Comment from
This is certainly getting more interesting by the minute. And more scary.
Since you've written this, I can see you survived. What about Brunhilda?
The next time you think about signing up for something crazy, call me first. LOL
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Comment Written 13-Mar-2017
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2017
Hi there, Yvonne, thank you so much for your wonderful review and rating. I am so sorry for the delay in acknowledging your effort.I have been crazy busy planning my daughter's baby shower for this Saturday, and have fallen way behind here. Please excuse my lateness. Next time????? LOL. Come next week, I will be in a much better place to write and review again. I hope to get the finale up by mid-week, if all goes well :D
reply by damommy on 23-Mar-2017
Please don't worry about that. I don't keep a timetable. I know things get in the way, at least they do with me. Thank you for taking the time to tell me. 8-)