
    Well, three things come to mind?
    1- how?d you know I love ice cream? Dairy Queen has a lot of my money.
    2- I?m honored that you even thought of me for one of your stories, I?m just a grain of sand in a big sandbox!
    3- God works in mysterious ways and He proved it with your story.

    That being said, I would never be offended or mad with you. That?s impossible. You?re the sweetest, most caring person I never had the pleasure to meet.

    This story about Raymond I always had in the back of my mind, but never wrote because I didn?t want it to be a ?downer? story. I wanted to put a positive spin on it ? somehow.

    Still don?t know how. But like you, I write by the seat of my pants as well which is why most of my posts are short.

    Maybe today is a sign and I can take this happenstance a step forward.

    I had a couple of lengthy PM?s with Jumbo James (I consider him my brother) after his latest post about ?Faith?. There?s a 25 year (plus or minus a few) that?s deep and dark which I need to write about. But I?m terrified of losing the friends I made here on FS. I can?t keep going the way I have. I have to be honest with myself and to myself.

    I don?t know what to do. I get myself do confused. I guess if I end up sending this post, I?ll have no choice. The two people I care about most on this site will know there?s another side to me, though in the past. I?m hoping if I write it, I can shed the burden and guilt I?ve carried?
reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Oh, John, you have more than James and me; many more! You, my friend could not have done anything worse or tell any worse than what I could tell. We are all human and have all made mistakes. If you want to get off your chest first, I am here to listen, not judge. And I am not being nosy, just being a big sis. My email is

    I do take this as a sign and do believe that God meant for us to be close. Like I said no coincidence. I had hoped you would be happy that you got to be the 15 year old hero.
reply by jmdg1954 on 29-Feb-2024
    The word nosy never crossed my mind. Thank you for your offer. We?ll play it by ear.

    Now Rocky Road or Chocolate chip mint?
reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Rocky Road for those two choices, but otherwise, how about when we go next bro, you can order me a Reeses Blizzard?
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Alas, no sixes left for the week, but in my opinion, this is the best prose writing you've ever posted. It was clear, organized, concise, engaging, and emotional, and your theme is so important as suicide rates, especially post covid have been skyrocketing. Thanks for including the 988 Suicide and Crisis Line-- I would only add that it is not solely a teen crisis line, but available for anyone of any age.

Bravo my friend.


 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Hi Sweetie, thank you so very much for the kind words. Do you want here a freaky story about this?

    I always pray and ask God to lead me in His direction. And God usually lets me have a little fun if I want it. However, my plan was that this was not supposed to be the suicide piece. At least I had planned that for another time.

    This was to poke a little fun at the guy who calls me his older sister because we feel like brother and sis, but also because I am two months older than him. I told him someday I would write a funny piece about him. And it started out to go in that direction when I wrote the first two paragraphs.

    You know him as John, jmdg54. Anyway, God had other plans for this as he wanted me to write for the suicide piece, so away I went. I did not tell John about this and Yes, I kept him in the story, along with the first two paragraphs for the initial story.

    However, when John reviewed this he had some sad news as a very good friend of his, whose 21 year old son committed suicide in the last week. And the son was best friends with his son.

    I wrote back to tell John that he was the John in the story. Since I do not believe in coincidences, I believe this was why God didn't' allow me to go my way, instead on behalf of John's friend.
    Thanks again and I will accept your virtual six. I appreciate that so much.
    Lotsa Love, Debi
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This story resonates with me in a way I did not expect it too. My sister and I loved each other, but her extreme religious stances conflicted with my more open life style. As the years went by and she began to have children, she became much more moderate and reached out to me in an effort to mend some of the fences we had allowed to become broken in our brother and sister relationship. It was not until her untimely death that I came to realize just how much she loved me, and just how many unselfish things she had done on my behalf. I wrote my first book of poetry in an effort to give her a gift she would not refuse. Sadly, she died before I could get it published. I miss her so much and I mourn over the fact, I allowed too much time to pass before I could convince her of just how much I love and appreciate her. I am sick of heart that I no longer have any sixes to award this excellent story.

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2024
    Hi Nomi, I am so sorry that this brought alive those memories of losing your sister. I understand completely. I have lost two brothers who were both in their forties at the time, and I still miss them like crazy. Maybe that is why I love having a virtual brother in you.
    And I hope that I have filled a little gap from your life, even tho we know they can never be replaced.

    What is really strange about this is that with my little brother, we had words about the way he had been drinking and I had to turn my back on him for a while. I didn't get a chance to tell him I loved him before he was killed in a blizzard one night when his car crashed into a tow truck pulling someone out of the ditch. It broke his neck and he died soon after.

    Now you tell me that you and your sister too went thru a rough patch and it makes me wonder if God just knew that we needed a kindred spirit,, whether it be a friend, or a brother, I do love you. You mean the world to me.

    I thank you for this awesome review and kind words for the story. I guess we needed this talk, didn't we? Hugs!! Love ya, Debi
reply by nomi338 on 01-Mar-2024
    The best news is that my sister left behind two wonderful daughters and a dynamic son that I am close to. Blessings.
reply by the author on 01-Mar-2024
    Love hearing that! And she loves seeing your relationship with them from Heaven!!
Comment from Jeano
This work has reached the exceptional level

It may be purely fictional but I'm sure scenes like this play out more than we know. Sad how difficult teen years are for some. You wrote a great story here, Debi. It was so well written, it was like I was there, and I could certainly taste my favorite Dairy Queen shake, Strawberry-Banana. Thanks for sharing. Extra star in case it helps save one life.

