Reviews from

The Sense To Let My Wife Take Charge

A blathering essay story thing.

34 total reviews 
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are right. It is how they should be treated. BUT It IS dangerous! It is also true they need to get presentable and have an address before anyone will hire them. Your wife is a very loving, giving person. Lucky You. Nancy

 Comment Written 23-Dec-2014

Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"I had no idea who this man was or what he was capable was of ". --- "I had no idea who this man was or what he was capable of." I feel that reads a little less "clunky", Mikey, but it's just a suggestion...

My wife and I used to do this same type of thing, in Norfolk, Virginia when we lived there for three years. Until one day, one of the guys we brought home pulled a butcher knife on us and tried to rob us. Our son had the presence of mind to hear my wife yelling at the guy, and dialed 911 from his cell phone while in his bedroom. I stalled him until the cops came to take him away. All the cops asked us was, "Are you people insane? What the hell were you thinking!?" It was the very last time we ever did anything like that again. It's true what they say, you know? One bad apple can spoil the whole pie...

Great story, Mikey. I wish we could do things like this safely. I really do...

 Comment Written 23-Dec-2014

Comment from flylikeaneagle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Mikey: I think that God is pleased with his scripes writing about helping others in need...Isaiah 58. I like that you didn't just pass by with money but actually brought them into your home for more than a night. Yada yada... We rent an apartment to the homeless, a turnkey with a tv, stereo, sheets and blankets, 800 square foot apartment with wifi and cable, like a hotel, equipped. They pay the rent, sometimes the government pays the bills. Yes, we rent to the homeless who need a hand. One rented for 18 months, paid the bills, got bitter and angry. He then hung out with meth friends and got busted and in jail. Now, we have a guy who even shovels our drivewary when it snows. He reads the word!

We saw many homeless in downtown Dallas sleeping on benches. They held up signs, work for money. They didn't want to work, they wanted money. The reporters said that they were making $200/hour standing there by the shopping malls. Then, there was an area where guys stood and waited for people to pick them up to do odd jobs. We hired a group of these guys when we moved. They took our boxes out and put it into the moving van. They worked hard for the day, by the hour. Jesus told a story like this, kept hiring men to work his field.

Maybe, we are working the field by touching lives and hearts with joy! Good story.
Give your wife a hug...well done my friends! Have a joyfilled Christmas full of miracles. You are beloved by Jesus! flylikeaneagle - nancy

(I know you have tons of reviews on Vision...maybe, God's love will heal the red heals the anger of the priests...villagers...the light shines bright!
I so enjoy this story! Ephesians 3:16-20, Romans 5:5 we are loved by God!)

 Comment Written 23-Dec-2014

Comment from Michaelk
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I guess I'm too much of a pessimist (and a horror writer) but that would scare the hell out of me, having someone in my house that I had no idea about who he was, what he had done to become homeless. For all you know he could've been on the run for murder. I agree with the spirit of offering a second chance but I would find it very difficult to actually do.
This was a good story that is heartwarming and yet exposes some of the lies we tell ourselves at Christmas. That we are 'making a difference' with our little twenty dollar handouts.
That's excellent that you have that much trust in your wife. I would just find it difficult to trust the other person you knew nothing about.

 Comment Written 23-Dec-2014

Comment from gypsycaravan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your wife and I have many of the same thoughts and questions, it seems. I've said many times if everyone could take in one person or family that needed a hand to get back on their feet, what a wonderful world or community. It's the trust part that is so difficult. In today's violent world, it's hard to offer that without conditions. Your story gets the old brain going again. I feel sure my hubby will be very sorry I read it before the day is over. Ha. Thanks, mikey.

 Comment Written 23-Dec-2014

Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

included Christmas diner - typo - dinner
We were up late one evening, and I could - add comma
a woman of action, and I didn't want - add comma
it is all talk right - it is all talk, right?
he rented a bachelor's apartment - add the apostrophe
I like the premise of the story and the way these things end up being the wife's idea
A thoughtful response to the prompt and a thought-provoking story :-) Brooke

 Comment Written 23-Dec-2014

Comment from CR Delport
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think sometimes it is to have that will to want to change your life. It is all about stepping out of your comfort zone, and Jerry was willing to do that. This is a remarkable story, Mikey. As always, it is very well written. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 23-Dec-2014

Comment from nordicgirl
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a beautiful example of trust in action. Number one is trust between spouses. That is so critical. Without that there is nothing but misery. There is the trust that those whom you help won't turn on you and take advantage. I get a sense that thete is risk as a component of trust. That is a great message and makes trust a valuable thing.

 Comment Written 23-Dec-2014

Comment from ProjectBluebook
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have the sense to do what my wife tells me to do. I trust her. This statement burns into my mind. I did not know that you lost your pet store because of burglary. That is some real story putting up a homeless person, taking a chance on him. It is good to hear a successful story. So, yaw still give a homeless person a chance every year. In these days, that is taking a risk, knowing how unsafe this world has become. This is speaking with action -- not words preached from a church with no action, just empty words. I admire your actions, since I was homeless too, and the memories come and go, I try not to think of them. I was given a chance, too, but that is another story. If this is not a story about human trust -- nothin' is. Especially, knowing that the stranger could be dangerous or a thief. This is trust. count your doubloon. do loco

 Comment Written 23-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 23-Dec-2014
    I was homeless too. It can happen to anyone. I had to leave the home that I provided for everyone else... a long story. But, an eye opener. A lot of people that couldn't help themselves. A lot of people that could too. Lots of stories. My wife has a huge heart. I know she's right, so I have enough sense to go along with it. :)) mikey
reply by ProjectBluebook on 23-Dec-2014
    If you don't go along with it, she with beat the tar out of you. KIDDING, Pheonix. it's dangerous for me to read your stories. Another nickname. Worm, I am. I did ranch writer, need to do seaglass before I turn in. I hope you win the contest. I wonder how many are in it. I need to check the booths.
Comment from Lovinia
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Mikey

This reads smoothly and maintains interest from beginning to end. A fascinating story of generosity, Christmas spirit and trust. One took your offer ... and really had his second chance ... how wonderful.

You and Donna are certainly kind hearted and provide something of real value to a person in need. Not many 'walk their talk' to that extreme. One year I suggested we donate to a charity of our choice instead of give gifts and then talk abut what the reason for choosing the particular charity. Everyone looked at me as though I was an idiot ... that idea was soon washed over. Often I've known those who have no one to spend Christmas with, not homeless, just a long way from home. Unless I was hosting the family dinner, no one let me invite the 'orphans' ... they told me family only. Oh well, yadda yadda ... we could all tell stories. I think you so full of real charity. An excellent story ... I'm pleased you can trust Donna so completely, especially her judgement. Well done. An excellent story for Christmas and for the contest. I wish you the best of luck.

A couple of typos:

I had know (no) idea who this man was or what he was capable (of) was." --

Hugs - Lovi xoxo

 Comment Written 23-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 23-Dec-2014
    Hi! I'm so behind. Am I answering your wonderful reviews? I'll pop in here to say thank you and tell you how thrilled I am with all of your wonderful insights and comments. I've already promised myself not to be so crazy next year with posting. Geesh! I figured the best way for me to learn how to write was to write everything under the sun non stop for a year! It got me so buried that it is more insane than anyone can imagine. :)) I've always had the ability to realize I'm pretty silly and I should pay attention to people that aren't! That's wisdom. Ha! She's the real sweetheart in the family. I just realize that she's right. I'll fix the weird sentence. Thank you so much. Hugs back, mikey