Say What...?
Rewriting history to suit themselves32 total reviews
Comment from Ulla
Hi Sally, thanks for sharing this with us. I only dare to comment on this becase I'm half American, but as I've been brought up in Europe, I can only comment as an outsider. We can all make mistakes, and that goes for everybody. That aside, what really appalls me is that USA can only come up with two old farts to be elected for the world leaders. Sorry to be so blunt. You're not going to like me a lot. Ulla xxx
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2020
Hi Sally, thanks for sharing this with us. I only dare to comment on this becase I'm half American, but as I've been brought up in Europe, I can only comment as an outsider. We can all make mistakes, and that goes for everybody. That aside, what really appalls me is that USA can only come up with two old farts to be elected for the world leaders. Sorry to be so blunt. You're not going to like me a lot. Ulla xxx
Comment Written 09-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2020
I love you and thanks for sharing. :)
Sending you my best today as always,
Sal XOs.....
Comment from lyenochka
I agree that one should not distort history to make a point. But both political parties have done the same. No politician or even common debater in any argument has been innocent of stretching the truth to win the argument. It's been like that since Eve took the fruit from the evil one.
Ironically, your quote from National Review makes Lincoln to be a cunning politician and alas, I prefer that distorted historical image of him as that wonderful Christian man who loved all people and fought hard for the rights of African Americans. Yet a recent movie (2012) of him portrayed him as a very political man and it was a jarring to me who preferred that child-like view of amazing 16th president.
Thanks for sharing this corrected view of history!
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
I agree that one should not distort history to make a point. But both political parties have done the same. No politician or even common debater in any argument has been innocent of stretching the truth to win the argument. It's been like that since Eve took the fruit from the evil one.
Ironically, your quote from National Review makes Lincoln to be a cunning politician and alas, I prefer that distorted historical image of him as that wonderful Christian man who loved all people and fought hard for the rights of African Americans. Yet a recent movie (2012) of him portrayed him as a very political man and it was a jarring to me who preferred that child-like view of amazing 16th president.
Thanks for sharing this corrected view of history!
Comment Written 09-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
Thank you for the excellent review and comments. Both are much appreciated. Sending you my best today as always,
Sal XOs....
Comment from Ric Myworld
It's such a shame that politics have come to nothing more than lies and name calling, from both sides. Out of 400 million people these are the best we can get to run for office. The reason is, official statistics show that in order to have any chance of winning the election a candidate must have access to at least 1-billion dollars. And guess where all that money comes from? From all the lobbyists and financiers who load the pockets of the possible elective. Both sides call each other liars; when in truth, they are all lying, thieving, opportunists who could care less about "We the People! My apologies for the rant. LOL. If you ever run for anything I'll vote for you.
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
It's such a shame that politics have come to nothing more than lies and name calling, from both sides. Out of 400 million people these are the best we can get to run for office. The reason is, official statistics show that in order to have any chance of winning the election a candidate must have access to at least 1-billion dollars. And guess where all that money comes from? From all the lobbyists and financiers who load the pockets of the possible elective. Both sides call each other liars; when in truth, they are all lying, thieving, opportunists who could care less about "We the People! My apologies for the rant. LOL. If you ever run for anything I'll vote for you.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
Thank you for the wonderful review and kind comments, dear Ric. I really appreciate you.
Sending you my best today as always,
Sal XOs.....
Comment from thaities, Rebecca V.
I caught Ms. Harris on that point too.
Did you see her face when asked about taking the vaccine? If president, she would make her decisions on a whim.
Also she is pro choice and that is not on God's side.
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
I caught Ms. Harris on that point too.
Did you see her face when asked about taking the vaccine? If president, she would make her decisions on a whim.
Also she is pro choice and that is not on God's side.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
I agree 100 percent. She?s a scary choice for vice anything. Mark my words, old Joe will be put out to pasture, and Kamala let loose. The unborn are cringing.
Sending you my best today as always and many thanks,
Sal XOs....
You are so right.
Comment from Robert Zimmerman
Hello Sal.
You did an exceptional job with this piece. You pointed out the truth which may or may not get you targeted by the usual suspects.
You told an historical event the way it really happened and exposed a deliberate prevarication.
She also failed to answer the question about packing the court. If the American people do not wake up America will be over January 20th of 2021.
Your pal. Z
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
Hello Sal.
You did an exceptional job with this piece. You pointed out the truth which may or may not get you targeted by the usual suspects.
You told an historical event the way it really happened and exposed a deliberate prevarication.
She also failed to answer the question about packing the court. If the American people do not wake up America will be over January 20th of 2021.
Your pal. Z
Comment Written 09-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
She has failed in many respects, not just in this. People seem to forget her past affiliates. Wicked people ride together and share the same common denominator. Thanks for the stellar review and for standing up for truth. How our nation needs it to recover.
Sending you my best today as always and many thanks,
Sal XOs.....
Hey Sal.
Are you aware that she called for the legalization of "sex workers?" She also called for the legalization of marijuana as a national law. She is the most liberal senator and I do not understand why Biden pick her. Oh yeah, Biden did not pick her. The party picked her.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Yes, Sally, THEY can, and do, make that stuff up. But like you said they hope most people let it slide or don't know the REAL truth. Our history of America, right and wrong, is a shared history of all her people. No one can change what has passed--even with their bald-faced lies. They can destroy monuments which only cause deeper problems among the current times--and for what good? Is it just to show their hatred of all things they don't like. They don't realize, or care, that THEY are part of the problem. Those who do that are criminals. Your post is informative, well-supported with facts, and presented well. The video is a great pairing, too.