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2024
    Oh Jeano, thank you very much for reading my story. Children are truly my weak spot, so to see one of them suffer is heart wrenching.

    I appreciate the kind and compassionate comments for this story. It felt right and I hope that it helps to keep the awareness going.

    I also want to thank you for the honor of your six stars dear one. It means a lot to me.
    Thanks again, my lovely friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

First, I had to hurry and see if this was true. Whew! Thank God, it was not. However, it's true for many these days. Depression is real among teenagers and on the uptick, especially since Covid. Human interaction and family ties, doing things together like grabbing a shake at Dairy Queen can work wonders. In America, the breakdown of the family is clearly seen on the nightly news. We think it's about guns or gun laws, or something else, but it's not.

All guns should be locked up in my humble opinion. Teens that aren't mentally ill or high on drugs can be having a bad day, and feel like suicide is the only way out.

Wonderfully written and illustrated story with a reminder we need to keep before us: a family's love is everything. Be aware and stay connected with one another.

A virtual six with compliments. :))

Love and blessings to you always, my friend.

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Hey Sally Marie, thank you so very much for the kind words. Do you want here a freaky story about this? I'm telling this to only a few of my best friends.

    I always pray and ask God to lead me in His direction. And God usually lets me have a little fun if I want it. However, my plan was that this was not supposed to be the suicide piece. At least I had planned that for another time.

    This was to poke a little fun at the guy who calls me his older sister because we feel like brother and sis, but also because I am two months older than him. I told him someday I would write a funny piece about him. And it started out to go in that direction when I wrote the first two paragraphs.

    You know him as John, jmdg54. Anyway, God had other plans for this as he wanted me to write for the suicide piece, so away I went. I did not tell John about this and Yes, I kept him in the story, along with the first two paragraphs for the initial story.

    However, when John reviewed this he had some sad news as a very good friend of his, whose 21 year old son committed suicide in the last week. And the son was best friends with his son.

    I wrote back to tell John that he was the John in the story. Since I do not believe in coincidences, I believe this was why God didn't' allow me to go my way, instead on behalf of John's friend.
    Thanks again, my dearest friend. Love, Debi
reply by Sally Law on 29-Feb-2024
    You're so very welcome, my friend. Wow! As we know, there's no coincidences and got world. He?s shows Himself when we least expect him. Love, Sal XOs
Comment from Terry Broxson
This work has reached the exceptional level

So the poet comes back to prose, a place she really belongs, and fiction to boot! I wasn't sure where you were going with this story, but you found a good place to make a point about 988. Excellent work. Terry.

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2024
    Wow, Terry, your review means the world to me. Yes, this started going one way and ended up a whole new direction as I knew that I wanted to do a piece about the problem with suicide in children and teens down the road, but it was meant to be now, I guess.

    Did you know that the youngest suicide was actually six years old. Heartbreaking!

    Thanks for all the encouragement, as you make prose writing so much more fun for me. I don't think there is any way to tell you how much that means to me.
    Thanks for all your kind words and the honor of your six stars.
    I guess my feet are wet again so here I come.
Comment from John Ciarmello
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, my, Debi! This is a perfect write, my friend. I never took my eyes off the screen. It had all the elements: suspense, a touch of humor, character resilience, and changes in personalities that took this cleanly to its satisfying climax. It was so beautifully written and, in the end, an awareness piece we all need to read as parents.

Best, JohnC

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2024
    Hey. John, I thank you very much for reading my story. Children are truly my weak spot, so to see one of them suffer is heart wrenching.

    I appreciate the kind and compassionate comments for this story. It felt right and I hope that it helps to keep the awareness going.

    I truly am honored by your six stars too. You are awesome!
    Thanks again, my dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I feel like saying I enjoyed the story comes off calloused. It was a very good story. My youngest son told a therapist he had thought about suicide. It about knocked me over. I thought he was slightly depressed but he would mask it with an indifferent attitude. Sometimes it's hard to see the forest because of the trees. Thank you for sharing. Gretchen

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2024
    Gretchen, I am sorry about your son. And I am so happy to hear that you got him help. But how awful and frightening to hear that he said that to the therapist. He is ok now years later, I pray?

    Also, I thank you very much for reading my story. Children are truly my weak spot, so to see one of them suffer is heart wrenching.

    I appreciate the kind and compassionate comments for this story. It felt right and I hope that it helps to keep the awareness going.

    Thanks again, my lovely friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice story.
I wondered what in the world did a fifteen-year-old boy have to be depressed about? - This sentence would read better without 'did' and change 'have' to 'had'.
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2024
    Wayne, I read your review earlier this morning and made the changes immediately, even tho I didn't have time to respond. However, your feedback meant the world to me and is my favorite part of reviews.

    I do appreciate the kind words for my story too. Thank you so very much, my dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a neat story and you told it so well it sounded real. There are a lot of teen suicide. Teens are a time when emotions and hormones are hard to control and the teen who might also be dealing with substance abuse can see past the monent time when the emotional pain feels unbearable. You story of how the right words as such a time could make a difference is a good one.

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2024
    Hi Beth, I thank you very much for reading my story. Children are truly my weak spot, so to see one of them suffer is heart wrenching.

    I appreciate the kind and compassionate comments for this story. It felt right and I hope that it helps to keep the awareness going.

    Thanks again, my lovely friend. Love, Debi