Reviews from

Take a Moment to Read...This is Me

Essay on life, essay on you

30 total reviews 
Comment from poetbear
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This brought tears and honestly I am still dealing with the death of my friend Gungalo(here at FB).
This is very important for so many reasons.
I am glad you are well and survived.
It is a very well written and will help others.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
    Thank you so very much. I hope it does. Truly thank you for reading...
reply by poetbear on 30-Jun-2014
    Check out Lady Gaga's site dealing with bullying!
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ah, my dear Gregory. Not only do you write a beautifully genuine and heartfelt narrative, you also grace us with an equally wonderful poem.

I know your pain, my friend. Crawling out of the depths while being pummeled repeatedly against the rocky-hard, slimy walls of despair is excruciatingly difficult. And no one but one that's been there can truly understand that.

I often wondered why God didn't simply let me die on my living room floor in 2010. Why has He seen fit to spare me --ME!, of all people? I was clinically dead for over three minutes. Why not brain damage, then? Something to help ease the immense suffering? Or simply let me die? I don't believe in suicide, although I was nearly successful once when I still did. Yet, I still don't understand why I was spared. Perhaps it is to converse with friends like yourself, friends who know and can comprehend what I myself am going through.

I know not whether I was one of the people, the friends of whom you mentioned who has helped you. I certainly hope I have, in some small way.

Rama Devi rarely reads anything that I write, for whatever reason. Yet, when she has, she's been extremely gracious and helpful. It's nice to have someone such as she to help you out once in awhile. I lost my mentor when Gungalo passed away recently.

Perhaps, God willing, I'll find another.

Well done, and well said Gregory. I wish you only the best.



 Comment Written 30-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
    Dean you ARE one of the people I referenced. As I said I almost mentioned you by name specifically. I told my wife about you, your story and your talent of course. I know you can relate. I think you said it all perfectly. Perhaps we struggle so that we can help others. I know you know pain. I'm sorry. I'm so happy that you made it. Beyond words happy. Your words themselves actually are a reason you are here. You help people. You do. Including me. Thank you for being my friend. Truly. And thank you for reading man. God bless you.
reply by Dean Kuch on 30-Jun-2014
    It was my pleasure, Gregory. God bless you & your family as well, my friend.
Comment from ravenblack
This work has reached the exceptional level

Thank you for truly opening your heart and sharing. In sharing, there is great healing and your essay gave me that today. My wife survived leukemia but the chemo destroyed her ability to produce serotonin. She periodically sinks into a deep depression and is in one right now. I am the one who tries to keep a smiling face for the kids and sometimes I forget the depths of her pain, get weary of trying to hold it all together, impatient. You have helped me immensely today. I immediately came home and gave my wife a big hug, told her I understand and that I love her. Had her read your essay too and I know it gave her comfort. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
    I can't tell you what this means to me. To know you hugged your wife, to actually have had her read it. I am beyond words touched. It was uncomfortable to share it all but I figure it's for the greater good if it can help even one person. You are one of the people I referenced by the way. I told my wife about you, a top poet, a great man and a great friend. Thank you for being there and thank you for reading. Give your wife a hug for me too please. I truly feel for her. The clouds will part, tell her that. We are all in this together and we all need each other. She's lucky to have you man. I mean that. Thank you.
reply by ravenblack on 30-Jun-2014
    Your poetry, your essay- it is why I have always believed that all sincere poetic communication-dark or light- is sacred. Keep healing ...And keep reaching out to heal others. Maybe you have found the purpose behind your illness.
Comment from Spitfire
This work has reached the exceptional level

What an inspirational read. I can connect on both levels right now. I fell getting out of the tub five days ago. Fortuanatley, no fractures, but the pain is intense--severe arthritis, Dr. says. I snap at my husband when in pain and then he weeps which is one part of dementia. I feel guilty and try to undo the damage.
I too have suffered deep bouts of depression. But Celexa and B stress complex help. FS has and still is saving my life now. Being a caregiver is hard work even when you love.
I wish I were young and healthy enough to meet so many of the friends I have made here. Just looking at your photo makes me feel happy. I love gorgeous men who aren't egotistical.
Like you, I feel we're here for a purpose. Right now, mine is to take care of hubby. I don't care if my bio of him gets published. It gave him the pleasure I hoped for.