Thanks for sharing.
Respectfully, Jan
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
Yes, Sally, THEY can, and do, make that stuff up. But like you said they hope most people let it slide or don't know the REAL truth. Our history of America, right and wrong, is a shared history of all her people. No one can change what has passed--even with their bald-faced lies. They can destroy monuments which only cause deeper problems among the current times--and for what good? Is it just to show their hatred of all things they don't like. They don't realize, or care, that THEY are part of the problem. Those who do that are criminals. Your post is informative, well-supported with facts, and presented well. The video is a great pairing, too.
Thanks for sharing.
Respectfully, Jan
Comment Written 09-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
Thank you for the awesome review and support, dear Jan. I agree with you completely. Our history is to be studied and shared. These people are out to destroy it and the Constitution. What will we say to those who sacrificed so much? Tell me please, tell me, dear Jan. I know we share this appreciation for our military. Freedoms and liberties so precious! I had to speak....
Sending you my best today as always and blessings forever,
Sal XOs.....
Comment from poetwatch
Hi, Sally. I'm not much of a friend to politics but, you asked a question and I have answer. Question, "You can't make this stuff up, or can you?" Answer, "The change in history is in the writing of a line, for words, carrying the strength of truth are often discarded as fiction." I wrote this a long time ago. I don't know if someone has written it. Like I say I'm not politically inclined to either candidate the reason is, "The idiocracy in our political leaders has led our country in shambles with their idiocy way of thinking since both parties have the idiolect of idiots. :)
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
Hi, Sally. I'm not much of a friend to politics but, you asked a question and I have answer. Question, "You can't make this stuff up, or can you?" Answer, "The change in history is in the writing of a line, for words, carrying the strength of truth are often discarded as fiction." I wrote this a long time ago. I don't know if someone has written it. Like I say I'm not politically inclined to either candidate the reason is, "The idiocracy in our political leaders has led our country in shambles with their idiocy way of thinking since both parties have the idiolect of idiots. :)
Comment Written 09-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
Thank you for the insightful review and comments, dear poet. I appreciate you and your honesty. Sending you my best today as always,
Sal XOs...
Comment from Gert sherwood
Hello Sally Law
I say you have many good points about the debate
The one thing I took note of is when Ms. Harris made this up is clear to me. She was confident that the American people were too uneducated to notice.
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
Hello Sally Law
I say you have many good points about the debate
The one thing I took note of is when Ms. Harris made this up is clear to me. She was confident that the American people were too uneducated to notice.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
Thank you for the the supporting review and kind comments, dear Gert. I appreciate you so.
Sending you my best today as always,
Sal XOs....
Comment from Dorothy Farrell
Hello Sally, Yes, you can make it up. That's what they are doing all the time. I am not American but it applies over the pond as well. We are ruled by self-serving, pretty useless cruds. We are taxed to hell, while those in power over here have their cash stashed somewhere offshore, safe from the tax man, while we take the brunt. Interesting about the lies you mention - it is their bread-and-butter. Once we were told the gap between the rich and the poor in this country was closing - Ha! Far from it. It's quite depressing. We have no democracy - it does not exist. And there is little we can do about it. I wish George Orwell was still alive to see how right he was - it's quite eerie how he foresaw how future events have proved him right. Oh - sorry Sally for this rant - it's the way I feel
but your brilliant piece of writing caused it. What a mess we are in. Love Dorothy xxx
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2020
Hello Sally, Yes, you can make it up. That's what they are doing all the time. I am not American but it applies over the pond as well. We are ruled by self-serving, pretty useless cruds. We are taxed to hell, while those in power over here have their cash stashed somewhere offshore, safe from the tax man, while we take the brunt. Interesting about the lies you mention - it is their bread-and-butter. Once we were told the gap between the rich and the poor in this country was closing - Ha! Far from it. It's quite depressing. We have no democracy - it does not exist. And there is little we can do about it. I wish George Orwell was still alive to see how right he was - it's quite eerie how he foresaw how future events have proved him right. Oh - sorry Sally for this rant - it's the way I feel
but your brilliant piece of writing caused it. What a mess we are in. Love Dorothy xxx
Comment Written 09-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2020
I'm sorry you're suffering so. My heart is breaking for us all. Thank you for opening up, it is better to be honest, only then can something be altered. Those who turned a blind eye to Hitler's rising, soon regretted it. Minister Joseph Goebbels made sure the masses were lied to daily. Shortly after, truth disappeared. It's happening here and spreading worldwide. I'll continue to uphold truth here on FanStory. Hold to your faith, dear one. Thank you for the support and encouragement.
Sally XOs.......xo....
Comment from Ben Colder
Your write brings questions of the same by many, The communist party has high jack the Democrat party and took control of our educational system.
The results is before us.
Sad but true. Time to clean house.
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
Your write brings questions of the same by many, The communist party has high jack the Democrat party and took control of our educational system.
The results is before us.
Sad but true. Time to clean house.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2020
Thank you for the wonderful review and support, dear Ben. Sending you my best today as always and blessings for your day,
Sal :))