Reviews from

To Last Forever

Viewing comments for Chapter 36 "I AM in Me"
Poems by Michael

40 total reviews 
Comment from djeckert
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

well dobe filled with many great and wise things espoused by our savior. much great use of Biblical idioms and truths. God surely blesses you.

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2016
    ah He did....and it was coveted by those supposedly praying for my blessing. They took it, then humiliated it. Yes God blesses to you. michael
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello, Michael,

Interesting religious view and poem. I don't get everything you are writing but that is okay. I don't agree either but this is a free country.

Take care.

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2016
    Hi Gypse...-smile-
    it's okay nobody does...."fully" "get it"....until were there....and apparently you cant come back. Have you ever checked into a God-Man named Jesus....? I dont mean amongst a crowd fighting for attention. but alone, just you and what you find. I pray you have or will....He made me see things never before. I fell in Love with what I found. love to you...Michael
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Michael, love this. Especially how you have signed yourself, His soldier. I have always thought that of you. You have a way of bringing sunshine into others lives, whether you know it or not. I think He smiles down on you, my sweet friend. My poetry seems to have dried up at the moment, I'm going away for a few days and won't be going near a computer. I just wanted you to know you will always be loved. xxx Sandy.

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2016
    Hi Sandy....-smile-
    with moist eyes and a sincere heart....I thank you for caring about me. all this time...-smile- You are a wonderful soul, whoI feel I know. love to you always Michael
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 02-Jul-2016
    Michael, there is a piece of my heart with your name on it. Never forget that. You will always be loved, my dear friend. xx Sandy.
Comment from Lisa Deverick
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I AM signature name for our Creator... beautiful wordage used throughout -it caused this reader to read slowly to absorb it all. Well done

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2016
    Amen....Hi Lisa...-smile-.....thank you dear Lady....have a great day...i gotta run. love to you Michael
Comment from Kingsland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I liked the poem and its message. I do have one issue with this one line...

Accompanied by hopes army kingdom come found> did you mean to say confound as in confused. The way you have this written with come found is rather confusing.
I believe you also need a comma after hope.

But over all, this is an excellent piece of poetic art to have read and written this response for... john

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2016
    Hey John....good to see you man... -smile-
    no...I meant what I said. He is King of hope...according to Solomon "all" other is vanity....a waste of time. so no I meant what I said. I dont like to use commas in my poetry...its unneeded distraction....most of the time. but I do thank you Sir for stopping by...hope you're doing well Bro. love to you Michael
reply by Kingsland on 01-Jul-2016
    The way that line is written is grammatically incorrect. Army kingdom come found is grammatically incorrect...
reply by the author on 01-Jul-2016
    ah ha....John, you know me right...?
    some established "ways" I find ah in
Comment from misscookie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You captured my attention from the first line to the last
Your words are so true.
This is what I call a food for thought poem,..... meaning after you read it you go-mm.

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2016
    -smile-...Good Morning Beautiful. Thank you Maam......yes they are. love to you Michael
reply by misscookie on 01-Jul-2016
    Thank you for those sweet words, have a nice day.
Comment from Beara Bella
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ok so I love the wording. It is different. Though Thomas needs to be Thomas' and on "cup runneth over spill" is that one line that bugs me. Ot needs the wording different so it isn't on the cliche side. You could do runneth over cup spills to change it uo but keep the same wording. I don't mind cliches if you word them differently as to show creativeness on it. Other than that I love itm keep writing.

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2016
    okay....I'll get right it on Bear......-headnod-
Comment from Nika2016
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Five stars for Biblical inquiry...just a few facts: All have sinned and fallen short of the grace of God...The wages of sin are death...This means everyone dies..sometime..not as punishment, but because no one can be as pure as God.
Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord...meaning only God punishes. Even if, the wages of sin meant punishment, the innocent are not punished.
Punishing another is sin. Threatening another is also sin.
The civil and criminal law arose from Biblical or Judaic law. These bodies of law make it a crime to compel another to act or move from his choice of kidnap or assault, So we see that Biblical law has consequences...your thesis.
Voila. A personal example would be: A threat to someone else would not move me to act in a way I choose not to act. To do so would be to give into one who breaks the laws of man and religion.
So..perhaps I understood this poem......or not.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2016
    no "Nika"....once again you're rocking your "Gypsy soul"...your way. -smile-....your "facts" lil' Deary....are "into the mystic" and I could "correct" you...have no doubt...but as I've said ...every time ...we meet like this....I dont like you.
    i know thats...ah well....its just the truth...I'm sorry. I'm a Christian....I have lil' choice. hey tell the "gang' I said hey-
reply by Nika2016 on 30-Jun-2016
    A Christian..hmmm Are you not the one with the poem where you whisper in your horse LUCIFER'S ear? How many Christians have a horse with this name? I do not care if you state that you do not like me...say hello to the gang is a threat. Pathetic.
    Stop hiding behind a screen. Appear in the open with these threats. No I do not care what your sock puppets say in response. I am leaving this site. No reason to be here, anymore.