My dear friend, I know how hard it is to fight the monsters inside you. I reach out too when someone is in pain. Sometimes my worries seem nothing compared to theirs.
I'll be watching for your book.
Many many warm hugs and tender kisses.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
    I'm glad you read this. You know You are one of the ones I referenced. Truly. I told my wife about you as well. Thank you for sharing your story with me thus whole time. It brings me comfort to know that I am not the only one. Does N Complex work?? I'm so sorry about your accident. So sorry. Just steer clear of pain killers. That's what was hard to get off of after my accident. The world is lucky to have you, your husband is lucky to have you, I am lucky to have you. People like you make the world a brighter place. Really. Thank you for the great review. I am touched and humbled. It was scary to share so openly but I figure it's for the greater good if even one person is affected by it.

    Thank you so very much, from my heart. Thank you Shari...
reply by Spitfire on 30-Jun-2014
    I guess B complex helps. There are a lot of natural herbs that are supposed to calm, relax, soothe, knock out--oop, that's the pain killers. LOL. Valeran and Melatonin are suppose to release stress. Hey, but SEX beats everything in my book. :-) Okay, so I have to settle of a good message these days... sigh. Shari xox
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
    Hmm I will look into that. Sex IS a good healer. Too bad you live so far away ;)
reply by Spitfire on 30-Jun-2014
    Too bad I'm not younger! But you made my day. What is it they say about wine?
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2014
    Oh age doesn't matter. You're a knockout!
Comment from joann r romei
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was amazing, you have a lot here, it prompts the reader to want to know more about you and this journey you are going through, it is wondeful that you have someone special. God Bless.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
    Wow Joann I am humbled. Truly thank you. God bless you too. Again, thank you so so much.
Comment from AAud
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It takes a lot of courage to write about despair. You did it with grace and also with strength. This was a compelling essay.

You made so many poignant observations about pain and how destructive platitudes, such as "smile" and "act as if" can actually be. There is an old saying, "There, but for the grace of God, go I." This is disease that can hit anyone at any time.

I'm new to Fanstory, and I thank you for opening my eyes to your pain, and also for your call to action. After reading your closing poem - filled with such strong imagery - I want to do my part in help.

Thank you and God bless.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
    Welcome to the site. I'm sure you will find it very helpful and love it. I'm honored that you read this. I think if we all did our part the world would be a little brighter. You're a good soul, thank you.
Comment from rama devi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My dear friend, what a beautiful outpouring of gratitude, pain and poignancy. I am sure all your friends here will be super-touched reading it and many will have moist eyes and hearts pulsing open while reading it too, as I did. I think life's pendulum swings with equal intensity in both directions, so the pinnacle of your pain is the same level as the pinnacle of your bliss.

Kahlil Gibran said it so well: "The deeper pain carves into your being, the more joy you can contain."

(not sure if the quote is exact--but that's the gist of it).

So your gratitude expressed with such enthusiastic pressure is aligned on the graph of your intense suffering to equal degrees, I think.

Thanks for sharing your deep friendship, huge heart and creative poetry.

NOTES (I know you love here it is...)

*Without it(,) one is left to blame only themselves,(consider dash here) or have nothing to blame at all.
*When the pain drifts away(,) so do the excuses.

Good simile--well voiced:
Sadness is a ravenous monster, faceless but very loud.

*If I could only see its face or hear its name(,) then perhaps it wouldn't be so powerful, so frightening.

*There is no cage to lock it in, no shackles to restrain it.

There are no cages to lock it in or shackles to restrain it.

