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Viewing comments for Chapter 67 "Andrew"
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51 total reviews 
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That baby picture says, "You're gonna love me." This is a delightful poem and tribute to the growth of a young child to an impressive young man who knows his grandma loves him. Your poem is so loving and upbeat that it makes me smile.

Tell Andrew you writers family wishes him a Happy Birthday.

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2023
    Lorraine, as always you are so sweet. Thank you very much for the kind words for my grandson, Andrew and his poem. I told him what you said and he just gave me the biggest smile, and said to say thank you! He thinks it?s pretty cool to read the reviews too.
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a lovely tribute to what looks to be a fine young man. Are you a family of blondes Miss Debi?

The sweet spot:
As long as I'm around, it's clear
Please know for you, I'm always here

That's what grandmothers are for.

Happy Birthday, Andrew!

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    Hi Douglas, as always you are so awesome. Thank you very much for the kind words for my grandson, Andrew and his poem.
reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    And actually my one son, Andrew?s dad, Andrew and me are the only blondes out of 3 kids and 6 grandkids. My husband, and all the spouses are brunettes. And Kenzie, my artist is a gorgeous redhead!
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have a grandson who is turning seventeen soon. I remember playing classical music to get him to sleep. Now he tells me dirty jokes. It is amazing to watch our grandchildren grow. Beautiful sentiment, Debi. Happy birthday, Andrew. Gretchen

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    Gretchen, as always you are so sweet. Thank you very much for the kind words for my grandson, Andrew and his poem.
reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    That's hysterical that your grand on ells you dirty jokes.
reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    Grandson tells
Comment from Yusita
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is such a beautiful and heartfelt poem you've written for your grandson. It was a pleasure to read and he's lucky to have you for a grandma! You sound like you are an amazing grandma, one everyone would like to have. But back to the poem, I love how you mention all the sweet little things you've done together. It made my heart warm and fuzzy. A wonderful write, and happy birthday to him!

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    Yusia, as always you are so sweet. Thank you very much for the kind words for my grandson, Andrew and his poem. I am truly blessed.
Comment from aryr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Happy Birthday to Andrew, Happy sixteenth, Debi. Wow, how time flies, one day they are sitting in the middle of the floor and the next trying for a driver's test. Very well done and greatly enjoyed. Blessings n Hugs!!!

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    Awe, Alie, as always you are so sweet. Thank you very much for the kind words for my grandson, Andrew and his poem. I am truly blessed.
reply by aryr on 16-Dec-2023
    You are so very welcome, Debi.
Comment from Carol Clark2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a great poem for your grandson on his sixteenth birthday! He sounds like a terrific young man. You're fortunate to have him live nearby, so you can see him often and have a part in each others' lives. Happy birthday, Andrew! Blessings, Debi.

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    Awe, Carol, as always you are so sweet. Thank you very much for the kind words for my grandson, Andrew and his poem. I am truly blessed.
reply by Carol Clark2 on 16-Dec-2023
    You're welcome, Debi. I'm grateful we both have a relationship with our grandkids. It's important to them, and to us also. Have a blessed weekend.
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a lovely looking boy/man! And I'm sure he will be very proud of his Grandma's fine and loving tribute! Small edit: curiosity - no 'u' (2nd stanza). Thanks for sharing and Happy Birthday, Andrew! Debbie

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    Debbie, as always you are so sweet. Thank you very much for the kind words for my grandson, Andrew and his poem. I am truly blessed.
Comment from jim vecchio
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed this very much but what I don't understand is how do you have a sixteen year old grandson? You didn't marry as a toddler, did you? Anyhow, it's always entertaining to read your biographical tributes. Hope your grandson realizes what a creative grandma he has!

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    Awe Jim, as always you are so sweet. Thank you very much for the kind words for my grandson, Andrew and his poem. I am truly blessed.
reply by jim vecchio on 16-Dec-2023
    By the way, have you heard anything about Jesse James Doty? Hope he's doing well.
reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    Did something happen to Jesse?
reply by jim vecchio on 16-Dec-2023
    Sorry. Thought you knew. Last week, he had surgery.
reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    That's ok, Jim. I can barely keep up with my own health stuff now a days. However, when he was having a knee replacement and I was having two knee replacements and my legs operated on so I could walk again after ten years in the wheel chair, and almost died when they had to call code blue, I wrote a poem for his surgery that I don't think he even saw for a couple months because he didn't stay in touch like he said he would. And since then he hardly ever reviews me, so there was no reason for me to have known.
reply by jim vecchio on 16-Dec-2023
    I'm so sorry. I had been asked to contact others to pray and I kept going till the site wouldn't allow me any more. I thought you may have been one I contacted. I promise to never neglect your works and I'm glad you're alive and writing!
reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    I realized after I wrote that it might have sounded rude, and I didn't mean it to.
    Are you saying that Jesse is in trouble or just that he had surgery. He has been on my prayer list and will stay there always because I do care about him, but I just didn't care for how he treated me after that ordeal. I didn't realize that it was that serious. I will continue to pray for him and appreciate you telling me Jim. Thanks so much, dear friend.
reply by jim vecchio on 16-Dec-2023
    I don't know him very well yet, and I don't know exactly how serious he was (is?) and was just contacting people due to a request I received. If I hear anything, I'll let you know.
reply by the author on 17-Dec-2023
    I appreciate that. Thanks Jim.
Comment from Aussie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well done grandma. They grow up too quickly. Once a babe then a young man seeking his license. You have a strong bond and that will be forever. This treat for Andrew's special birthday was presented well, and the photos were great. Feeling old yet? K xx

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    Hey K, lol, yes very old since time goes faster every day.
    And you my dear, as always you are so sweet. Thank you very much for the kind words for my grandson, Andrew and his poem.
    I am truly blessed.! In one more year I will be 70. So yes, old and blessed! Haha!
reply by Aussie on 16-Dec-2023
    Beat ya! I'm 78 and feeling the heavenly push. K xx
reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    With your wonderful sense of humor you will be around until your 100.
reply by Aussie on 17-Dec-2023
    Cor' blimey, I hope not!
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a handsome grandson! You wrote such a special birthday poem to him on his sixteenth birthday. Those pictures are adorable! love and blessings and Happy Birthday to Andrew!!!

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 16-Dec-2023
    Teri, as always you are so sweet. Thank you very much for the kind words for my grandson, Andrew and his poem. I am truly blessed.