Comment from
Impressive! Gory! Entertaining! This is a well crafted account of the Countess. I'm out of sixes but will return to update my review once I get them. This part grossed me out, yes me, the connoisseur of horror: She vigorously wiped the sawdust away from her lips and nose, but merely smeared it around. Scrabbling to her knees she vomited and continued retching until her ribs ached.
Good luck in the contest!
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Comment Written 16-Jan-2021
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2021
Don't worry about the six, dear. Besides you can't upgrade beyond a five (unless they've changed their rules). I'm sure that overall, I'll get at least 3 6's, which is enough for ATB. It's awfully long, though.
Thank you for your kind words. That means more than a 6 any day.
reply by kmoss on 16-Jan-2021
I didn?t realize that upgrades were prohibited! I skip the long ones on FS most of the time after reading the first two paragraphs, but your stories always hold my attention.
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2021
Ahhhhh, that's encouraging.