This is very well put:

Many people say, "Just smile. Act as if your happy. Be kind and remember how blessed you are..." What they don't realize is that it is exhausting, it is quite literally painful to "smile", to "act as if". What if that person had diabetes or cancer? Would you say the same thing? Mental illness is a disease just the same. Try staring at your life, your family, your friends and truly being ever so grateful, feeling ever so lucky. Then imagine feeling tears fall down your cheeks because you cannot emotionally feel it. Try breathing, walking, living but knowing you are dead internally.

Suggest a line break before this line to make a separate paragrpah:
I've had two very dear, very close friends take their lives.

* Growing up in D.C.(,) I had no family.

*Unfortunately(,) I am deaf to those words myself.

*Following that incident(,) I went downhill.

*One afternoon(,) I held her in my arms and I looked up.

trim second 'I"

*I mean(,) I really felt God.

I had an infinite amount of conversations with Him within an instant.

So yes, God is(,) in fact(,) real and He is(,) in fact(,) my Father.

This comes across clearly in the essay:
I wrote this to try and explain how heart breaking mental illness can be.

Take thirty seconds out of your day. Look into their eyes, take hold of their hand, call them, write them, reach out, and tell them that they are NOT alone. Let them know that you love them and that you are there. This will not heal them by any means, but I promise you it will be imbedded into their hearts. It will make the beast stumble, giving them a moment of relief. A moment for the sun to shine onto their pale faces. Something small to you can be large enough to possibly save a life. God is love. Let Him be physically present in your arms when you reach for them. I humbly ask that each of you please do this.

* Honestly(,) I can say that this site, that each of you, have played a part in saving my life.

WOW!!What a powerful statement, my friend...gave me goose bumps!

For over a year(,) I was practically bed ridden with physical and mental pain.

Aw, thanks:
When I was finally able to lift my head from the depths I compiled the poems I had written since joining and gave them to a dear friend. Rama.

*She organized them and(,) before we knew it, there was a story, a kind of diary chronicling my every day through that darkness.

SO WELL SAID: This collection creates a story of pain, love, God and ultimately hope. It is my heart. My heart on paper.

You should use the above line in your query letters when you send out the book!

AW SHUCKS....thanks, my dear friend:

Rama, you beautiful soul, there are no words to explain my gratitude for what you've done for me. I love you. Thank you.

Thank YOU for the privilege of working with you and your creative's a pleasure for me, my friend. Love you too.

I think you shall:
I have no strength to do so now but I do want to get it published. I just desperately need the strength.

Love the compassion and selflessness in your attitude: I just want it to have the chance to reach people in pain. I want it to have the possibility to perhaps reach that one person who needs to know that they are not alone.

*This is my home(,) guys(,) and(,or--) in a way(, or--) you are all my family.

DITTO: I love you and I thank you for everything you have given me.

Beautiful poetic prayer and dedication...
~Mahogany Prayers

Outstanding phrases:

threaded iron whiskers

Draped in the rags of a winter's mystery,

the pulse of a dead twilight

The splinter to its groove ~ the divot dug onto mahogany prayers

Awesome extended metaphor:

I met the ones to be my friends, who'd lift my body to the sun
As I grasped at wet dirt, sought for a sinking foothold
The faces aglow became twigs, roots, rocks within my grip
Defeated, reborn ~ my life lifted its head from the earth

Lovely and inspired

Forever my opened palms ~ grateful
My roots within the mud...
For a life saved...for a life won.

YES---very true:

Please try and understand that some people live with a monster and that it's not their fault if they cannot smile. They need help. They need to know that they are loved. That is the only thing that can hinder its hunger. You are my family. I love each of you and I humbly thank you for saving my life.

Knowing you'll fix spag (eventually) and consider suggestions, five stars in advance.

The beautiful depth, rawness and realness of this is six-worthy, and I am sure you will garner some!

Here's a virtual six for your superlative heart ******

You are very much appreciated, dear Gregory!

