Reviews from

Another Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving Day

83 total reviews 
Comment from Dorothy Farrell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Linda, a lovely free verse with a very warm sentiment. I like the idea of -

it's time to unpack those winter blankets
get out those long flannel pj's
curl up on the couch in front of a warm fireplace
with a cup of hot chocolate,
a bowl of pop corn covered in melted butter,
and watch your favorite holiday movie........ sounds good to me!!!

and - Happy Thanksgiving
from me to you
love you, Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2018
    Hi Dorothy, so good to see you my sweet friend...I don't have a fireplace...but I do have the flannel pj's...and the hot chocolate...LOL...thank you for a wonderful review...and I hope you, your family and friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving you...Linda xxoo
Comment from Rickie1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Part poem, part blessing and the best of the two worlds. While we are not friends I feel friendly toward you. The love and compassion in your words is admirable.


 Comment Written 23-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2018
    Hi Rickie, we are friends...we are family...(FanStory)...and I love having you as my friend...thank you my friend for a wonderful review...I hope you, your family and friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day...God Linda xxoo
Comment from Cedar
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Linda. I almost missed your "Happy Thanksgiving" wish to everyone.

Thank you, my friend, for your happy thoughts. I love all the things that you have mentioned. We just had our coldest Thanksgivings morning that I can remember and a lot of other northeastern states did also. This weather is going crazy. I've got a strange feeling that we're going to have a long hard winter.

Are you still in Florida or back in Illinois? Where ever you're at, take care of yourself and the family. Happy holidays to you and yours. I'll be talking to you soon, good Lord willing...Bill

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2018
    Hi Bill, I am back in daughter made Thanksgiving dinner a few days early when I was was I was just going to rest on Thanksgiving girlfriend asked me over...but I really just wanted to stop for a minute...

    I have a friend named John...he used to live a couple blocks from me...he moved to Georgia a few months when I got back he called...he was moving back here...they found cancer in his lung...and it is spreading to his shoulder...he dropped 50 pounds and looks awful...he has been having trouble I asked him if I could make him Thanksgiving dinner...and he said no...he said he just wanted to go and get some soup somewhere...just to go we went to a place called...Southern we talked Bill...I just wanted to cry...but I didn't want him to feel bad...he was talking about all the things he felt he had don't wrong in life...I told him we would have been sitting there a year if I told him all I had done wrong in life...he just will be a Thanksgiving I will never forget...he has to see the doctor next week...I'm going to go with him...and I am helping him clean up the home he just got...when you said good Lord true...I did tell him they are doing miracles with cancer these days...and with prayer...never say he did seem better...I believe Bill...sometimes just having someone to be there...helps you feel better...

    so now that I have cheered you up...LOL...I hope you, your family and friends had a wonderful cold Thanksgiving Day...LOL...ya much as I didn't want to go anywhere...I'm glad God put me where He did...with my friend...

    thank you so much my wonderful friend for all your lovely stars...and an awesome to you soon as well...take care...and stay warm...I think you are's going to be a cold to you...Linda xxoo
reply by Cedar on 24-Nov-2018
    I just wanted to write back and tell you about my brother after I read your message about your good friend John.

    He was diagnosed with lung cancer way back in 2006. They removed about half of his left lung and he did the chemo treatment. About a year later he was cancer free and still is today. He used to smoke 3 or 4 packs of Kool Menthol cigarettes every day.

    Hopefully, John will have the same outcome. As you know, all we can do is put it in the Lord's Hands...I will pray for him.

    Take care of yourself and stock up on blankets. We just had our first ice storm a few days ago and our power was out for one night and one day.

    Talk to you later, I hope!....your old buddy...Bill
reply by Cedar on 24-Nov-2018
    I just wanted to write back and tell you about my brother after I read your message about your good friend John.

