Reviews from

I am not my Wheelchair

A life changing realization

35 total reviews 
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A virtual six! (It's Saturday...and I'm out!)

A straight shooting, honest, courageous and important message you send here!

You most certainly are NOT your wheelchair!

How often people look at an assistive device and lose focus of the person!

Glasses, canes, hearing aids, A seeing eye dog, an amputation, A stutter...

All of these are peripheral to the living, breathing, loving, bright, aspirational person who may, for a short or long time, need some assistance, but who should not ever fade into the background because of other's curiosity or fixation on "an assistive device."

I believe you will have that surgery! I believe you will walk again!

Keep advocating for yourself! You have one heck of a team here routing for you!


 Comment Written 26-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 03-Apr-2022
    Hello Karenina! You are right I have one heck of a team routing for me...right now I have 31 reviews and counting! Everyone is supportive and encouraging just as you are always for me. I know I will walk one day again I just hope it is sooner rather than later!
    You make excellent points and I am so sorry I have waited until now to answer back to you for this wonderful review.
    Life got in the way and I put off answering my reviews even important ones like yours and I am deeply sorry!
    You are a good friend and I hope we always stay friends!
    Have a great upcoming week!
reply by karenina on 04-Apr-2022
    Never apologize for life getting in the way of answering reviews! All who know you know your heart, my friend!
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm cheering for you, Jesse! I'm so glad that you see the wheelchair as only a tool and nothing to do with your identity. I remember in college, one of the students was in a wheelchair but she looked regal like a queen. I did not notice the wheelchair, just her graceful spirit. It should be like that for you!

 Comment Written 26-Mar-2022

Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are absolutely right. You are not a "wheelchair person". You are a person. And you happen to use a wheelchair. Some use a cane or a walking stick, or wear glasses. The aids we have for mobility or sight or hearing should never define a person. Your attitude is positive and determined, and I am sure you will one day walk again. You have expressed your thoughts well and clearly and your writing is a good reminder to all as to how to address and include anyone who uses a wheelchair. (We used to experience the same issues with Jonathan being "invisible".)

 Comment Written 26-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 26-Mar-2022
    Thank you, Wendy, for your thoughtful and encouraging review. I appreciate your in-depth analysis and kind comments very much. You really 'get' where I was going with this piece.
    Thanks for personalizing this by referring to Jonathan, as he had the same issues as do I.
Comment from Jasmine Girl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I wish I have a six stars for you. You are brave and determined and I also believe you will walk again soon. I know people who had knee surgeries and they can walk just fine. You are lucky to have a friend who is willing to push your wheelchair to nature.

Well done and have knee surgery soon.

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 Comment Written 25-Mar-2022

Comment from Bridge
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A lovely piece and one that touches the heart. I hope you are back on your feet soon. Thanks for sharing. Very well written. All the very best to you.
With regards

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 Comment Written 25-Mar-2022