Reviews from


Technologys equivalent to the Anti-Christ

31 total reviews 
Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nothing will standardize, everything will change. Staying up-to-date is endless chasing of road mirages. Next year
the game will be new. It's run like hell or quit playing.
An occasional rant like yours is a fine sentiment.

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Thanks. I agree that this tech age is here to stay and it brings with it unending change.

    I needed to release some steam in order to keep my head from exploding, but in the end I just have to suck it up and deal.

    Thanks for taking time to review this mini rant of mine. I appreciate it.

Comment from c_lucas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Apple had to bow to Microsoft and make their softwear Microsoft friendly. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words, making for a good read.

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Glad you liked it Charlie. Thanks a lot for the read.

reply by c_lucas on 06-Nov-2014
    You're welcome, Marisa. Charlie
Comment from Emily George
This work has reached the exceptional level

I love your rant, and I think lots of us mere mortals feel the same. Why does it have to be so hard.
This is a humorous and all too true article of the nerd world we have bought into.
I love the GPS remark, the lack of sheet music so we knew the tune in his head.Delightful.

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014

    Thank you so much for the generous six stars and your great review.

    I too feel that it is way more complex than it should be. It looks like the tech geeks have finally taken over the planet and they are taking no prisoners. It is their way or the highway.

    Thanks again,

Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I myself own no Apple products, Marisa. I have absolutely no use whatsoever for a smartphone, and I find that an HP laptop can perform adequately for the things I require it to do, and for a fraction of the cost.

It's like buying Levi's Jeans verses Wrangler. They both cover your derriere, keep you from freezing to death in the winter months, and are made of denim. But one brand costs three times more. American Eagle and Hollister jeans are even worse! What we are suckered into buying simply because of the "name brand" attached to it can be blamed on no one but ourselves.

I loved Lilly Tomlin as the snooty switchboard operator on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In.

"A one ringy-dingy... a' two-ringy-dingies"...


In most classical representations of Adam and Eve eating from the tree you made mention of in your opening lines, the fruit is an apple, which would mean the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was an apple tree.

Well, it could have been an apple tree, but it probably wasn't. The apple idea stems back to a Latin pun, where the Latin word malum means both evil and apple. (The actual phrase for good and evil is boni et mali.) It's a pun that is lost in other languages, and as Genesis was written in Hebrew we should not place any reliability on a Latin pun.

Just sayin...

Good stuff! :D

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Loved your review, Dean. It was both informative and entertaining.

    As for my mention of Adam and Eve and the infamous "Apple" ... the typical/familiar reference served my purpose nicely, as it tied directly into my theme.

    Thanks very much for your great review.

reply by Dean Kuch on 06-Nov-2014
    You're very welcome, Marisa. It was a pleasure. :}
Comment from Tatarka2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I 6enjoyed this immensely,and I agree with everything you have said. I admire your owning and trying to use all those products. I don't even try. I would love to return to the days of the pen and notebook, but I remind myself that human progress never, ever goes backward. So, we really have no choice but to try to make peace with the digital era, as it has arrived, and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. For people my age (68) it's overwhelming, though. Thanks for giving voice to thoughts so many of us have had.

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2014
    Thank you for this excellent review, I do appreciate your comments. I also agree that the digital/techno age has arrived and is here to stay. My guess is, the only ones happy about this are the geese. :=)

    Trust me, you are only saving yourself from a lot of frustration by not engaging with these particular devices. My next computer will not be an Apple.


Comment from GeraldS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a nicely written rant. For years I tried to keep up with the evolving technologies, but I now find myself totally befuddled by it. I don't own a smart phone, or even a cell phone. But I do type my scribblings on a desktop HP PC using MS Word. Otherwise, I don't even try to keep up anymore.

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2014
    You are wise to go with what you know, I only wish I had stayed on that path.

    I'm happy you found this little rant of mine worth the read. I greatly appreciate your review.

Comment from Eric1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Marisa, loved this rant against technological mysteries and faults, Nowt to do with us of course, being mere mortals, great piece of humorous writing my friend and those last few lines were inspirational.

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2014
    Hey Eric,

    Glad this piece gave you a chuckle or two. I was hoping to entertain and not just come across as grousing only. Writing it certainly helped abate my frustrations, not to mention that it kept me from destroying my laptop.

    Thanks so much for your review.

reply by Eric1 on 06-Nov-2014
Comment from jpduck
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nicely done. I loved it.
I'm afraid I can't afford to pay off your ransom - I doubt if anyone is that wealthy - but I am very happy to give you five stars.

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2014
    Could you do me a favor and just return my message to the bottle and toss it back in the Dead Sea? Maybe someone will find it who can set me free. :=)

    I'm pleased that you enjoyed this post of mine. Thank you for reviewing it.

reply by jpduck on 05-Nov-2014
    Consider it done.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If you consider yourself a technological idiot, then consider what I am. My son-in-law bought me an iPad about two years ago and that's about as far as I've gone, I must therefore be more idiot than you. I enjoyed this immensely, it was well crafted, well designed, your storytelling is of an excellent quality,it was absorbing and readable. Well done, well written, blessings, Roy.

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2014
    Hey Roy,

    I'm glad to know I am not out in "Technoland" alone. Sometimes I feel like a deer in headlights with all this stuff changing so rapidly.

    Happy you enjoyed this little rant of mine and I appreciate the solidarity.

reply by royowen on 05-Nov-2014
    Most welcome, write away, have your say, Roy.
Comment from Nosha17
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I couldn't afford to buy any of these products, so I will stick to my laptop to write my poetry. Well expressed commentary on the downside of Apple products. Does seem rather bizarre, the problems you are having. Two things, hope you don't mind. Para 1, line 2, better construction: with which Eve tempted Adam (from which he stupidly took a bite)Para 7, line 5, it is either 'the little people' or 'wee folk(s). It read well and was an enjoyable read. Faye

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 Comment Written 05-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2014
    Trust me, you are not missing anything except a boatload of frustration.

    Thank you for the suggestion re: construction and the "wee little" correction.

    I enjoyed your review.
