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Viewing comments for Chapter 7 "Happy Birthday John"
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37 total reviews 
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing this birthday tribute to John with us. I am a fan of his and greatly enjoy reading his posts. He is truly special. I enjoyed reading and now I'm going to hop over and wish him a Happy Birthday!!

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    Hi Barb, I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!
Comment from Goodadvicechan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the picture. Awesome for this poem

Thanks for telling the story of John. He is a writer, father of two proud sons...a man of good heart, loved by everyone.

I wish I know him and befriend. Thanks fir sharing

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    Hi Chan, I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!
reply by Goodadvicechan on 18-Jun-2023
    I post a poem 3-6-9 : ?why me? to show relationship.
    I appreciate it if you can read it
reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    Chan,I would be delighted. I will look at it sometime today..
Comment from nomi338
This work has reached the exceptional level

With a salute like that, you make it very difficult for a guy to hold down his smile. John sounds like an ideal type of dad, a goal many of us should strive for. Just as being able to craft such wonderful prose as you have shown. You are someone worthy of emulation. Great job.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    Hi Nomi, I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear' bro and friend!
reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    And thanks for the awesome six stars
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Aw, Debi this is such a beautiful poem for John Ciarmello. He is such a kind man and wonderful addition to FanStory. Thank you for the deeper look inside.

John, Happy Birthday! May you have many more years of added blessings.

Sending you you both my very best and love and blessings across the miles!
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    Hey Sweetie,
    I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!
reply by Sally Law on 18-Jun-2023
    My pleasure, sweet friend. So glad you're feeling good enough to write! You're amazing! Love ya,
    Sal XOs
Comment from Dr. Nad
This work has reached the exceptional level

Debi, you have the uncanny ability to take a long view of your life and the lives of your friends. I see you standing on the shore:
Surveying the Past.
Savoring the Present.
Surmising the Pending.


 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    Hi Dan, I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear bro and friend!
reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    And a big Thanks for the six awesome stars:
reply by Dr. Nad on 18-Jun-2023
    Welcome 🤗
reply by Dr. Nad on 18-Jun-2023
    I?m still looking for seven but can?t find them lol. If I find one you?ll get it!
reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
Comment from Paul Manton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Debi. This is our first encounter and I am sorry that I only have five stars to give today. aabb quatrains lend themselves to humor, so I am not surprised that this beautiful tribute has such a light, homely touch and is so accessible. John sounds like the kind of guy I should choose for a friend, but I guess he has all his time filled by his family.
Very best wishes to you all.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    Paul, first of all, I welcome you! I sure appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!
reply by Paul Manton on 18-Jun-2023
    You're welcome, Debi. Look forward to reading you again soon.
Comment from JSD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Aww. Cute. Just check your title, it says Jobn. And I think his two sons 'make' him a dad, not 'makes'. Anyway, this contains natural-sounding rhyme and is filled with love. Thank you.

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 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    JSD, you are awesome. I changed those things immediately and you my friend are a life saver. I just had eye surgery on Wed so was hoping that if I had missed anything someone would catch immediately and there you were. Thanks for that and for the lovely comments. So appreciated my friend.
reply by JSD on 16-Jun-2023
    Lol. Thanks. Review back any of mine you've missed if you have time. Here's to a successful recovery. X