reply by Nika2016 on 30-Jun-2016
    You need help...
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2016
    am I hiding...?
    from who "nika"
    you dont even use your real name. I dont know what your "deal" is...but I dont want to play cards with you....are you a stalker...?

    let share some "facts" with you Dear.
    when Jesus...returns....with His army of righteous right "every" injustice, where do you think you and your obvious "missing" His forewarning shall you even think you would have the evil nerve to dare ....that Dear child is a real bedtime contemplate....yea suing, you're leaving so i've heard...good luck with your future en-devours Dear....God Speed-
reply by Nika2016 on 01-Jul-2016
    I am EVIl? We will let God decide who is evil..The fact that you even contemplate my being judged tells me YOU think I am. Well news buddy...anything you think you may have pulled out of the mystic was a mistake...did not know thst could happen...Ever. stop talking about the child...Threat...again. He has not done anything yo you. He is an innocent. What is wrong with you? This behavior is not normal....especially referring to yourself as "we"....Let it go man...I did nothing to you, but tweak a few reviews. I am a surrogate mom with kids to take care of...I don't need this crap.....You might have been a good man at one time but now you have issues....When I leave..leave me alone...or come face me...stop hiding behind candles and computers...

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2016
    well...I think "we've" "overwhelmingly" established that as a more than probability...considering you speak as if "we" knew each other in what "must" have been a very "passion" experience for you....with these "allegations" of death your so crazy its almost fun to fence with you...ya know from a
reply by Nika2016 on 01-Jul-2016
    Just read the part about evil nerve to dare..I am not daring anyone to do anything. If you take it that way...twisted thinking...I am asking you to think about your own family and how you would feel under one wants this ...I do not understand the freaking obsession. I have kept quiet but no more. I am certain you have threatened others like this and weaker souls acquiesced. I have everything. The fact that I have not used it yet does not mean I will not...if you mess with us. I called your secy of state yesterday to get info for the AG....leave us alone or come after me in person. I think one of my local cops is monitoring site too.
reply by Nika2016 on 01-Jul-2016
    I am not the one threatening kids ...its in your last post here...I dont want to talk to you ever again.
reply by the author on 01-Jul-2016
    ENOUGH....nut got some evidence...reveal will not because you have not....I dont even know you...yet you have accused me of threatening you...and your baby....please show us all...where I said that to you...? ya know the problem you....-wink-....disappear weirdo-
reply by Nika2016 on 01-Jul-2016
    In the post starting Lets share some talk about the child...I am disappearing from the are the weirdo....I have your where you threaten me directly...telling me not to turn you in...or else....I dont care what you print here. I will not be reading it.
Comment from Spider39
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poetry has a very cryptic vibe. I admit your style is very hard to interpret but I think I get the gist of what you're saying. It's like you're giving yourself feedback without worrying if it rhymes or has a set rhythm. The line, "Turn water to wine once more lord." Suggests you're seeking a miracle. "Pierced yet still in love" for me means that you've sacrificed a lot to give yourself completely to your Savior. And when you say, "Faith takes flight" you almost seem to give up on a long hard battle that almost took you out. This may be completely wrong but I feel the intensity of the poem and your feelings. For me, I see this poem in five lines: Leftover in Beast's slaughter, faith takes flight, make known Wonderful in the Presence of Thomas doubt, Turn water to wine once more lord, pierced yet still in love, keeps time heartbeat. The poem would be more powerful with less lines in my opinion. Thanks for sharing.

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 Comment Written 30-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2016
    and you're opinion has been noted then crumpled up and tossed in a I can and you cant...take this from me. will waste your strength. to you Michael
Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think I may have read too many of your poems. The radical syntax is beginning to make sense. When I begin to understand glossolalia I'll be nervous...Excellent.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2016
    lol....ah thanks...I really needed to you ...Michael