Reviews from

Flash Fiction

Viewing comments for Chapter 40 "Life Changes"
Collection of Flash, Micro, etc.

29 total reviews 
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This contest entry is filled with vivid imagery. I enjoyed reading. Your words painted a picture, yet were also filled with emotion. I wish you the best of luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 27-Feb-2020
    Thank you for reading and sensing the emotions behind this short story. Life has a way of changing in an instant...I appreciate your kindness and best wishes. Smiles and hugs!
Comment from Natalie Goodwin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There's so much emotion to this story. I loved the vivid images throughout. The opening line "Flickering flames danced as the crackling logs crumbled into red hot coals on the hearth" was a beautiful way to begin the story.

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 27-Feb-2020
    I like to draw the reader into the setting of a story whether it be comfort or a deeper emotion. I am pleased that you understood and felt that. Thank you for reading and commenting. Smiles and hugs!
Comment from Pam Norris
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You manged to conjured up a range of emotions in such few words. From joy and contentment through to heartbreak. Well done and good luck in the competition.

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 27-Feb-2020
    Thank you so much for reading and enjoying my story. Life changes from moment to moment like a roller coaster ride. I am glad that you took the ride and enjoyed it. Smiles and hugs!
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice flash fiction, a little sad but I understand completely where something like this would come from. It could my story because it sounds like me. I lost my husband in 2017. I thought that name Begin Again sounded familiar. I used to read your stuff back and 2013 which was when I left FanStory for a while. I just got back on in January. It is nice to find you still here and still writing. I guess I still your fan because I got the notice you'd put something on.

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Hi Beth...I too just came back because before my husband passed he kept insisting that I write again. I lost my parents and then my husband all within 14 months. It's been tough and difficult to write but I am trying. Thank you so much for reading, commenting and being a friend. Smiles for a better day for both of us.
reply by BethShelby on 26-Feb-2020
    I find writing to be good for me so that is why I can back. I got the urge to write again in January.
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So sweet! You did a wonderful job with this all the way until the painful jab at the end. Sometimes our memories are so close, we can touch them.
Sending you my best today as always, and best wishes for the contest,
Sally Law xo

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Thank you Sally. The flash fiction is very personal and I find it's difficult to begin writing happy stuff again. I know it will come but for now I dwell with the memories and share bits and pieces. Thanks for reading and so generously commenting. Smiles to you!
reply by Sally Law on 26-Feb-2020
    You are most welcome,e. I'm glad to see you, Begin Again!
    Sal xo
Comment from Janet Foor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Life truly does change and not always the way we want.
A tender story of love and the heartbreak that comes along.
Very nicely done.

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Thank you so much for your kind words and for reading my flash fiction...actually it is based on my loss so tried it for therapy. Thanks again
reply by Janet Foor on 26-Feb-2020
    So sorry for your loss. Writing is really good therapy.
Comment from GE Parson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Begin,
I really liked and felt the sorrow of whomever was recalling better times with her/his loved one. You got your point across, but I was expecting some more. Whatever, thanks for sharing your work. Friend Jerry

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    It's difficult to put much more into 100 words but I assure you the emotions were real. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This one-hundred-word story, Life Changes, has the required word count and finds the spot where love once lived within two hearts.

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 Comment Written 26-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Yes 100 hundred words of emotions. Good therapy they say. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Comment from the13thpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Begin Again, a wonderful Wednesday to you. I hope this finds you well, in good health and spirit. Thank you for sharing your flash fiction, you packed a lot into the hundred words, but you used them brilliantly. Good job and good luck in the contest.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2020
    Thank you so much for the kind words and for taking the time to read my flash fiction. Tough to put so muc h emotion into so few words, but they say its good therapy. Thanks again and wishing you a great day as well.