Reviews from

Get To Know Me!

Viewing comments for Chapter 1 "Quiz #1: robyn corum"
A book of Quizzes!

51 total reviews 
Comment from Douglas Paul
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is interesting. I guess none of this is a surprise to me since I am getting to know you better in teamspeak. Looks like a few people are starting to take you up on your challenge

 Comment Written 29-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2017
    Yeah, though not everyone is posting their pieces in the book. --frowny face-- It's still fun to read them all! Thanks!
Comment from doggymad
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love it Robyn, great opportunity to get to know a little bit more about each other.

It is a wonderful thing to be able to declare publicly that you love your female friends.

Looking forward to see the other shares



 Comment Written 29-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2017
    Thanks, Freda! I hope maybe you'll decide to participate ! A lot of people have, though not everyone has put them into the book. (??) *smile* Thanks for reading!
reply by doggymad on 29-Jan-2017
    Sure thing Robyn, glad to hear it is being supported, but I can understand some people opting for privacy

Comment from gene roush
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm going with
1 moral
2 my children
3 Simplifying things (but I never left a ball field without a four leafed clover)
4 a deep breath
5 sun tan lotion
6 seeking wisdom
7 line
8 my wife Janie

 Comment Written 29-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2017
    GENE! You cheater! *smile* You're supposed to do it in the book so EVERYONE can enjoy it, silly man! Come on, the water's fine! Why don't you play with all us silly folks~!?? Let us get to know you better! Then I'll be adding more quizzes as the weeks go by and you can see if you want o do more. Come on.... I DARE you. No! I DOUBLE-DOG dare you! *smile*
Comment from Luna
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey, robyn, I found this real enjoyable. I know you're artsy, and I can believe you're loud, like me! A woman can never have enough jewelry, I agree. I don't mind the grocery store, I just hate it when I don't have enough money at the check-out counter because I thought I needed so much!

I'm gonna try this soon. First, is to get your challenge for Shelley and me underway.

Best wishes,


 Comment Written 29-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2017
    Thanks, Jeni! But be sure to post it IN the book. A bunch of people are doing it but not putting it in the book. Thanks! I look forward to reading!
reply by Luna on 29-Jan-2017
    What's the book called so I can make sure I'm in it?
reply by Luna on 29-Jan-2017
    I'm stupid robin, it's right there. I see it.
    Egg on my face right now, okay? *smile*
reply by the author on 29-Jan-2017
Comment from mbroyles2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great answers.
This would be a challenging quiz for me, I'd probably fail it.
So you don't like grocery stores.
I'm not a fan especially at the check out lane.
Always a joy to read your writing.

 Comment Written 29-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2017
    Thanks, my friend! Please try a chapter! It's fun!
Comment from ~Dovey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Robyn:

This looks like a fun idea in the "getting to know you" vein. I especially had to laugh at the grocery store comment. We do all have to eat! lol (And, I spent 25 years working in one, first in the deli, then as deli manager, then the produce department, and retired as a produce manager. I was just so done with retail lol)

Thanks for sharing.


 Comment Written 29-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2017
    Thanks, Kim! I hope you'll play along AND read the others in the book. They're soooo much fun! Thanks!
Comment from Margaret Snowdon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A little more information about you - and yet,
I feel I've known you for some time - through
your little messages - and consider you one of
my friends here on FS - there's so few of the
long-standing members left it seems.


 Comment Written 29-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2017
    Thanks, Margaret~! I'm honored you feel that way. I consider you one of my dearest friends here, too! Thanks! I'd love it if you, play, too! And read some of the other chapters. They're awfully fun!
Comment from William Ross
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is good, me im not fond of answering questions about myself i like to remain a mystery lol.Nicely done, thanks for the share and have a great day

 Comment Written 29-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2017
    HAHAHA! Aha - a spy-type guy. Well, we'll just have to pry a bit, then. can we solve the riddle that is William...? Thanks!
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think you have used this challenge well, Robyn, and I'm very similar, apart from the 'artsy' bit, I can even draw a matchstick man! I enjoyed this, I feel as if I know you perfectly! lol. :) Sandra xx

 Comment Written 29-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2017
    Thanks, Sandra! I hope you'll decide to play so that others can get to know you better. And read the other chapters, too! Thanks!
Comment from sue133
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Love it ! I really want to do this but am new to FanStory. Not sure how you copy the questions into a new post etc. Can you help me out? Susan

 Comment Written 29-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2017
    Sure! Here you go! To copy: LEFT-CLICK just to the left of the word 'QUIZ' below, then drag your mouse over to the right and down, so that it covers the entire portion of text that I've given you. Then - while HOVERING OVER IT with your mouse, RIGHT-CLICK. You'll see the option to COPY. Click that.

    The best option is to move the text to a word pad on your computer, if you have one that you can work from - like something you write from, etc. THEN, open a post here on FS. HIGHLIGHT just the portion you want to put in the post (the questions, for example) and then click PASTE. (You may get another box from FS telling you what to do and if you do, just do what it says.)

    Put the instructions in the author notes box or somewhere like that.

    Oh, I forgot to tell you. Go to MY post, and go down to the bottom and click on 'add a chapter' first. I hope this all makes sense. It's easier than it sounds. Just do the things one at a time and it will go easy, I promise! (You may want to copy ALL of this onto that word pad sheet so you can follow it easy.) Good luck!


    Quiz #1: robyn corum
    Get to know me!

    1.) If my closest friends could describe me, they?d say I was ARTSY and LOUD.

    2.) Don?t be surprised to find me bragging about: MY PERFECT GRANDCHILD.

    3.) If I had a super power, it would be: THE ABILITY TO FIND FOUR-LEAF CLOVERS!

    4.) It?s the simple things that mean the most! A ?small? thing that I adore is: JEWELRY!

    5.) Most days I smell like: COFFEE.

    6.) When I grow up, I?m going to: BE A WRITER.

    7.) You will never, EVER find me willingly in a: GROCERY STORE. UGH!

    8.) I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of: MY THREE BEST (FEMALE) FRIENDS. THEY ARE AMAZING AND I LOVE THEM BIG TIME!

    1.) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
    2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words
    3.) Title your piece with Quiz #1 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (chapter #1)
    3.) Add your own artwork
    4.) Promote, if you like
    5.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*
reply by sue133 on 29-Jan-2017
    Thank you for your help, Robyn. I followed your directions but it didn't seem to send ! Has it come? Susan