Reviews from

My Health

Viewing comments for Chapter 9 "My health update"
journey through Covid and Asthma

50 total reviews 
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Glad to hear you are on the mend Sandra, being ill is no picnic. Stay positive and I am sure you will go from strength to strength, we are all thinking about you, love Dolly x x x

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2023
    Thank you, Dolly. It's a struggle to breath, but I am improving. I don't even smoke! Happy New Year, Sandra xxx
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm so good to hear of your improvements, dear friend! Everyone is SO concerned and praying. I'm sure you'll be back in true form in the new year. Sending loving thoughts across the pond and added prayers for strength, comfort, and healing.
Holiday Blessings to you all,
Sa; XOs

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2023
    Thank you, dear Sal, I do believe the prayers help. Bless your heart for including me. Love and hugs. Sandra xx
Comment from Iza Deleanu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Sandra thank you so much for this update I was wondering how you feel and God heard my question with this update. It's not fun to be in the hospital especially around Christmas, but you need to get better first. If you go home and get worse it's going to be so hard for your family that will panick ammd and not know how to help you. Be well my friend and the rest will follow. May God grace you with many happy years and lots of health and joy.

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2023
    Thank you, dear Iza. You are right about coming home too early. I won't go against the doctors advice. I love what you said about God answering your prayers, I do believe He hears us. Warmest hugs, my friend. xxxx
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sandra, I so glad to know that you're health is improving. You have been on my mind and in my prayers. I will continue to pray rhar you will so be breathing on your own. You are very special to all of your friends on Fan Story and we love you.

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2023
    Aww, thank you Beth. I have been very emotional reading all the messages and poems, people are so lovely here, my second family. I can't hurry my recovery, and I've been told that it will be along time before I am fully recovered. But that won't stop me writing when I do get home! That you my dear friend. Love and hugs, Sandra xxxx
Comment from barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level

Thank you for sharing this health update with us. I am happy to hear that you're doing better, but still not able to return hope. I will continue to pray for you and your family as I'm sure your FanStory family will. 2024 will be a better year.

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2023

Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is so good to see this post, Sandra, and especially and most importantly you're slowly but steadily getting better. I have been thinking about you a lot and been talking to Alexis and been updated by Pam.
I know Ian's death is hard on you. Now, look after yourself, my dear friend, and I wish you a Happy New year, but most importantly, I wish you good health. Lots of love and a big hug. Ulla xxxx

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2023

Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have no idea how fantastic it is to hear your voice. Though in print I'm imagining you speaking to us!

Let the doctors do there job and you'll be home writing again sooner then later.

We love you!

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2023
    Aw, John, you are so nice. Thank you. It?s been a long hard slog, but I am getting better albeit slowly. I can?t wait to get back writing and reading everyone?s posts, I have missed such a lot. Thank you my dear friend. Sending love and hugs, Sandra xxx
Comment from Ben Colder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Just reading this tells me God is answering our prayers. We learn so much from our trials and those lessions assure His great love for us. It is certain He loves you and will have you back at your pen soon. Sending blessings your way. Chuck.

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2023
    Aw bless your heart, my dear friend. This has been a hard one, losing my youngest brother has left me wide open for my illness. It?s left me very vulnerable to any infection that might want to visit.
    I am slowly recovering but it will take time before I?m fully well again. Thank you, Chuck, I appreciate your kind words. Love Sandy xx
Comment from Jacob1395
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm glad to hear that you are on the mend Sandra and that you are out of isolation. I hope you make a speedy recovery, it really does sound as though you have been through the wars recently.

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2023
    It does feel as if I?ve been put through the wringer, and come out like a wet rag. Thank you, dear Jacob, for your kind wishes, that is so nice of you. Warmest hugs, my friend, Sandra xxx
Comment from Lisasview
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Sandra ~ dear,
I am so happy I stumbled across this as I am not getting any of your posts on my messages...So strange as I was so sure we were Fans.
Anyway, I am glad that you are a bit better. Horrible to be sick and to be stuck in the hospital for so long...but grief can most certainly "take the wind" no pun intended, out of us...
Everyone I know on Fan Story is rooting for you, and your quick recovery,
Lisasview, xxx

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2023
    Thank you, Lisa. I?m sure we?re each other?s fans, but I will check it out when I get home and can get on my laptop, it?s not easy on my phone.

    I?ve been told it was because of my grief that this has hit me so badly. I had no resistance left to fight it. It will take me a long time to accept my brother has died. Thank you so much for your kind wishes, I have been so emotional reading the poems and messages people have posted on here. I can?t thank you all enough. I wish you a healthy, happy 2024, my friend. Sandra xxx
reply by Lisasview on 30-Dec-2023
    Thank you for checking as I would love to stay connected.
    Yes, grief lingers on and on and some have a harder time finding a good way to deal with it. I am sure your dear brother would not want his death to have this effect on you. He would want you to enjoy your life to the fullest.
    Hugs to you dear Sandra,
reply by the author on 30-Dec-2023
    I could only check that I was your fan, it doesn?t give me many options on my phone. But you can check by trying to fan me. If you are already it will tell you. Though I am sure you are. Xxxx
reply by Lisasview on 30-Dec-2023
    Thank you ... I will check...