Love and Light,

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
    Hi there. Thank you for the virtual sixer. I went and edited everything you said. Humpback told me to change the opener so I did a little. Thus was not meant to be a grammatically perfect essay though, almost like a diary entry ratter. Almost like a long note to explain my pain, why I've been gone and why I'm grateful. I'm honored that you liked certain parts especially though. You are always the name I look for when I post something. Truly thank you Rama. As you know, I'm very grateful to have you as a friend.
reply by rama devi on 30-Jun-2014
    Thanks for your gracious response, dear G. Glad you changed the opening. I understand this was like a diary entry, but since it is being shared publicly, it doesn't hurt to fix the nits. :)

    Loved your post, of course. Such a golden heart you have! Grateful we're friends, too.

    Hugs, rd
Comment from Nosha17
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am fairly new to the site, I write poetry, live in England. I know someone who has suffered with terrible depression (bipolar) for the past 20 years and I reach out to him every day because, like you said, he needs to know someone loves him. I admire your courage in fighting this illness, but you must give yourself the most credit, it is you that has conquered it, that is the hard part. Your experiences and knowledge are invaluable and it is good for others to learn from your pain. You have written very well and as a proof reader, I think I only spotted one error all the way through-great! My daughter lives in Southern California and she is coming to visit me this week, I am very happy and I wish you a steady recovery. Please keep on writing and all the best to you, Faye

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 Comment Written 30-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
    I live in San Diego. I'm sure she will be so happy to see you! Thank you for reading this. You are a good person for reaching out to your friend. It can be a scary place to live and they Need you. They really do. No matter what. I'm grateful that you read this. Welcome to the site. I think you will grow to love it deeply as have I. Truly thank you my friend, I hope our paths continue to cross. Really.
Comment from humpwhistle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Gregory, you've taken one (or more) right to the chin.
And I empathize. But there's little I can do.
But maybe I can help a little with your writing.

Your opening, my friend, won't buy you any readers. It's gloomy, and you haven't told us why.

How about starting out with the band saw accident? Tells us what the problem is, so we understand. See?

Once I know about your arm, things make sense. But I had to wade through 300 hundred words before you told me what was wrong.

I hope this helps.

Peace, Lee

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 Comment Written 30-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
    Thank you Lee. I very much respect your writing and of course your opinions. I have written a dozen short narrative essays based around my youth with a bipolar mother. They are about dark topics but written with a lot of humor. Maybe read "Would You like to Freshen Up" or "Hypothermia Under a the Sun". They are under the book The Polaroid Bubble. I'll give you a member pump! ;) But really I'd love for you to see that I do know how to open and close a story or essay. I think you might like them or one, and I'd be honored to have someone like yourself read it. Honored. They are all true too.

    That being said, I Did change the opening a bit. This was not really meant to grab a general reader's attention though. It was really like a diary entry targeted towards those who know me and what I've written. I completely agree with you though. Completely. It's just that this particular essay was a bit different.

    Truly, thank you my friend. I'm honored to hear from you and I hope we get to become friends. You could surely teach me a lot!
Comment from kiwisteveh
This work has reached the exceptional level

Gregory, what a compelling and touching tale of your struggle with the monster that is devouring you from the inside. I recognize how courageous you are (you might not think so) to open yourself up so completely and spread your illness out on the page for us to see.

I would like to have more time to respond to this more fully, but alas, it is not to be today. I do know some of the anguish of mental illness - my wife of forty years has struggled all that time from issues of anxiety, low self-esteem and depression. It took me a long time to realise that she was never going to be 'cured' and that all we can hope for is 'better' or some sort of balance in our lives.

I am so glad you have found support and help within our writing community - it is truly a wonderful group and I am sure you will receive many message of support like this one.

keep on keeping on!


 Comment Written 30-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2014
    Wow Steve truly I am grateful. I'm so sorry about your wife. Please have her read this, perhaps she will be able to relate. She's lucky to have you. You're a great guy and one of the ones I referenced. It was uncomfortable sharing so openly but I think it's for the greater good if it even reaches one person. Truly my friend, thank you.