    He was diagnosed with lung cancer way back in 2006. They removed about half of his left lung and he did the chemo treatment. About a year later he was cancer free and still is today. He used to smoke 3 or 4 packs of Kool Menthol cigarettes every day.

    Hopefully, John will have the same outcome. As you know, all we can do is put it in the Lord's Hands...I will pray for him.

    Take care of yourself and stock up on blankets. We just had our first ice storm a few days ago and our power was out for one night and one day.

    Talk to you later, I hope!....your old buddy...Bill
reply by the author on 24-Nov-2018
    I keep telling him that...they can do miracles today...he used to smoke as well...I am all stocked up...LOL...later sweet xxoo sweet dreams...the snow is on it's way...yesssss...
Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great thought, prayers for the victims of the fires, for the homeless people who are on the roads in both hemispheres...and a cheerful description of what we hope is all around...excellent.

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2018
    Hi LlJ, thank you my sweet friend for a great review...and I hope you and your family and friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day...God Linda xxoo
Comment from Cindy McIntyre
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Linda, this is such a sweet Thanksgiving poem/blessing. I loved the stanzas about touching the lives of those who are homeless and those suffering with the fires this time of year. It is so true that most are so filled with lots of blessings in our lives.

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2018
    Hi Cindy, thank you sweet girl for a wonderful heart goes out to the homeless...and all those in need...we are truly so blessed in so many ways...I hope you and your family...and friends...had a wonderful Thanksgiving you...Linda xxoo
Comment from Y. M. Roger
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a wonderful Thanxgiving greeting -- you have some wonderful verse and formatting to really make it special to all the readers! ;) ;) I do hope you had a happy day and that your blessings continue!! :) ) Yvette

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2018
    Hi Yvette, thank you so much for a wonderful review...and I hope you and your family and friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day...I enjoyed mine as well...thank you...God Linda xxoo
Comment from TPAC
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sound shout out wishing the same for you and our family crazy as they are, with the thoughts of many, many more. Of course, these remarks are solely in my opinion of this particular write.

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2018
    Hi TPAC, thank you for a great review...and I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving Linda xxoo
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Happy Thanksgiving to you too Linda. Our hearts go out to those unfortunate people who were effected by that fire in California, and for the homeless. God Bless them. It is time to snuggle up to the fire alright. We had our first sprinkling of snow on Thanksgiving. Well done. Nancy:)

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2018
    Hi Nancy, I know my heart goes out to them as well...we are getting the first snow sense I got back from Florida...I'm ready for it...looking for a change...thank you for your blessing sweet girl...and I hope you, your family and friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day...God Bless my sweet friend...smiling back at you...Linda xxoo
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Linda, This is so beautiful and heartfelt my dear friend! I am praying for those situations too. I love you my friend! Hope you have a great day! love and blessings, Teri

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2018
    Hi Teri, thank you sweet angel for all your blessings and prayers...they are so needed...I hope you, and your family and friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day...thank you for a wonderful are sooooo in my thoughts...God Bless my wonderful sweet you much...Linda xxoo
reply by Teri7 on 24-Nov-2018
    you are so welcome my dear friend, It was a great time! love you lots!
reply by the author on 24-Nov-2018
    smiling big...xxoo love you
reply by Teri7 on 25-Nov-2018
    love you too my friend!
Comment from Debbie Pope
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a heartfelt poem. Thank you for taking the time to do this. My family and friends don't understand how I can feel so close to people that I have never met. We at FanStory have a special bond though. It's undeniable. Most of us will never meet, but we are close. Wouldn't it have been fun growing up in a community like ours? We are as individual as can be, but like minded nevertheless.
I wish you happy holidays as well, my friend.

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2018
    Hi Debbie, we are a special family...we know more about each other than some know about their true families...we write it in words...I wish we could have a reunion...but where would you start...sigh...and I have met a few people on the site...thank you for an awesome review my sweet friend...and I hope you and your family had a wonderful review...happy holidays to you as well...blessings sweet you...Linda xxoo